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Types and Forms of

Classroom Assessments

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session six

There are many different aspects of

classroom assessments.

Some assessments can be more authentic,

some focus on process while others on
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The categories that

they represent
determine the way
they are scored and
graded. Let’s look at
each of them…
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traditional assessment
authentic assessment
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traditional assessment
Traditional assessment)or conventional
assessment) is called traditional because it is the
oldest form of assessment.
It refers to pen-and-paper assessment such as
test, exam, assignment, report: assessments that
require candidates to write down responses.
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traditional assessment
It is teacher structured in nature: teacher
determines the content in assessment.
It is also a contrived means of assessment:
candidates have no freedom to show knowledge
and skills other than what are required by the
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traditional assessment

It provides teachers with indirect evidence

of student learning:
Teachers determine student learning
based on the written responses and not
student actual ability.
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traditional assessment

Written assessment limits assessment of

actual skills:
It is difficult for teachers to measure
student performance or acquisition of
skills based on written responses.
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authentic assessment

In contrast to traditional assessment,

authentic assessment is an assessed task
with real-world relevance which involves
direct application of relevant knowledge
and skills.
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authentic assessment
It provides teachers with direct evidence of
student learning.
Students demonstrate learning in front of
teachers during assessment process, hence the
assessment is direct.
For examples: microteaching, experiment,
presentation, etc.
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authentic assessment

Also known as…

Direct assessment
Direct nature of assessment where the students showcase direct application of knowledge and skills

Alternative assessment
It is an alternative to traditional assessment

Performance-based assessment
Popular term referring to authentic assessment. However, it is not really appropriate as not all authentic
assessments are performance-based.
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performance-based assessment
A form of assessment that requires students to
perform hands-on task.
The assessments are usually product or
behaviour –based measurements on settings
designed to emulate real life contexts or
conditions in which specific knowledge or skills
are actually applied.
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performance-based assessment
Students may be asked to explain historical
events, generate scientific hypotheses, solve
maths problems, converse in a foreign
language or conduct research on an assigned
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performance-based assessment
It provides direct evidence of learning
The task devised for such assessment has real-world
Students are given the freedom to choose the response
Students are provided with the opportunity to demonstrate
the depth of their understanding and skills
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traditional vs. authentic assessment

Selection of a response Performance of a task
Task simulated and contrived Task of real-life relevance
Teacher-based Student-based
Indirect evidence Direct evidence
Ongoing over a period of time Specific time period
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process-based assessment
product-based assessment
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process-based assessment
Assessment carried out in relation to task or
activity that focuses or emphasizes on the
development of ideas and construction rather
than the end product.
Students are given considerable freedom
within the task.
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process-based assessment
The emphasis in scoring is in the learning
obtained during the process of carrying out
the assessment.
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process-based assessment

The teacher’s role in the process model is to facilitate the process

rather than to provide direct instruction. Teacher as the facilitator.
Hillocks, 1984.
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product-based assessment
Most common form of assessment is product-
Assessment is carried out with a focus on
outcome or on end product.
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product-based assessment
The scoring criteria are based on the product
Assessment is more structured as the same
standards or criteria can be applied to the
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Assessments can also be in the form of

internal and external.
Here are the differences between
internal assessment and external
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internal assessment
Assessments developed and used by teachers in
their classrooms. For examples, monthly tests,
presentation and portfolio assessment.
These assessment are designed and selected by the
teachers in consideration of their student ability
levels, strengths and weaknesses in learning.
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internal assessment
Internal assessments are usually carried out as part
of teaching and learning, and evidence derived
from these assessments are used by teachers to
plan intervention strategies and to inform their
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characteristics of internal assessment

i. Assessment tasks are varied with varied levels of

Teachers provide assessments at different level of
complexity to different groups of students based
on groups’ level of ability.
Low ability groups are given easier assessment
tasks as compared to high ability groups of students.
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characteristics of internal assessment

ii. Teacher-measured evidence

Evidence of learning is measured by teachers
through the use of answer scheme and/or scoring
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characteristics of internal assessment

