Pengantar Geomatika Geodesi

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Observation of Earth’s

Dynamics System
Created by:

Afifatun Nisa (21110119120019)

Fadillah Yunialistiyani (21110119120016)
Rafli Reynaldi (21110119130080)
Adinda Karina Raihanadya (21110119140075)
Drajat (21110119140116)
Muhammad Hanif Ramadhan (21110119140119)
Ismed El Isbilly (21110119140125)
The Origin of Planet
- Nebula Theory
The Earth is made of a giant haze, forming a disk, with a huge mass center
that we know as the sun and its Edges that submerge the temperature drop
we know as planet. (Immanuel Kant and Pierre Simon da Laplace)

- Pasang Surut Theory

The Theory states that the solar system was formed by giant star that passed through
the sun. The material from the sun is attracted by the gravity of the giant star, the
material that is interested slowly cooled as we know it as a planet. (Sir James Jeans
and Harold Jeffreys, British scientist)

- Twin Star Theory

This theory states that the galaxies have many twin stars. This twin star of
the sun exploded and shrapnel trapped in the sun's gravity. (R.A Lyttleton,
British astronomy)
Alfred Wegener is Germany meteorologyst (1880-1930) says the
continent once united and then separated. He said “The Continent is moving"
and called the supercontinent as Pangea which are exist around 250 million
years ago. To support his theory, Alfred Wegener had some evidence:
1. The Continents like jigsaw puzzles. Like South America and South Africa
2. Mesosaurus’s fossil was ancient animal that lived in fresh water that was
founded in South America and South Africa
3. similarities in rocks and mountains in northeastern America and northern
Europe were founded. Geologically, it’s impossible that the same type of
rock formed in two different locations at the same time. The best
conclusion is they have been united
4. scratched by glaciers was founded in the tropical rain forests of South
America and Africa
Formation Theory of Earth Crust
• Teori dua benua (Laurasia-Gondwana theory)
The theory states that in the beginning the earth is made up of
two huge continents, Laurasia around the North Pole and gondwana
around the South Pole. The laurasia-gondwana theory was first
incorporated by Edward Zuess in 1884.

• Teori konveksi (Convection theory)

Brought forth by Arthur holmes and harry h. Hess and developed further
by Robert diesz, stating that in an earth still in heat and Incandescent
flow of convection toward the earth's layer of skin resting on it, the lava
freezes to form new layers of earth's skin that shift and replace the
earth's older skin.

• Teori lempeng tektonik (Plate Tectonic theory)

As described earlier, the planet earth is made up of a number of layers.
The upper layer of the earth is rigid, rigid part of a layer that is plastic or
liquid. This caused the surface of the upper surface to become unstable
and constantly to move in accord with the movement beneath it. By 1968
tectonic plate theory was propounded by Tozo Wilso.
Earth’s Dynamics System

• As it known that The Earth is a dinamic planet where its

composer consists of many types of layers, are on
moving condition. That dinamic Earth’s characteristics
caused by two systems which work on Earth, that is
Hydrology system and Tectonic system.


Lithosphere Dynamics


the influence of the dynamics of the
earth on the atmosphere

• Atmospheric dynamics is a very interesting scientific field

because it is related to the mechanism of heat and energy
circulation between the equator and the poles. Various
phenomena in atmospheric dynamics include rainbow, halo,
aurora, mirage, etc. Can be explained the source and
mechanism. In addition, various phenomena in atmospheric
dynamics such as turbulence, global circulation, planetary
waves and atmospheric tides
the influence of the dynamics of the
earth on the Biosphere
• The regions of the surface and atmosphere of the earth
or another planet occupied by living organism. The
biosphere is one of the four layers that surround the
earth along with the litosphere (rock), hydrosphere
(water), and atmosphere (air), and it’s the sum of all
the ecosystems.
• Biosphere is as important as life its self because it is all
of life. Without the biosphere the earth would be a
lifeless planet such as mars or venus.
the influence of the dynamics of
the earth on the Lithosphere

• The lithosphere is the moving part of the

surface of planet earth. It consist of the
continental crust, oceanic crust, and the upper
part of the mantle called the asthenosphere.
The uppermost part is crispy and this is where
brittle deformation happens, like faults and
damage from earthquakes.
the influence dynamics of the earth on
the Hydrosphere
• The hydrosphere is the part of the planet that’s
made of water. Oceans, rivers, lakes, and clouds
are all typically included in the hydrosphere.
The watery parts of our planet including vapor
that hovers above the earth’s surface and water
that’s underground, make up its hydrosphere.
the influence of the dynamics of the
earth on the Cryosphere

Cryosfer is ice that is on the surface of the earth.

Such as ice sheets, glaciers, sea ice sheets, and
snow. Cyrosfer contributes to deep sea water
circulation. When large volumes of ice
accumulate and then melt, the process causes
variations on the surface of the sea.

• The shape of the earth’s surface is much

influenced by endogenic and exogenic
processes. Endogenic processes (energy from
within the earth), including tectonism or
lithospheric plate motion, volcanic activity
(volcanoes), earthquakes, and diatropusm.
The exogenic process, among others, erosion
(erosion), weathering, masswasting, and
Endogenic Process

The process of creating the earth's surface

caused by endogenic forces from the
earth's interior. Endogenous power is
divided into three types:
Tektonism, a result of the pressure from
the heat within the earth's core.
Volcanism results from magma that poured
down to the earth's surface and then
cooled. The result is the movement of the
tablets on earth
Seism is one of the reformations of the
Exogenic Process

The process of creating the earth's face by

extraterrestrial forces of exogen (water,
wind, and glaciers). Exogen processes
sedimentation, earth's face-building
process through the sediment. The energy
that carries this sedimentary material is
water, wind, and erosion glacier,
the erosion process that takes place on the
surface of the earth by water, wind, and
glaciers. It's sedimentary material
What is function of Geodesy on
Earth’s Dynamic System ??

To monitor all potential and mitigate

natural disaster caused by earth
movements such as volcanic activity,
landslide, earthquake, land subsidence
using land measuring instrument satellite
• The Earth is dinamic planet. Earth consists of many
layers, such as crust, mantle, and core. From that
layers, there are plates which moving each others.
• the influence of the dynamics of the earth on many
earth’s layers like atmophere, lithosphere, hydrosphere,
and cyrosphere bring out various natural phenomena
which prove us that Earth is dinamic.
• Geodesy giving monitoring all potential and mitigate
caused by natural disaster.
• Hundred million years ago the continent was united
become supercontinent called Pangea and then
seperated. The big continent in north we called as
Laurasia dan in south we called Gondwana

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