Besi Tuang Kelabu (FC)

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Besi Tuang Kelabu


Moh. Jufri

Karakteristik Besi Tuang Kelabu
 Disebut Besi Tuang Kelabu
karena Patahannya berwarna
 Awal digunakan : 800-700 SM China
 Mulai diproduksi : 1642 USA
 Grafit flakes/serpihan (dua
 Eutektik sell berbentuk KOL (tiga Gambar 1. Struktur mikro FC
 s max = 10 - 30 kg/mm2 e < 1,0%

Gambar 2. Eutektik Cell Besi FC

Karakteristik Besi Tuang Kelabu
 Mikro Struktur menganfung grafit
berbentuk serpihan  Menurunkan
sifat mekanis
 Bagian ujung grafit yang runcing 
konsentrasi tegangan
 Baik untuk aplikasi komponen yang
mengalami tekanan
• Biaya Produksi Rendah Gambar 1. Struktur mikro FC
• Peredam Getaran (Damping
• Regangan/Keuletan Rendah

Gambar 2. Eutektik Cell Besi FC

Besi Tuang Kelabu
Grade Min. Tensile
Specifying Spec. No. Aplikasi or Strength
Body Class -psi

Valves, flanges and pipe A 21,000

ASTM A126-84 fitings B 31,000
C 41,000

Castings intended for 20 20,000

general engineering use 25 35,000
ASTM A48-83 where strength is a major 30 30,000
consideration. Written 35 35,000
exception takes precedence.
40 40,000
45 45,000
Besi Tuang Kelabu
Grade Brinel
Specifying Spec. Aplikasi or Hardness
Body No. Class
Automotive Gray Iron G1800 187 Max.
Castings G2500 170 –229
Cast in sand molds for G2500a 170 –229
the automobile, truck, G3000 187-241
ASTM A159- and allied industries.
G3500 207-255
83 G3500b 207-255
G3500c 207-255
G4000 217-269
Besi Tuang Kelabu
Komposisi BTK 15 BTK 20 BTK 25
C 3.25 – 3.60 3.25 – 3.60 3.10 – 3.30

Si 1.90 – 2.70 1.80 –2.10 1.75 – 2.00

Mn 0.40 –0.70 0.60 – 0.85 0.70 – 0.90

P 0.50 0.25 0.25

S 0.15 0.15 0.15

CE 3.88 – 4.58 3.86 – 4.38 3.66 – 4.05

Struktur Mikro
Besi Tuang Kelabu

Microstructure of Microstructure of
Gray Iron, Gray Iron, nital
unetched: 100X etched: 100X
Type Besi Tuang Kelabu
Miro Struktur
dan Range Kekerasan
Matrix Microstructure Brinnel
Type of Gray Iron around Flake Graphite Hardness
Soft-Annealed All Ferrite 110-140
Ordinary Pearlite and Ferrite 140-200
Higher Strength Fine Pearlite 200-270
Alloyed-Acircular Bainite 260-350
Austenitic(Ni-Resist) Austentite 140-160
Heat Treat Hardened Martensite 480-550
Hardened and Tempered Tempered Martensite 250-450
Chilled(white iron) Pearlite and Carbides 400-500
Sifat Mekanis BTK(1)
Kekuatan Tarik & Perpanjangan
• Kandungan C rendah 
meningkatkan kekuatannya
• Kandungan Si memberikan
kecendrungan sama dg C tapi
lebih lemah
• Kandungan Si > 2 % 
kekuatannya turun
• Kandungan Si > 2 % 
kekuatannya turun
• Dan Akan lebih getas jika
kandungan Si 2.2% sampai2.5%
Sifat Mekanis BTK(2)
• Kekerasan BTK 130 –270 HB
• Ditentukan oleh struktur Grafit
Kasar  Kekerasan rendah
Halus  Kekerasan lehih tinggi
• Kekerasan ~ kekuatan tarik
Kekuatan Tekan
• Kekuatan Tekan BTK  3 ~ 5 x
kekuatan tariknya
• Ditentukan oleh struktur Grafit
Kasar  Kekerasan rendah
Halus  Kekerasan lehih tinggi
• Kekerasan ~ kekuatan tarik
Sifat Mekanis BTK(3)
Kekuatan Bentur
• Getas dan lemah thd benturan
- Adanya unsur P dan S yg Tinggi
- Adanya pengendapan simentit
Mampu Mesin & Tahan Aus
• Adanya Grafit berfungsi  Pelumas
• Struktur perlit meningkatkan tahan
SAE Specified Minimum Tensile Strength Other
Grade Hardness BHN* psi & MPa Requirements