iii. Differences in assessment conditions

Different groups of students taught by the same
teacher may be exposed to a different condition in
their assessment such as location, time and
For example, two groups sitting for the same test may
have it at different time, place and in different
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characteristics of internal assessment

iv. Assessment constructs part of teaching and

The content of the assessments in internal
assessment is part of teaching and learning
activities and they directly measure the learning
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external assessment
Assessments developed, selected and controlled by
an authority which governs the schools. For
examples, standardized large scale assessments such
as UPSR and SPM.
They are less frequent but usually with greater
importance, more authority and higher stakes.
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external assessment
Usually in the form of written tasks such as final
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characteristics of external assessment

i. Same assessment tasks for all students

All students are exposed to the same assessment
tasks despite the differences in their ability.
In SPM, for example, all candidates have to respond
to the same questions regardless of the candidates’
ability levels.
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characteristics of external assessment

ii. Evidence is measured by the same standards
Evidence of learning or the responses provided in
the assessments are measured by standards – these
may be in the form of grade level, CGPA, etc.
The same standards are used for all candidates.
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characteristics of external assessment

iii. Conducted in standardized conditions
All candidates are exposed to the same assessment
conditions in relation to time, location and
The candidates are supervised in ensuring that the
work produced has actually been carried out by
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characteristics of external assessment

iii. Conducted in standardized conditions
(cont.) Standardization is important in making sure
that the assessment is fair without the presence of
biasness. This yields better quality of evidence.
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characteristics of external assessment

iv. Assessment constructs
The topics and skills assessed in the external
assessment are part of curriculum. Therefore, the
purpose of external assessment is commonly to
gather evidence of students’ mastery of particular
subject for one teaching year.
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comparison characteristics of
internal and external assessments
External assessment Internal assessment

i. Ensures that all students are assessed on the same tasks Variability in the tasks depending on the decisions of individual

ii. Evidence is measured by the same standards. Evidence is measured by teachers’ own answer schemes and/or

iii. Conducted in supervised conditions which ensures that the Differences in assessment conditions depending on the location,
work being assessed has actually been done by the students. time and the environment in which the assessment takes place.

iv. Assessment constructs are part of curriculum. Assessment constructs are part of teaching and learning activities.
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advantages vs. disadvantages of

internal assessments
in yielding high quality evidence
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advantages of internal assessments

in yielding quality evidence
i. Internal assessments have higher validity than
external assessments
In internal assessments, teachers are free to carry out
authentic and performance-based assessment tasks to
measure learning.
These assessment tasks have higher content and face
validity as they allow for in-depth investigation of learning,
therefore, yielding high quality evidence.
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disadvantages of internal assessments

in yielding quality evidence

i. Internal assessments lack parallel-form reliability

Internal assessments are subjected to teachers’ teaching
styles and assessment practice which greatly differ from
one teacher to another. Students who are taught by high
quality teachers may produce better evidence.
With internal assessments, students may perform better
because of teacher quality rather than student ability.
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disadvantages of internal assessments

in yielding quality evidence
ii. Internal assessments may be represented by
ineffective assessment methods
Teachers may face many issues in their professional
settings which may limit their ability to accommodate for
valid and reliable assessments. For example, lack of
quipment to carry out assessments.
Low quality assessments or inappropriate assessment tasks
produce low quality evidence which may lead to inaccurate
interpretation of student learning.
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advantage vs. disadvantage of

external assessments
in yielding high quality evidence
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advantages of external assessments

in yielding quality evidence

i. External assessment ensures standardization in

conditions and standards involving all candidates
Standardization is important in making sure that the
assessment is fair without the presence of biasness.
Supervised conditions ensure the authenticity of the work
produced, that the students themselves produce the work.
This yields high quality evidence of learning.
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disadvantages of external assessments

i. External assessment has lower validity than internal

External assessments are usually in the form of written
tasks, hence, only a limited range of curriculum goals can
be measured effectively.
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disadvantages of external assessments

ii. External assessments promote strong emphasis

on test-taking skills
Reliance on external assessments may cause teachers to
end up focusing on test-taking skills, especially when the
assessments are high stakes in nature.
Students may perform well on external assessments
because they have acquired effective test taking skills
rather than due to their actual ability in learning.
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assessment tasks
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portfolio assessment
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portfolio assessment
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portfolio assessment
Portfolio assessment is a systematic collection
of student work and related materials that
depict students’ activities, accomplishments
and/or achievements in a given subject, topic
or unit.
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portfolio assessment
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portfolio assessment
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types of portfolio assessment

