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Evaluation of Marketing Strategies of Air


Presented by:
Air Mauritius

Air Mauritius was created in 1967

It serves 24 regional and international destinations

Values of Air Mauritius

 Commitment to service excellence

 Safety comes first

 A partner in the Mauritian Economy

Research Methodology

The research was conducted through both Primary and Secondary

We have been able to do an interview with an air hostess of Air
A survey questionnaire was designed for the customers which has
really helped us in doing our assignment
PESTLE Analysis

Political Environment
 there are strict regulations for Air Mauritius because of the risks
associated ex; deaths or accidents or transportation of drugs or
 start losing customers that have high-security threats

Economic Factors
 recession
 increasing fuel prices
 increasing labour demands
Social Factors
There is continous change in the social values of Air Mauritius 's
customer such that :
 passengers prefer extended services at low fares
 automation is yet another factor affecting Air Mauritius as people
make use of Skype features or hold a conference call instead of
Technological Changes
 passengers prefer to access ticketing and check-in services
 Air Mauritius also conducts advertising campaign on the social
platform for attracting more clients
STP Process

 Segmentation :
Air Mauritius segment Customers looking for safety and punctuality
 Targeting:
Air Mauritius targets the Middle class, Upper middle class and Business
 Positioning:
Air Mauritius position Safety and Security at affordable prices for its
Marketing mix
offer flying services in terms of first class, business class and
economy class
 1st class - premium comforts that includes the adjustable seats that
can be converted into minibars and beds.
 business class - offers USB and laptop charging point
 wide range of choice for food items
 better housekeeping and healthcare for its customers
 has developed shorter and low cost routes without any layover

 adopts dynamic pricing policy, i.e, setting flexible prices for

products or service based on current market demands and extracting
the maximum profits for the seats

 uses premium price policy for its premium customers who demand
luxurious and customised services
 It links various cities across the globe.
 Its distribution strategy involves sale of tickets through travel
agents and tour operators
 Air Mauritius also has a website for cancellation of tickets,
buying of tickets, rescheduling of the flight
 advertises in magazines, newspapers, television, radio, websites
 sponsors events like Maiden 2015
 often generates discounts during the off season pricing the
tickets at affordable rates attracting the tourists
SWOT Analysis
Strengths of Air Mauritius:
 growth in individual incomes increases the amount of
disposable income, i.e; many people are able to utilize
the carriers to fly to their destinations
 growth in tourism
 consists of highly trained personnel

 strong competition, that is, Emirates, British Airways
and Air Austral
 limited destinations and hence not utilizing the potential
of the company
 increasing number of stakeholders that has been investing in Air
Mauritius, therefore, increasing its capital base so as to be able to
enjoy large economies of scale.
 Technological advancement greatly help Air Mauritius to minimize
its operation cost

 downturn in the global economy means that less people are likely
to travel for pleasure
 leads to low income to Air Mauritius
 heavy storms
 increasing cost of fuel
Porter's 5 Forces
1. Threat of Entrants:
 rules and regulations have always been flexible for the new entrants of airline

 direct impact on the profit rates of Air Mauritius

2. Intensity of Competitive Rivalry:

 level of competition in the airline industry has always been quite high

 Air Mauritius tends to earn a low return on every new venture it introduces.
3. Bargaining Power of the customers:
 The bargaining power of the customer is somewhat low
and Air Mauritius customer tends to be sensitive about
the prices of the service offered.
 customers may switch to competitors looking for an
affordable pricing

4.Bargaining Power of the suppliers:

 is high because they may refuse to work with Air
Mauritius during economic turmoil or may also charge
exorbitant prices for the exclusive resources
5.Threat of Substitute Products:
 We all know that luxury lead to a huge price difference i.e,
short distance flight most of the people prefer cheaper

 lowers the profit rates of the Rogers Aviation that highly

focus on its luxury flights.

 the services offered by the competitors i.e, Emirates or

even Air Austral have a wide difference in the price
performance when compared to Air Mauritius
 use social media accounts to provide customer service, offer updates on sales
and promotions, and give customers a fun glance at what goes on behind-the-

 make use of unique advertising

such that at food festivals and sporting events, and can even send food trucks out
in Mauritius to distribute free samples to passersby

 loyalty programs i.e,when a customer earns a certain number of points he

becomes eligible for perks like free flights, seat upgrades, complimentary Wi-Fi,
alcoholic beverages at no charge, discounted parking

 Air Mauritius can even offer passengers iPads stocked with entertainment on
select flights.
 In order to survive in the competitive market it is important that the
Air Mauritius should consider the fact that the different strategies
need to be updated and innovation need to be incorporated in the
various strategies
 The staff of Air mauritius should put in best efforts to minimize
their weakness and function in such a manner that every action has
certain positive consequences for AirMauritius.
 Even when the market is going down the Air Mauritiu should not
perform in a bad manner instead it should perform in a decent

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