G1800 187 max 18,000 124

G2500 170-229 25,000 173

3.4% min C and

G2500** 170-229 25,000 173 microstructure specified

G3000 187-241 30,000 207

G3500 207-255 35,000 241

3.4% min C and

G3500b** 207-255 35,000 241 microstructure specified

3.5% min C and

G3500c** 207-255 35,000 241
microstructure specified

G4000 217-269 40,000 276

*Hardness at a designated location on the castings

such as brake drums, disc and clutch plates to resist thermal shock
Sifat Mekanis
BTK (5)
Simbul Tebal Diameter Tegangan Kekerasan
Kelas BTK Benda Cor Benda Uji maks. Brinell
(mm) (mm) ( kg/mm2) ( kg/mm2)
Min. Max.
Kelas I FC10 4-5 30 10 201

4-8 13 19 241
Kelas 2 FC15 8-15 20 17 223
15-30 30 15 212
30-50 45 13 201
4-8 13 24 255
Kelas 3 FC20 8-15 20 22 235
15-30 30 20 223
30-50 45 17 217
Sifat Mekanis
BTK (6)
Tebal Diameter Tegangan Kekerasan
Kelas BTK Simbul Benda Benda Uji maks. Brinell
Cor (mm) ( kg/mm2) ( kg/mm2)
(mm) Min. Max.
Kelas 4 FC25 4-8 13 28 264
8-15 20 26 248
15-30 30 25 241
30-50 45 22 229
Kelas 5 FC30 4-8 20 31 269
15-30 30 30 262
30-50 45 27 248

Kelas 6 FC35 15-30 30 35 277

30-50 45 32 269
Besi Tuang Kelabu
 Komponen Automotiv
Blok & Tutup Silinder ;
Rumah Engkol
Brake Drum ; Fly Whell dll
 Komponen Mesin Perkakas
Bed – Meja - Pegangan
 Mesin Hydrolis
 Pompa
 Turbin
 Rumah Pompa
Grade Micro-structure Typical Applications
G1800 Ferritic-Pearlitic For machinability where a higher
strength is not necessary.
A Small cylinder blocks and heads,
G2500 Pearlitic-Ferritic
P pistons, clutch plates, pump bodies,
L gear boxes, housings, light duty brake
I G2500a "A" Graphite size 2-4 Brake drums and clutch plates to
K 15% max. ferrite minimize heat checking

A G3000 Pearlite Automotive cylinder blocks, heads,

S liners, flywheels adn transmission
cases, differential castings.
I Truck cylinder blocks and heads, heavy
G3500 Pearlite
flywheels and transmissions cases,
A differential castings

1 G3500b "A" Graphite size 3-5 Brake drums and clutch plates for heavy
service requiring heat resistance and
5 5% max. ferrite or carbide
higher strength
9 G3500c "A" Graphite size 3-5 Extra heavy duty service brake drums

- 5% max. ferrite or carbide

8 G4000 Pearlitic Diesel engine castings, liners, cylinders,
and pistons and heavy parts in general
Compacted Grafit 1965
(Vermicular Grafit)
Bentuk grafit : pita pendek yang
tebal dan tak teratur
 Mg = 0,013 – 0,022 %

S = 0,008 – 0,017 %
 Sifat mekanis : tergantung
matriks (a / perlit)
s max = 30 - 40 kg/mm2
e = 2 - 5%
 Aplikasi : komponen otomotiv

alat permesinan dan lain-lain Gambar 7. Struktur Mikro Compacted Grafit

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