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North Duplin Football 2019

• Coach Byrd: Running Backs And Linebackers

• Coach Kennedy: Offensive Line And Outside LBs
• Coach Kennedy: Offensive And Defensive Line
• Coach Edwards & Ms. Taylor Edwards: Trainers

Brotherhood/Love -
Effort -
Attitude -
Discipline -
Faith -
Brotherhood/Love -be together, give up self for sake of the team.
John 15:13 No one has greater love than this, that someone would lay down
his life for his friends

Effort -get better everyday. Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through
him who strengthens me.

Attitude –joy. Proverbs 17:22 A joyful heart is good medicine

Discipline -do what is right, not what is wrong. Hebrews 12:11 No

discipline seems pleasant at the time. Later on however, it produce a harvest of
righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.

Faith -faith over fear. Hebrews 11:1 Faith is confidence in what is hoped for
& assurance about what we do not see.

Resilience -never quit. Galatians 6:9 Let us not become weary in doing
good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
North Duplin Football 2019
 Commitment Requires Sacrifice
 Strength Program -year round.
 Spring Practice-usually late May
 Summer Workouts-we lift twice a week
 All In Players:
FCA (Fellowship Of Christian Athletes Camp). Held at the
University of Mt. Olive each year. It is a two night camp. It cost
approximately $200 per player, but the players participate in
fundraisers (Yeti cooler raffle) and the community provides
donations to offset the costs.

FCA Team Huddle

Driver’s ED--If you are scheduling Drivers Education please

schedule it around our fall practice times. Attendance at practice is
mandatory and missing practice will result in missing games.

Cleats--Please keep cleats team colors (white or dark green) or

North Duplin Football 2019
Heads Up Tackling From USA Football
• Practice 6:30-9:30 PM. –adjusted as needed
• This Friday- Midnight Madness Practice. Practice, Eat,
Practice Again Until 12:15
• Practice Rain Or Shine. We Will Practice Inside If It
Rains, So Always Have Cleats And Tennis Shoes.
• ANY Missed Practice Must Be Made Up. Any Player
That Is Late Or Leaves Early Will Make Up Work
Before/After Practice.
• Help Us With Appointment Scheduling.
• Excessive Misses=Removal From Team
North Duplin Football 2019
• If You Cannot Attend Practice For Any Reason,
Contact Coach Martin. 919-223-0417
• Sick – Sniffles, Cold. . .You Still Must Attend Practice.
If You Could Play That Day, You Can Practice.
• Injuries – All Injuries MUST Be Reported To The
Trainer Immediately.
• Dr. visit-
• Players That Cannot Physically Practice Will Get
Treatment With The Trainer And Get Mental Reps
With Position Coach.
• Hydration, No Energy Drinks. Nutrition.
• 24 Hour Rule.
• We Wash All Practice Gear For The Players.
North Duplin Football 2019
• Attendance For Football Functions Is Mandatory –
Practice And Meetings.
• If An Emergency Arises Please Notify Us.
• Media: Newspapers, Message Boards, etc.
• Saturday Or Monday Make Up Games Are Possible If
Friday Is Rained Out.
• Ride Bus To Games, Sign Forms To Ride Back With
• We Do Not Discuss Playing Time. If your child is not playing,
then ……...
• Locker Room: Players Only. Post Game: Players Only
On Game Field.
• If You Need To Meet Regarding Your Child, Please Call
To Schedule A Time.
North Duplin Football 2019
• Remind Messaging: rmd.@/6k96f2
• HUDL: Code: dzliaxd
• Google Classroom: vnqm6q8
• Scrimmages:
• August 12th, 6:00 PM at East Columbus.
Insurance Paid By Then.
• August 14th, 6:00 PM Duplin County Jamboree vs.
Dixon at James Kenan.
• Allergies/Asthma Or Other Health Related Issues?
• Questions?
North Duplin Football 2019
• Players Please Report To The Field House.
• Feel Free To Walk Though Our Facilities Tonight.
• Thank-you.

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