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Extensive study of self
The Psychiatrist
Victor Frankl was born on March 26, 1905 in
Vienna, Austria, where famous psychiatrists
Sigmund Freud and Alfred Adler lived.He
trained as a psychiatrist and neurologist,
working from the framework of existential
At a young age, he wrote a short paper to Freud which was published
after three years. Dr. Frankl published a book about logotherapy. In
1959, the book was translated to English and was revised in 1963 as
The Doctor and the Soul: An introduction to Logotherapy. Dr. Frankl
died in 1997.

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Frankl’s Sources of Meaning
• Popova (2017) discussed Viktor Frankl’s work. These
are three possible sources of the meaning of life:
purposeful work, courage in the face of difficulty, and

1. Purposeful Work.

2. Courage in the Face of Difficulty.

3. Love Popova (2017) quoted Dr. Frankl’s notes about his experience in the Nazi Camp: “For
hours I stood hacking at the icy ground. The guard passed by, insulting me, and once
again I communed with my beloved. More and more I felt that she was present, that she
was with me; I had the feeling that I was able to touch her, able to stretch out my hand
and grasp hers. The feeling that I was able to touch her, able to stretch out my hand and
graps hers. The feeling was very strong: she was there. Then, at that very moment, a bird
flew down silently and perched just in front of me, on the heap of soil which I had dug
up from the ditch, and looked steadily at me.”
Dr. Frankl’s wife, parents, and some relatives were victims of gas
chambers. His love for his wife kept him fight for his life. Popova (2017)
also quoted Dr. Frankl’s definition of love: “Love is the only way to grasp
another human being in the innermost core of his personality. No one can
become fully aware of the very essence of another human being unless he
loves him. By his love, he is enabled to see the essential traits and features
in the beloved person; and even more, he sees that which is potential in
him… Furthermore, by his love, the loving person enables the beloved
person to actualize these potentialities. By making him aware of what he
can be and what he should become, he makes these potentialities come
Costello (2015) captured Viktor Frankls message: The ultimate secret on
the spiritual foundation of life is that love is salvation and eternity.” The
ultimate factor to find the meaning of life is love.

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Is a psychotherapy introduced by Dr. Viktor Frankl, who considered
the Father of Logotherapy. The main belief of logotherapy is that
“man’s primary motivational force is search of meaning.”
Logotherapy aids individuals to find personal meaning of life,
whatever life situation they may be.
Meaning can be discovered by creating a work or doing a dead,
experiencing something or encountering someone and the attitude
toward unavoidable suffering.
According to the Victor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy, it uses the
philosophy of optimism in the face of tragedy, where people are
capable of “turning suffering into human achievement and
accomplishment; deriving from guilt the opportunity to change
oneself for the better; and deriving from life’s transitoriness an
incentive to take responsible action.” 7

Logotherapy is founded on a belief that many illnesses

or mental health issues are actually due to existential angst.
Through his work, Frankl found that people struggled with
feelings of meaninglessness, a situation which he referred
to as the existential vacuum. Logotherapy can be used to
treat a wide range of issues that are existential in nature.
More specifically, logotherapy has been found effective in
the treatment of substance abuse , posttraumatic
stress, depression, and anxiety.
The Franklian Psychology has the basic concepts. These are following:

 Life has meaning under all circumstances.

 Main motivation for living is our will to find meaning in life.

 Freedom to find meaning.

Furthermore, Franklian Psychology aims to:

1. Become aware of spiritual resources,

2. Make conscious spiritual resources

3. Use “defiant power of the human spirit” and stand up against adversity.

The three main techniques of Logotherapy are:
1. Dereflection: Dereflection is used when a person is overly self-absorbed on an issue or
attainment of a goal. By redirecting the attention, or dereflecting the attention away from
the self, the person can become whole by thinking about others rather than themselves.

2. Paradoxical intention: Paradoxical intention involves asking for the thing we fear the
most. For people who experience anxiety or phobias, fear can paralyze them. But by using
humor and ridicule, they can wish for the thing they fear the most, thus removing the
fear from their intention and relieving the anxious symptoms associated with it.

3. Socratic dialogue: Socratic dialogue is a technique in which the logotherapist uses the
own person's words as a method of self-discovery. By listening intently to what the
person says, the therapist can point out specific patterns of words, or word solutions to
the client, and let the client see new meaning in them. This process allows a person to
realize that the answer lies within and is just waiting to be discovered. 10

The human being is an entity People have freedom under all

consisting of body, mind and circumstances to activate the
spirit. will to find meaning.

Life has meaning under all Life has a demand quality to

circumstances, even the which people must respond if
most miserable. decisions are to be meaningful.

People have a will to meaning. The individual is unique.

In essence, all humans are unique with an entity of body, mind, and spirit. We all go through unique situations
and are constantly looking to find meaning. We are free to do these at all times in response to certain demands. 11

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