R Sutha

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External Internal reproductive
genitalia genitalia organs
 Mons pubis
 Labia majora  Vagina
 Labia minora  Uterus
 Clitoris  Fallopian
 Vestibule tubes
Urethral opening  Ovaries
Vaginal orifice and
Bartholin's glands
Skene’s gland
 Vestibular bulbs
 The triangular mound of fatty tissue that
covers the pubic bone
 It protects the pubic symphysis
 During adolescence sex hormones trigger the
growth of pubic hair on the mons pubis
 Hair varies in coarseness curliness, amount,
color and thickness
 Has two folds of adipose tissue that border each
side of the vagina.
 The labia majora enclose and protect the other
external reproductive organs.
 the labia majora are relatively large and fleshy,
 It contain sebaceous glands . After puberty, the
labia majora are covered with hair.
 The labia minora are smaller folds (forchette) of
skin that lie inside the labia majora.
 Contains no hair follicles or sweat glands.
 The folds contain connective tissues, numerous
sebaceous gland, erectile muscle fibers and
numerous vessels and nerve endings
 surround the openings to the vagina and urethra.
 It is small cylindrical erectile body
 Measuring about 1.5 to 2cm
 Situated in the most anterior part of the vulva
 The two labia minora meet at the clitoris,
 The clitoris is covered by a fold of skin, called
the prepuce, richly supplied with nerves.
 The clitoris is very sensitive to stimulation
and can become erect.
 Urethral opening is located directly below
 The vestibule is formed by the labia
 It encloses
 Urethral opening,
 Vaginal orifice and hymen,
 Ducts from the greater vestibular
 Situated in midline just infront of the
vaginal orifice
 Lies in the posterior end of the vestibule
 It completely enclosed by a septum of mucous
membrane called hymen
 Hymen Located just inside the vaginal
 Using the presence of an intact hymen for
determining virginity is erroneous
 The hymen can be perforated by many
different events
Bartholin's glands:
 There are two bartholin’s glands
 One on each side
 Each gland has a duct which measures about 2
cm and open into vestibular outside
 Close to the posterior end of the vestibular
 During sexual excitement it secretes abundant
alkaline mucus which helps in lubrication.
Skene’s gland

 The largest paraurethral gland.

 Arteries – Branch of internal pudendal
– Branch of femoral artery
 Veins – Internal pudendal vein
– Vesicle or vaginal venous plexus
– Long saphenous vein
– Pudental nerve
 Superficial inguinal nodes
 Intermediate groups of inguinal lymph
 External and internal iliac lymph nodes
 To enable sperm to enter the body

