Asking For Permission: 16 Kota Bogor Junior High School

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16 Kota Bogor Junior High School
Practice the following conversations in pairs!

Conversation 1

Carla : Please mum, can I use the computer?

Mother : No, dear you can’t. It’s time to go to bed.
Carla : May I read a story before I sleep?
Mother : Sure. But try to sleep early.
Carla : Thanks a lot mummy.
Conversation 2

Aryo : Excuse me, can I open the window? It’s hot to be here.
Mrs. Susan : Yes, please. Thank you anytime.
Aryo : Do you mind if I play music?
Mrs. Susan : I’m afraid, but you can’t. My baby is sleeping.
Aryo : Oh, I’m sorry then.
Watch the video carefully! After that, practice in pairs!
Asking Permission Giving Permission Refusing to give
Can I have a look at your Yes, please do. No, please don’t.
photo, please?
May I borrow your book? Yes, you may. No, you may not.
Can I erase the Yes, you can. No, you can’t.
Could I please ask you Yes, you could. No, you couldn’t.
May I please taste this Sure, go ahead. I’m sorry, it’s not allowed.
Do you mind if I wear your No problem. I’m sorry, but I’m going to
T-shirt? wear it.
Is it OK if I use your laptop? Certainly. I’m afraid not, sorry. I’m
using it.
I think I’m going to draw on Of course. Sorry, you can’t.
your book. Is that OK?

Would you mind if I asked Why not? Go ahead. I think not right now, I’m
you something? busy.
Can I have a look at your photo, please?

Verb 1

May I borrow your book?

Verb 1

Would you mind if I asked you something?

Verb 2
Make a conversation at least 4 lines in
pairs based on these circumstances!
1. Your friend has taken a photo of you. You want to see it
and your friend to share it to you.
2. You have a homework in group. You want your mother
to allow you go to your friends’ house.
3. You are thirsty. You want to have a drink of your friends.
4. You need a ruler. You want to borrow it from your

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