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CLASS - 10 B
ROLL NO - 31
 On Oct 9, 2009 NASA’s LCROSS, or Lunar Crater Observing
and Sensing Satellite struck water in a cold , permanently dark
crater at the south pole of the moon .
 After a year of data analysis, NASA reported that it’s mission
found water ice in the floor of the permanently-shadowed
crater it’s probe impacted. Later data from three different
spacecraft indicate a thin film of water coats the surface of the
soil in at least some areas.
Water on Mars

 In 2011, NASA released a statement, along with photos,

saying they have evidence that there might be “flowing water”
on Mars.
 Scientists’ best guess is that the flows are salty water, which
warms up just enough during the planet’s summer months to
melt and slosh around on the surface. Signs that Mars once
had flowing water have been seen before, but this is the first
time that such markings have been observed changing over a
short period of time.
Waves in Jupiter

 Scientists looking through the Hubble Space Telescope noticed

that a wave-like structure has formed north of the Jupiter's
equator .
 Similar waves had been seen when Voyager 2 flew by in 1979
but, at the time, the waves were considered ephemeral and
Voyager was simply in the right place at the right time to capture
them. Their recurrence has parked interest in their origin, with
one theory suggesting they are baroclinic waves, which form on
Earth at the beginning of a cyclone.
Black Holes

 A black hole is a region in space where the pulling force

of gravity is so strong that light is not able to escape.
The strong gravity occurs because matter has been
pressed into a tiny space.
 In 1990, the super strong Hubble telescope was
launched into space. It was designed to take clear
pictures of the deepest parts of space and these
pictures have helped to prove the existence of black
holes. .Black holes are believed to be dying stars that
collapse inward from their own weight.
Second Earth , Kepler-452b
 The planet, Kepler-452b, is described as a larger,
older Earth and is located around a star 1,400 light
years from Earth. It is the first terrestrial planet found
in the habitable zone in a star just like our sun. NASA
said it is about 60 percent larger than Earth and lies in
the constellation Cygnus.
 The exact nature of the planet is not known
specifically, but NASA's modeling suggests it is a
rocky planet, about five times as massive as Earth,
orbiting its star once every385 days. The planet's star
is 1.5 billion years older than our own, and is now
growing hotter and brighter -- as our star will do in
about a billion years.
 Eris is the most massive and second-largest dwarf planet
known in the Solar System. Eris is massive than dwarf
planet Pluto , though Pluto is slightly larger by volume.
 In January 2005, Eris was discovered, sparking a debate
among scientist about what the definition of a planet really
was. Eris was originally deemed the 10th planet, but it and
other Kuiper and Asteroid Belt objects were given the new
class of Dwarf Planet. Eris is beyond the orbit of Pluto, and is
roughly the same size, although is was originally thought to
be larger than Pluto.
Dark Flow

 Dark Flow, discovered in 2008, is more of a mystery

than an answer. Patches of matter in the universe
seem to be moving at very high speeds and in a
uniform direction that can’t be explained by any of
the known gravitational forces in the observable
universe. Astronomers are calling the phenomenon
“dark flow.”
Comet ISON comes in from the bottom right and
moves out toward the upper right, getting fainter and
Death of the Comet of the Century
 Hailed as the "comet of the century" throughout
2013,Comet ISON passed by the sun on Nov. 28 before
breaking apart.
 Discovered in September 2012
 Comet ISON buzzed the sun on Thanksgiving Day
(Nov.28). But as the comet passed only 684,000 miles
(1.1million km) from the sun, the gravitational pull and
intense heat of the star stripped the comet of its dust and
gas, ultimately disintegrating it to the point where only
telescopes such as Hubble were able to continue observing
 Scientists determined that the comet's nucleus was smaller
than was previously estimated, which contributed to its
rapid destruction.
 Pluto now has four known moons. Charon was
discovered in 1978, and is the largest of Pluto’s
moons. In 2005, the Hubble Space Telescope
discovered Nix and Hydra.
 The most amazing discovery regarding Pluto’s
moons came in 2011, when Hubble photographed
what is temporarily being called P4.

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