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Jocelyne Espinoza
ETEC 424-01W
Assistive Technology

Assistive technology is any

piece of equipment, software
program, or product that is used
to help students with a disability
(What is AT?). A keyboard for
people with low vision is one
type of assistive technology.
My experience

 I worked as a babysitter and

took care of kids between 2-7
years old.
 I did some classroom
observations in middle school
and high school Spanish
classes. One of the classes
had a tv that was used as a

 Watching movies/shows
 Nature trails with friends
 Exploring new places

My philosophy for using technology in the classroom is that

students should be engaged in what is being taught and should
participate whether that be through technology or out loud.
Utilizing technology

What is most important to me about utilizing technology in the

classroom is making sure that the students feel comfortable with
the equipment that is being used.
Knowing that new technology is being made more often, one must
try to gain some knowledge on what would be helpful in the
classroom and what would not.

 Cognitivism is helpful when teaching students something new. I

would use it when introducing new vocabulary and grammar. I
could also use cognitivism when learning about new technology
that I want to use in the classroom.
Teaching methods

 I have learned how to work with different programs that each

have a specific way of working.
 I learned that some technology is not easy to work with even if it
seems easy.
 I have also discovered that technology has its pros and cons
depending on the assignment that has to be done.
Change of culture

 As technology is being seen more

in classrooms all around the
nation, school cultures have slowly
started to change. “Teachers and
school administrators should start
from creating a learning
environment that reflects the real
world. K-12 students were born
with technology and are growing in
a connected environment” (Is Your
School Culture Ready for
Education Technology: Acer for

 The use of technology can improve a students collaboration

skills by allowing them to work with other students from different
 It also enhances their sense of community because it allows
them to be more connected to their community in a way. They
can see what events are happening in the community.
 It can also improve a student’s reflection because it could
contain their progress whether it be academically or personal.
Weekly lesson plans

 For weekly lesson plans, I will try to include information about

new technology once in a while so the students can be up to
 I will also try to have the students work with technology at least
once every week or every two weeks so they can have hands on
 When teaching new vocabulary, the students can use any
flashcard app in order to help them memorize the words and
what they mean.

 Is Your School Culture Ready for Education Technology: Acer for

Education. (2017, January 20). Retrieved October 31,
2019, from
 What is AT? (n.d.). Retrieved October 31, 2019, from

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