 Protect
the internal genital organs
from infectious organisms.
• Vagina = “birth canal”
• A tube like, muscular but elastic organ
• About 4 to 5 inches long in an adult woman.
• PH- 4 acidic
• It is the passageway for sperm to the egg and
for menstrual bleeding
• Organ of copulation and forms the birth canal
of parturition
 Posterior wall of vagina is 10 c m long
 Anterior wall is only 7.5 cm length
 The upper end of the vagina is known as
the vault
 Pink in appearance
 It connects the external genital organs to
the uterus. the organ of sexual
intercourse in women.
Formed at the top of vagina due to projection of
the uterine cervix
Four fornics are there
 One anterior – front of cervix
 One posterior – behind
 Two lateral – either side of cervix
 Anterior to the vagina – lie the bladder and the
urethra which are closely connected to the
anterior vaginal wall
 Posterior to the vagina – lie the pouch of
douglas, the rectum and the perineal body; each
occupying one third of the posterior vaginal wall
 Laterally – on the upper two third are the pelvic
fascia and the ureters, which pass beside the
 Superior to the vagina – lies the utreus
 Inferior to the vagina – lies the external
 Arteries – cervico vaginal branch of
uterine artery
– vaginal artery-anterior
division of internal iliac
- Internal pudendal
 Veins – Internal iliac vein
– Internal pudendal vein
 Internal iliac group
 Superficial inguinal group
 Sympathetic and parasympathetic from
the pelvic plexus
 Lower part is supplied by the pudendal
Girls are born with over
a million egg cells, but
only about 400 are
released during a
lifetime of menstrual
 No new eggs develop
after birth.
 The uterus is a thick-walled, muscular,
pear-shaped organ
 Located in the middle of the pelvis,
behind the bladder, and in front of the
rectum. The uterus is anchored in
position by several ligaments.
 The uterus consists of the cervix and the
main body (corpus).
 The cervix is the lower part of the uterus,
which protrudes into the upper part of the
vagina. It can be seen during a pelvic
examination. Like the vagina, the cervix is
lined with a mucous membrane, but the
mucous membrane of the cervix is smooth.
 Sperm can enter and menstrual blood can
exit the uterus through a channel in the
cervix (cervical canal).
 The cervical canal is usually narrow, but
during labor, the canal widens to let the
baby through.
 The cervix is usually a good barrier
against bacteria, except around the time
an egg is released by the ovaries
(ovulation), during the menstrual period,
or during labor..
 The main function of the uterus is to sustain a
developing fetus.
 It prepare for this possibility for each month
 At termination of pregnancy it expels the
uterine contents
 Anterior – the uterovesical pouch and the
 Posterior – the rectouterine pouch of the
 Laterally – the broad ligament, the uterine
 Superior – the intestine
 Inferior – the vagina
 Measures 8 cm long, 5 cm wide ,1.25 cm thick
 Weight 50 gms
 Parts
 The body of corpus
 The fundus
 The cornua
 The isthumus
 The cervis
 Internal and external os
 Cervical canal
 Endometrum
 Myometrium
 Perimetrium
 ENDOMETRIUM: inner lining of
uterus, nourishes developing embryo,
built up each month for pregnancy, if not,
shed during menstruation
 MYOMETRIUM: muscular, supports
fetus, contracts at birth and to shed the
endometrium during menstruation.
 The perimetrium is a serous membrane
that lines the outside of the uterus.
 Arteries –uterine artery- branch of
internal iliac artery
 Veins – Internal iliac vein
 Deep and Superficial lymph
Parasympathetic and sympathetic
 connect to each ovary, egg will enter
through an opening called a FIMBRIA,
cilia sweep the egg down towards the
 fertilization will occur here, or it will
die within 48 hours
 The two fallopian tubes, which are about 4 to 5
inches (about 10 to 13 centimeters) long, extend
from the upper edges of the uterus toward the
 The fallopian tubes are lined with tiny hairlike
projections (cilia). The cilia and the muscles in the
tube's wall propel an egg downward through the
tube to the uterus. The egg may be fertilized by a
sperm in the fallopian tube
 Anterior, Posteriorand Superior – the
peritoneal cavity and intestine
 Laterally – the sidewall of pelvis
 Inferior – the broad ligament and the
 Medial – the uterus lies between th
euterine tubes
 The intestinal portion
 The isthumus
 The ampulla
 The infundibulum
 The intra mural part
 Artery – uterine and ovary
 Venous – ovarian vein

Along with the ovarian vessels to para-aortic

Uterine and ovarian nerves
 The ovaries are usually pearl-colored, oblong, and
about the size of a walnut.
 They are attached to the uterus by ligaments. In
addition to producing female sex hormones
( estrogen and progesterone ) and male sex
hormones, the ovaries produce and release eggs.
 The developing egg cells (oocytes) are contained in
fluid-filled cavities (follicles) in the wall of the
ovaries. Each follicle contains one oocyte.
 Anterior to the ovaries are the broad
 Posterior to the ovaries are the intestine
 Laterally to the ovaries are the
infundibulopelvic ligaments and side walls of
the pelvis
 Superior to the ovaries lie the uterine tube
 Inferior to the ovaries lies the ovarian
 Medulla
 Cortex

-supporting frame work
Made of fibrous tissue
- Has ovarian blood vessels
- Lymphatics and nerve travels through it
 Functioning part of the ovum
 Contains ovarian follicals in different
 Artery –ovarian and abdominal aorta
 Venous – ovarian vein