A process portfolio documents the stages of
learning and provides a progressive record of
student growth.
A product portfolio demonstrates mastery of
a learning task or a set of learning objectives
and contains only the best work.
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timbang kati is not a way to assess

portfolio assessment!
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stages of portfolio assessment

Collection of evidence of learning outcomes

Reflection on learning

Assessment of evidence

Defense of evidence

Assessment decision
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stages of portfolio assessment

Collection of evidence of learning outcomes

Consists of compilation of student work related to the area/domain assessed. These are collected over
time based on the structure agreed upon between the student and the teacher.

Reflection on learning
The reflective process should be directed to promote learning and students’ development. Reflection
must answer four questions relating to a learning experience: What did I learn? What did I do to
accomplish it. What do I still need to learn? What resources did I use for further learning?

Assessment of evidence
Assessment carried out should be informative to both the teacher and the student. It is best if the rubric
for assessing portfolio is developed and communicated to the students before they embark on the task.
Assessment needs to be ongoing with feedback provided from time to time, if the portfolio is process-
based. Feedback should focus on strengths and weaknesses and areas for improvement.
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stages of portfolio assessment

Defense on evidence
This stage is optional and carried out with a number of students whom the teacher feels necessary. The
purpose is for the teacher to probe how well the portfolio has reflected the student’s achievement of the
learning outcomes. However if group size is reasonable and if the group appreciates the opportunity to
discuss, it is encouraged that the teacher practices this step.

Assessment decision
The teacher assesses the portfolio and communicate the results. If it is a form of negotiated assessment,
then both the teacher and student have to reach a consensus of the final grade.
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Traditionally, most of the evidence collected
has been paper-based. Portfolios, however,
are increasingly becoming computer-based.
E-portfolio addresses, at least partly, concerns
regarding the volume and portability of the
traditional paper-based portfolio.
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advantages of portfolio assessment

i. Promotes students’ self-assessment, reflection and critical thinking

ii. Measures performance based on genuine samples of student work.
iii. Provides flexibility in measuring how students accomplish their
learning goals.
iv. Enables teachers and students to share the responsibility of setting
learning goals and assessing progress towards meeting those goals.
v. Providing students with the opportunity to contribute input into
their learning process.
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Promotes students’ self-assessment, reflection and critical thinking.
Enables measurement of performance based on genuine samples of work.
Provides flexibility in measuring how students accomplish their learning goals.
Enables teachers and students to share the responsibility for setting learning
goals and assessing progress toward meeting those goals.
Provides students with the opportunity to contribute extensively into their
learning process.
Facilitates cooperative learning activities including peer assessment and
tutoring, cooperative learning groups and peer conferencing.
Provides a process for structuring learning in stages.
Enables measurement of multiple dimensions of student progress by including
different types of data and materials.
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Requires extra time to plan an assessment system and to carry out the
Enables measurement of performance based on genuine samples of work
Provides flexibility in measuring how students accomplish their learning goals
Enables teachers and students to share the responsibility for setting learning
goals and assessing progress toward meeting those goals
Provides students with the opportunity to contribute extensively into their
learning process
Facilitates cooperative learning activities including peer assessment and
tutoring, cooperative learning groups and peer conferencing.
Provides a process for structuring learning in stages.
Enables measurement of multiple dimensions of student progress by including
different types of data and materials.
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ethics in classroom assessment

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ethics in assessments

The term ‘ethics’ refers to questions of right

and wrong.
Teachers always have to make sure that their
assessment conducts are ethical.
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ethics in assessments
i. Confidentiality of student identity and responses
ii. Confidentiality of test/task
iii. The act of using assessment and punishment (eg.
work submission, attendance, score deduction)
iv. Coaching assessment-taking skills
v. Scoring process
vi. Assigning scores on attributes unrelated to
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ethics in assessments

