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Andra Fahreza
Fitria Dwi Kurniawati
S I • Mahella Eriyastuti
I C • Wisnu Noor Fahmi

Passive Voice
The passive voice is a grammatical construction.
The noun or noun phrase that would be the object of an
active sentence appears as the subject of a sentence with
passive voice
The passive is particularly useful in two situations:
1. when it is more important to draw attention to the
person or thing acted upon;
2. when the actor in the situation is not important;
The passive voice is used to good effect in a paragraph
in which we wish to shift emphasis from what was the
object in a first sentence to what becomes the subject
in subsequent sentences. The Passive can only be
formed by an Active-Transitive verb (the verb that
needs an object). The passive can also be formed using
General Form of Passive
• Passive Voice Formula

Subject + to be + Verb3

Subject + Modals + to be + Verb3

Passive Sentence in Simple Present
and Simple Past Tense
• Formula

To be (is,am,are, was,were) + Verb3

• Examples
Active : Lia writes the article
Passive : The article was writen by Lia
Passive Sentence in progressive

• Formula
To be (is,am,are, was,were) + being + Verb3

• Examples
Active : Eva is distrubing me
Passive : I am being distrubed by Eva
Passive Sentence in Perfect Tense
• Formula
Have/has/had + been + Verb3

• Examples
Active : Desma has heard the gossip
Passive : The gossip has been heard by Desma

Active : I had hurt him

Passive : He had been hurt
Passive Sentence in Perfect continous

• Formula
Have/has/had + been + being + Verb3

• Examples
Active : Someone has been eating my breakfast
Passive : My breakfast has been being eaten
Passive Sentence in Modals
• Formula
Modals + be + Verb3

Modals : may/ might/ should/ ought to/ had

better/ be supposed to/ must/ have to/ have
got to/ will/ be going to/ can/ could/ be able
to/ would/ used to/ shall
• Examples
Active : We can sing that kind of songs
Passive : That kind of songs can be sung by us
Passive Sentence with Two Objects
• Rewriting an active sentence with two objects in passive
voice means that one of the two objects becomes the
subject, the other one remains an object. Which object to
transform into a subject depends on what you want to
put the focus on.
Subject Verb Object 1 Object 2

Active: Rita wrote a letter to me.

Passive: A letter was written to me by Rita.

Passive: I was written a letter by Rita.

• As you can see in the examples, adding by Rita does not

sound very elegant. That’s why it is usually dropped.
Passive Sentence in Yes/No Question
• Formula
- Type I - Type II
To be + S + V3 ? Modals + S + be + V3 ?

• Examples
Active : Did Anton wash the car?
Passive : Was the car washed by Anton?

Active : Can the boy help me?

Passive : Can I be helped by the boy?
Passive Sentence in WH Question
• Formula
- Type I
WH-question + to be + S + V3 ?
- Type II
WH-question + modal + S + be + V3 ?
• Examples
Active : Why do you choose this dress?
Passive : Why this dress is chosen?

Active : How can you love him?

Passive : How can he be loved (by you)?
Stative Passive
Stative Passive is a type of Passive Voice
which describes the result of the action rather
than describes the action. Some characteristics of
the form include no physical actions that are in
progress (the action has been
done before) and no by-phrase (not necessarily
needed). The past participle verbs used in stative
passive function as adjectives.
Verbs Functioned as Adjectives in Stative

 be covered with
 be dedicated to
 be disappointed in/with
 Be done with
 Be gone from
 Be pleased with
 Etc

• Examples
Komodos are believe to be descended from
Thank You
Choose the correct answer!
1. A wooden bridge ( is built / will be built / is going to build )
here next month.
2. The thief ( is caught / was caught / had been caught ) by the
police at his victim’s house last night.
3. The proposal ( was being / have been / being ) discussed
when I called the office this morning.
4. The teacher would like the exercise ( finish / to be finished /
have finished ) by everybody tomorrow.
5. They promised me that the documents ( are submitted /
will be submitted / will be being submitted )

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