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Unit D – Electricity


Review of The Atom

• Protons have a positive charge

• Electrons have a negative charge
• Neutrons have no charge

• Atoms may gain or lose electrons and become ionized

• Charged particles can either attract or repel each other
Electrical Charge
• most objects have an equal amount of positive and negative
charge so they are neutral overall
• when there are more protons than electrons, the object has a
positive static charge

• Note: Static means

“not moving”
• This type of charge
does not flow like a
• when there are more electrons than protons, the object has
a negative static charge
• bringing a charged object near a neutral object may cause
charge separation in the neutral object
Loss or Gain of Electrons
• Objects can gain or lose electrons through friction (rubbing)
• One object passes their electrons to the other object

• How do we know which object loses their electrons and which

object gains the electrons?
Electron Affinity
• Electron affinity – tendency to
hold onto electrons
• Different substances have
different abilities to hold
onto their electrons
• Shown on the triboelectric
series (to the right and in
textbook pg. 208)
Triboelectric series
• Materials higher on the list
lose electrons easier
• If you rub together two
materials on the list, the one
higher up loses electrons to
become positively charged.
The one lower on the list gains
electrons to become
negatively charged.

• If you rub cat fur and

plastic wrap together, cat
hair passes its electrons
to the plastic wrap.
Plastic wrap becomes
negatively charged and
the cat fur becomes
positively charged.
• opposite charges attract each other
• like charges repel each other

slide 6 of 8
Electrical Discharge
• Build up of charge on one object may cause a transfer of
charge to another object
• The resulting spark is the electrical discharge
• Eg. “shock” from touching a doorknob, Van de Graaf generator,
Tesla coil
Watch this video!

Inventions: The Tesla Coil
• a Van de Graaf generator uses friction from a belt being rubbed to
build up a static charge

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