All aspects of assessment have to be carried out
delicately and ethically.
There is a number of information that teachers need
to protect from public knowledge, with regard to
One of it is the confidentiality in relation to student
identity and the responses they provided.
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ethics in assessments

Having scored low marks could be an embarrassment
to students and teachers should not discuss students’
performance with other teachers/public for reasons
unrelated to teaching or learning improvement.
Such information may compel others to view student
ability lowly, and this may negatively affect student
motivation to learn.
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ethics in assessments

To ensure high assessment reliability, teachers should
treat test items and specific details of the assessment
tasks with utmost confidentiality.
Thus, this would prevent students from obtaining the
correct answers before hand and provide false input.
The leak in exam questions would cause students to
cheat and the responses obtained cannot be used to
measure actual learning.
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ethics in assessments

using assessment as punishment

Many assessment practices integrate the use of

assessment as punishment knowingly or unknowingly.
These are often done for the purpose of reinforcing
learning, however, such practices reduce the
assessment reliability.
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ethics in assessments

using assessment as punishment

Some examples include score deduction for late
submission; score deduction for low attendance; and
no replacement test for no-show cases.
Misusing assessment as punishment is unethical and
can potentially cause unnecessary anxiety upon
candidates towards assessment.
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ethics in assessments

using assessment as punishment

Besides, scores should be awarded based on learning
demonstrated from the assessment, as scores inform
teachers on the level of student ability.
Deducting marks as punishment prevents teachers
from identifying student’s true ability from the
student’s scores. This then would negatively affect the
effectiveness of intervention strategies.
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ethics in assessments

coaching assessment skills

There are do’s and don’ts that teachers need to be
aware of when it comes to ensuring student readiness
for a particular assessment.
It is teachers’ responsibility to inform students about
their assessment(s) including its details as well as the
way it is scored (rubric).
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ethics in assessments

coaching assessment skills

Teachers are encouraged to provide students with

general information about assessment, disclosing the
items that are included and the nature of assessment
tasks however are unethical, hence it is strictly
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ethics in assessments

coaching assessment skills

Teachers are allowed to train students with the skills in

answering test and final exam questions.
The skills mentioned include the ability to list, state,
describe, discuss, explain, justify, etc. The lack of
knowledge of how to answer limit student ability to
write test responses.
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ethics in assessments

coaching assessment skills

Teachers are allowed to train students with the skills in

answering test and final exam questions.

The skills mentioned include the ability to list, state,

describe, discuss, explain, justify, etc. The lack of
knowledge of how to answer limit student ability to
write test responses.
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ethics in assessments

coaching assessment skills

It is unethical for teachers to disclose assessment

items or tasks. For large scale assessments, the act of
disclosing exam questions and tasks is against the law.
Hence, teachers could only train students on how to
answer but not what to answer.
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ethics in assessments

coaching assessment skills

Coaching students on similar items is also unethical.

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ethics in assessments

scoring criteria

It is important to ensure that scores are given based

only on criteria related to learning. Teachers also need
to be objective in their scoring process.
It is quite a common practice for teachers to assign
marks based on attributes such as student cooperation
and attendance. These two aspects do not reflect
learning and giving marks based on these lowers the
assessment reliability.
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the significance of
authentic assessment
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higher reliability

Authentic assessments are higher in reliability as

compared to traditional assessments for a number of

i. Direct evidence of learning

ii. Authentic measure of learning
iii. Higher work relevance
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higher reliability

direct evidence of learning

Provides the opportunity for the candidates to directly

demonstrate the ability to complete the task.