Along the ovarian vessels to para-aortic nodes

ovarian nerves from T10 segment
The internal genital organs form a pathway (the
genital tract). This pathway consists of the
following functions:
 Vagina (part of the birth canal), where sperm are
deposited and from which a baby can emerge
 Uterus, where an embryo can develop into a fetus
 Fallopian tubes (oviducts), where a sperm can
fertilize an egg
 Ovaries, which produce and release eggs
 Process of releasing one mature ovum each
month into that ovary’s fallopian tube
 2-300,000 immature ova in ovaries at birth
 Hormones from pituitary cause ovaries to
begin producing female sex hormones
 Ova begin to mature
 Ovum can live about 2 days in fallopian tube
 One sperm will enter ovum =
 If the ovum is not fertilized
– it doesn’t attach to the
uterine lining/endometrium
 Muscles of the uterus
contract  lining breaks
down (“cramps”)
 Lining passes through the
cervix into the vagina and
out of the vaginal opening
 Each month, uterus prepares for
possible pregnancy
 Hormones cause thickening of
 If ovum is fertilized, it moves into
the uterus and may burrow into this
 Will divide millions of times over
9-10 months
• Process of shedding the lining of
the uterus
• Usually lasts 4-7 days (may be
shorter or longer depending on the
female’s individual cycle)
• Regulated by hormones
• 2-3 tablespoons of blood
• Rest of flow is other tissue that makes up
the endometrium
– Blood and tissue are not needed, person
should not be weak or ill from loss
– After period (“menses”), cycle begins
The mammary glands are sweat glands
specialized for the production of milk.
The milk-producing secretory cells form
walls of bulb-shaped chambers called
alveoli that join together with ducts, in
grapelike fashion, to form clusters called
 Numerous lobules assemble to form a
lobe. Each breast contains a single
mammary gland consisting of 15 to 20 of
these lobes. Lactiferous ducts leading
away from the lobes widen into
lactiferous sinuses that serve as
temporary reservoirs for milk.
 The breasts begin to enlarge in females at the
onset of puberty. Proliferating adipose (fat)
tissue expands the breast, while suspensory
ligaments attached to the underlying fascia
provide support. In nonpregnant females (and
in males), the glands and ducts are not fully
 Formation of ova
 Reception of spermatozoa
 Provision of suitable environment for
fertilization and fetal development
 Parturition
 Lactation, the production of breast
milk, which provides complete
nourishment for the baby in its early
 The female reproductive system is designed to
carry out several functions.
 4 is the normal pH of the vagina.
 40 weeks is the normal gestation period.
 400 oocytes released between menarche and
 400,000 oocytes present at puberty.
 28 days in a normal menstrual cycle.
 280 days (from last normal menstrual period) in a
normal gestation period.
 OOGENESIS- The development of the egg
ovum in the ovary.
 OOGONIA: during fetal growth the oogonia
(2n) divide to form primary oocytes (2n), at
puberty these will form secondary oocytes (n)
and later eggs (n) each month.
 GRANULOSA CELLS: nourish the
developing egg cells
 Diploid (2n)-human cell contains 46
chromosomes and is called diploid (2n).
 Haploid (n). sex cells, called gametes, contain
only 23 chromosomes, haploid (n).
 VAGINA: canal that connects the uterus to the
 CERVIX: muscular ring of tissue at mouth of
uterus separating it from the vagina, holds the
fetus in place
– Rich in nerve endings and blood vessels
– Protects internal organs against pathogens
– Functions in sexual arousal
Bilateral somatic nerve
Anterosuperior part Posteroinferior part
 Cutaneous branch  Pudental branch
from ilioinguinal from posterior
 Genital branch from cutaneoys nerve
genitofemoral nerve

Between 2 groups the vulva – Pudental nerve

 Superficial inguinal nodes
 Intermediate groups of inguinal lymph
 External and internal iliac lymph nodes

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