Child Labour

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 Who is a child?
 What is child labour?
 Causes of child labour.
 How many are there?
 Child labour in statistics.
 Child labour in India.
 Regulation and prohibition act.
 Conclusion.
Who is a child?

A “child” is not necessarily

delineated by a fixed age.

According to the scientists, it is

impossible to determine the
abilities and maturities of children
by his/her calender age.
What is child labour?

 “Child labour” is generally speaking, work for children

that harms them or exploits them in someway
(physically, mentally, morally or by blocking access to

 It is the work that exceeds a minimum number of hours

depending on the age of a child and on the type of work.
Causes of child labour
 Overexploitation of population.
 Decrease of resources.
 Decrease in literacy.
 Increase of poverty.
 Increase of unemployment.
 Lack of schooling and daily care.
 Limited choices for women.
How many are there?
 61% in Asia, 32% in Africa, and 7% in Latin America, 1% in
US, Canada, Europe and other wealthy nations.
 In Asia, 22% of the workforce is children. In Latin America,
17% of the workforce is children.
 246 million child workers aged 5 and 17 were involved in
child labor.
 Out of which 171 million were involved in work that by its
nature is hazardous.
 According to certain experts approximately 10 million
bonded children labourers are working as dome In South
 Beyond this there are almost 55 million bonded child labourers hired
across various other industries.
 Less than 5% of child laborers make products for export to other
Child labour statistics

One in every six children aged 5 to 17 worldwide is

exploited by child labour.
There are approximately 9 million children involved in
the unconditional worst forms of child labour.
In Sub-Saharan Africa around one in three children are
engaged in child labour, representing 69 million
In South Asia, another 44 million are engaged in child
Child labour in India
 INDIA accounts for the second highest number where child
labour in the world.

 Africa accounts for the highest number of children employed

and exploited.

 According to certain experts approximately 10 million

bonded children laborers are working as domestic servants in

 Beyond this there are almost 55 million bonded child

laborers hired across various other industries.
Regulation and prohibition act
 This was declared by the parliament on 23rd
December, 1986.
It includes Prohibition of employment of
children in certain occupations and processes.
 No child shall be employed or permitted to work in any of
the occupations which are hazardous by its nature.
The social malady of child labour can be brought under
control, if each individual takes responsibility of
reporting about anyone employing a child below the age
of 14years.
Thus, instead of ignoring on should find out about
reporting child labour and how such children can
actually be saved.
Child labour can be controlled if the government
functions effectively with the support of the public.
 Wikipedia
 Google

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