Traditional assessments do not provide the

opportunity for students to directly show their
learning or skills – responses are provided in written
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higher reliability

authentic measure of learning

Allows candidates to demonstrate skills and ability in

an authentic setting or simulated setting.
For examples, trainee teachers carry out micro-
teaching in a classroom simulated environment, pilot
trainee in simulated cockpit, etc.
This enables for more reliable measure of learning to
be obtained.
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higher reliability

higher work relevance

Completing authentic tasks provides the experience

for the students to carry out the assignment in similar
manner with their future work tasks.
In their jobs later, they are expected to produce
reports, carry out presentation, gather survey data,
etc. and these are the authentic assessments.
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Assessment (TEA)
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Technology-enhanced Assessment (TEA)

A broad term referring to variety of methods by

which technology is used to support the
management and delivery of assessment.
Examples of TEA are online test, self assessment
project post up on blogs, a group work project to
produce a wiki, online discussion board, etc.
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advantages of TEA

i. Reflective of current method of instruction and

In light of the 21st teaching and learning which emphasis
on the use of technology, it is timely that assessments are
supported by the use of technology.
Principles of Assessment and Evaluation
CLASSROOM ASSESSMENTS Created bt Zuraimi Zakaria
Not to be distributed or reproduced without permission

session six

advantages of TEA

ii. Varies assessment methods and strategies

TEA enables teachers to vary the way they carry out their
assessment process in a way which appeals to their
student interest.
For example, instead of the conventional portfolio
assessment which is heavy and bulky to be carried around,
TEA allows for online portfolio assessment that is paperless
and more practical.
Principles of Assessment and Evaluation
CLASSROOM ASSESSMENTS Created bt Zuraimi Zakaria
Not to be distributed or reproduced without permission

session six

advantages of TEA

ii. Appeals to various students’ learning styles

The use of technology which requires students to actively e
gage with various interfaces may promote better learning
and traditional classroom setting.
Principles of Assessment and Evaluation
CLASSROOM ASSESSMENTS Created bt Zuraimi Zakaria
Not to be distributed or reproduced without permission

session six

online assessment vs.

face-to-face assessment
Principles of Assessment and Evaluation
CLASSROOM ASSESSMENTS Created bt Zuraimi Zakaria
Not to be distributed or reproduced without permission

session six

advantages of online assessment

i. Increases teachers’ focus in ensuring the quality of

During online assessments, teachers have more time to
focus on supervising the students as a lot of work has been
carried out prior to the assessment day.
This enables teachers to focus on the quality of
assessment’s administration, students’ concerns and issues,
etc., hence increasing the reliability of assessment
Principles of Assessment and Evaluation
CLASSROOM ASSESSMENTS Created bt Zuraimi Zakaria
Not to be distributed or reproduced without permission

session six

advantages of online assessment

ii. Enables for adaptive assessments to be carried out

The use of online assessments allows customization in
items/tasks which accommodate differences in student
It increases the validity and reliability of assessments as the
developed item/tasks represent a wide range of topics and
formulated at various levels of complexity and the ability
level of each student to be determined.
Principles of Assessment and Evaluation
CLASSROOM ASSESSMENTS Created bt Zuraimi Zakaria
Not to be distributed or reproduced without permission

session six

disadvantages of online assessment

i. Limited to assessing content under cognitive domain

Online assessments are appropriate for tests and
examinations which are predominantly cognitive.
However it is difficult to assess authentic assessments which
involve the assessment of psychomotor and affective
construct. Such skills can be better administered through
face-to-face interaction.
Hence, online assessments have lower validity and reliability
than face-to-face assessment.
Principles of Assessment and Evaluation
CLASSROOM ASSESSMENTS Created bt Zuraimi Zakaria
Not to be distributed or reproduced without permission

session six

disadvantages of online assessment

ii. Limited to assessing direct skills

The complexity of the skills assessed and the environment
in which the assessments need to be carried out may be
difficult to be captured by the technology of online
Assessment of affective attributes and abstractive
constructs is still difficult and such assessments, if
administered online, may not portray students’ true ability,
hence, it reduces the assessment reliability.
Principles of Assessment and Evaluation
CLASSROOM ASSESSMENTS Created bt Zuraimi Zakaria
Not to be distributed or reproduced without permission

session six

disadvantages of online assessment

ii. Limited to assessing direct skills

(cont.) The best current use of technology in capturing
evidence for such assessments involves the use of web-
camera, video camera or camera application in mobile
phones. However, how well such device captures the
constructs is dependent upon the creativity of the persons
who capture the performance.
Principles of Assessment and Evaluation
CLASSROOM ASSESSMENTS Created bt Zuraimi Zakaria
Not to be distributed or reproduced without permission

session six

end of session…

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