Korean War: Gabriel Escobar Jeremy Salas David Simbaña

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• The war was between 1950 and 1953
• After WWII Korea was divided into two parts, the communist part and the american side in
the 38th parallel.
• Conflict began when the communist part (North Korea) crossed the 38th parallel invading the
non communist side (South Korea).
• North Korea (Kim Il Sung) was armed with soviet tanks, so United States aided South Korea,
the army was guided by the general Marshall.
• Hold off in Pusan
• U.S interfered as part from a police action taken by the United Nations (international
peacekeeping force)
• Nato and United Nations controlled by U.S
• U.S, UN and South Korea forces were trapped near the sea, MacArthur organized a pincer
movement and recover the capital from South Korea (Seul).
• McArthur crossed the 38th parallel and followed the north korea army.
• China fear the possibility of Unietd States taking Korea (base of operations against Manchuria)
• A secret army was sent by China through the Yalu river, the attacked forces were the United
States army, United Nations peacekeepers and the Korean Republic Army.
• General Matthew Ridgway was assigned for the ground forces, it help Amercian forces morale
increase and hace some initiative against Chinese communists.
• The main orders from Truman were to end the war as soon as posible.
• McArthur believed that reunifying Korea was posible
• Truman with the Joint Chiefs of Staff got the support in order to remove McArthur from
• Ridgway took the command and fortified the 38th parallel
• Attack against the Iron triangle (zone used by communists to attack South Korea)

• Panmunjom between 1951 and 1952

• United States States attempted to use estrategically bombing to speed up the peace
• War prisoners repatriation
• In 1953 it was signed the peace agreement with the help from Eisenhower in Panmunjom that
ended Korean War.
• Korea still divided and tensión from Cold War still existing.
• https://www.sparknotes.com/history/american/koreanwar/summary/
• https://www.history.com/topics/korea/korean-war

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