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Comprehensive Viva

Analysis of Indeterminate Structures

Done by
Renu T Rathod 103116066
Riston Arul 103116068
R Yeshwanth 103116070
Shri Kadhiresh N 103116074
Topics Covered
Slope deflection method - analysis of indeterminate structures-
Settlement. Moment distribution method - analysis of indeterminate
structures - settlement of supports - sway - Energy methods - Kani's
method - analysis of indeterminate structures - settlement of supports
– sway - Moving loads for statically determinate structures -single load -
two point loads - several points loads - maximum bending moment and
maximum shear force - equivalent u.d.l. - absolute maximum bending
moment - Enveloping curves for maximum bending moment and
maximum shear force and determination of equivalent UDL, ILD for
shear, moment and reactions for statically determinate beams and
pinpointed trusses - Reversal of stresses under live load.
• Slope deflection method
• Numericals
• Moment distribution method
• Numericals

Renu T Rathod-103116066
Slope Deflection Method
1) Joints are considered to be rigid
2) Distortion, due to axial and shear stresses, being very small, are
3) Support moment acting in the clockwise direction will be taken as
positive and that in the anticlockwise direction as negative
(1) Determine the fixed end moments at the end of each span due to applied
loads acting on span by considering each span as fixed ended. Assign ± signs
w.r.t. sign convention.
(2) Express all end moments in terms of fixed end moments and the joint
rotations by using slope - deflection equations.
(3) Establish simultaneous equations with the joint rotations as the
unknowns by applying the condition that sum of the end moments acting on
the ends of the two members meeting at a joint should be equal to zero.
(4) Solve for unknown joint rotations.
(5) Substitute back the end rotations in slope - deflection equations and
compute the end moments.
(6) Determine all reactions and draw S.F. and B.M. diagrams.
Slope Deflection Equation
General slope-deflection equations (including moment due to
2𝐸𝐿 3𝛿 A B
MAB = MFAB + (2ΘA +ΘB − )
𝑙 𝑙
2𝐸𝐿 3𝛿 l
MBA = MFBA + (2ΘB +ΘA − )
𝑙 𝑙
Where, MFAB, MFBA - Fixed end moments at A and B respectively due to
ΘA ,ΘB - Slopes at A and B respectively
δ – Settlement of support B w.r.t A
Fixed End Moments
Fixed End Moments
Question 1
Draw the B.M. and S.F. diagrams for the beam shown in figure. EI is constant.

Step 1- Find fixed end moments
wl 15x2.4
Span AB: MFAB= − =− = -4.5 kN.m
8 8
wl 15x2.4
MFBA= + =+ = +4.5 kN.m
8 8
wl2 1.5x3.6x3.6
Span BC: MFBC= − 12 =− = -1.62 kN.m
wl2 1.5x3.6x3.6
MFCB= + 12 =+ = +1.62 kN.m
Step 2- Write slope – deflection equations
Here, ΘB ,ΘC are unknown
ΘA= 0 since end A is fixed
δAB, δBC=0
Step 3- Apply equilibrium condition
• MCB=0
Step 4- Final moments
Substituting the computed values in to moment equations (a), (b), (c), and (d):
Step 5- Draw BMD and SFD
Question 2
Determine the internal moments at the supports of the beam shown in
the figure. The support at B is displaced (settles) 12 mm.
E=200 kN/mm2 and I=1.8225x1010 mm4

Step 1- There are no fixed end moments here as there is no external load acting on
the spans.
Step 2- Write slope – deflection equations
𝛿 0.012−0
AB = =6.667x10-4
𝑙 18
𝛿 0−0.012 -4
= =0.1x10
𝑙 BC 12
So, 2 EI
M AB  ( ) AB ( B  3x6.667 x10 4 ) (i )
2 EI
M BA ( ) AB (2 B  3x6.667 x10 4 ) ( j)
2 EI
M BC ( ) BC (2 B   C  3x0.1x10 4 ) (k )
2 EI
M CB ( ) BC (2 C   B  3x0.1x10 4 )  0 (l )
Step 3- Apply equilibrium condition

M AB  (
2 EI M
) AB ( B  3x6.667 x10 )4
 0 and M
B 0
( m)
2 EI 2 EI
( ) AB (2 B  3x6.667 x10  4 )  ( ) BC (2 B   C  3x0.1x10  4 )  0 (n)
18 12
2 EI
( ) BC (2 C   B  3x0.1x10  4 )  0 ( p)

By solving (n) and (p) for ΘB and ΘC ,

 B  4.65294x104 rad. and  C  2.47647x104 rad.
Step 4- Final moments
Substituting the computed values in to moment equations
M AB   621556 k anticlock wise
M BA   433112 k anticlock wise
M BC   433112 k clock wise
M CB  0
Moment Distribution Method
Moment Distribution Method
• This method provides a convenient means of analyzing statically
indeterminate beams and rigid frames.
• It is used when number of redundant members are large and when
other method becomes very tedious.
• Framed structures with or without side sway can be analyzed using
the moment distribution method.
Fundamental Propositions
Case 1:Beam hinged at both ends

The moment required at A to introduce a unit rotation at A is,

μ=k= (when the far end B is free to rotate)

This moment, k, also called as stiffness, is the moment required to

introduce a unit rotation.
Fundamental Propositions
Case 2:Beam hinged at one end and fixed at the other end

The moment required at A to introduce a unit rotation at A is,

μ=k= (when the far end B is fixed against rotation)
Fundamental Propositions
Case 3:Several members meeting at a joint
Let μ1, μ2, μ3 and μ4 be the shares of the applied
moment μ resisted by the members OA, OB, OC
And OD respectively so that
μ =μ1+μ2+μ3+μ4

This implies, μ1:μ2:μ3:μ4::k1:k2:k3:k4

Relative Stiffness
When several members meeting at a joint have different conditions of
support at their other ends, it is always convenient to express the
stiffness of the members in terms of relative stiffness. We have seen
that k of a prismatic member with far end fixed is . If all the
prismatic members meeting at the joint are of the same material and
are fixed at the far end, the stiffness of each member relative to the
others may be represented by . However, if some of the prismatic
members meeting at the joints are freely supported at the other end,
their relative stiffness may be taken equal to , since the absolute
3𝐸𝐼 3
stiffness of such members is and is of that of the members fixed at
𝐿 4
the far end.
1) Calculate fixed end moments due to applied loads following the same sign
convention and procedure, which was adopted in the slope-deflection method.
2) Calculate relative stiffness.
3) Determine the distribution factors for various members framing into a particular
4) Distribute the net fixed end moments at the joints to various members by
multiplying the net moment by their respective distribution factors in the first
5) In the second and subsequent cycles, carry-over moments from the far ends of
the same member (carry-over moment will be half of the distributed moment).
6) Consider this carry-over moment as a fixed end moment and determine the
balancing moment. This procedure is repeated from second cycle onwards till
Question 1
A continuous beam ABCD consists of 3 spans, and it is loaded as shown in figure.
Ends A and D are fixed. Determine the bending moment at the supports and plot
the BMD.

Fixed end moments(kN-m)-
Loading Diagram


Deflection Diagram
Question 2
Solve the previous question if the ends A and D are simply supported(or hinged).

Fixed end moments(kN-m)-
Loading Diagram


Deflection Diagram
Question 3
A continuous beam ABC is shown in the figure. Calculate the moments induced at
the ends if support B settles by 30 mm. Draw the BMD and the deflected shape of
the beam. E-2x105 N/mm2, I=3x106 mm4
Loading Diagram


Deflection Diagram
Thank you

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