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We are here to

tell you about

the guy who
wants to die on
Elon musk
Who is Elon  Born on 28 June, 1971 Elon reeve
musk is a technology
musk..? entrepreneur, investor and
 He holds the citizenship of
Canada, united states and south
 His net worth is of $19.4billion and
he is listed as the 40th richest
person in the world by Forbes.
 After receiving bachelors degree
in economics, he began PhD in
applied physics and material
sciences at Stanford university in
1995 but two years later he
dropped out to pursue
entrepreneurial career.
 Elon musk currently is working to
revolutionize the transportation
both on earth and in space.
 Elon musk is the wealthiest south
African billionaire by net worth.
Musk and his business
 He is the founder, CEO and lead designer of spaceX.
 Co-founder, CEO and product architect of Tesla
Inc. .
 Co-founder of Neuralink, which is an American
company that develops brain-machine interfaces.
 Founder of The Boring company, which is an
infrastructure and tunnel construction
 And, the co-founder of PayPal.
 SpaceX has a $1.6 billion contract with NASA to
resupply (and eventually ferry people to the
International Space Station effectively replacing
the Space Shuttle.
 SpaceX, Musk's rocket company, is now valued at
more than $20 billion.
 Musk then founded , an online bank. It merged
with Confinity in 2000 and later that year became
PayPal, which was bought by eBay for $1.5 billion in
October 2002.
 In addition to his primary business pursuits, Musk has
envisioned a high-speed transportation system known
as the Hyperloop, and has proposed a vertical take-
off and landing supersonic jet electric aircraft, known
as the Musk electric jet. Musk has stated that the goals
of SpaceX, Tesla, and SolarCity revolve around his
vision to change the world and humanity. His goals
include reducing global warming through sustainable
energy production and consumption, and reducing
the risk of human extinction by establishing a human
colony on Mars.
Facts about
 Like Steve jobs and other famous
entrepreneurs, musk’s official annual salary
for Tesla motors is just $1.
 Musk has been referred to as a “thrillionaire” , Elon musk
a new class of high-tech entrepreneurs
looking to use their wealth to make science-
fiction dreams into modern reality.
 He became famous for starting Tesla Motors
and SpaceX but he first made his fortune as a
co-founder of PayPal.
 The Tesla Model S was awarded a 5.4-out-of-5
safety rating from the National Highway Safety
Administration, the highest rating ever given
an automobile
 Musk has reduced the cost of reaching the
International Space Station by 90%, bringing it
down from $1 billion per mission to just $60
 Despite his enormous recent success, both his
flagship companies (SpaceX and Tesla
Motors) came alarmingly close to failing.
Tesla'a first electric car, the Roadster, faced
an ongoing string of production problems,
and SpaceX had three launch failures before
its fourth and final effort was a success.
 Despite his enormous recent success, both his flagship
companies (SpaceX and Tesla Motors) came alarmingly close
to failing. Tesla'a first electric car, the Roadster, faced an
ongoing string of production problems, and SpaceX had three
launch failures before its fourth and final effort was a success.
 Musk was named one of the 75 most influential people of the
21st century by Esquire magazine
 In 2013, Musk introduced his latest endeavor -- the Hyperloop,
a new form of transportation that could theoretically send
people from San Francisco to Los Angeles in half an hour by
way of pressurized tubes. Musk has said if no one else will build
it, he will do it himself.
 Elon musk has been ranked 1 in the list of 2019 innovative
leaders by Forbes.
Elon musk- the
big 5 model
When looking at it from an organizational
behavior perspective it is important to note that
Elon Musk has set himself in the lines of those
visionary leaders like Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, and
Bill Gates who brought about technological
advancements that have changed and continue
to change the way we live.
Using the big give personality model we can draw
some conclusion based upon reports and
initiatives he’s taken.
 According to Bloomberg (2014) Musk is not your typical guy
who takes things likely, and in the past if we take a look at
the history of Tesla Motors, Musk has had major fallouts
including with co-founders whereby he has fired and gotten
rid of major players when they don’t follow his vision and
ideals that he persistently pushes forward. There are mixed
opinions by many, but those he continues to work with are
those that follow his vision, and those who fail to proceed are
often let go.

 Musk is not afraid of public platforms, you can often see him
on stages making unveils of new products, charity speaking,
connecting with customers, asking for reviews and opinions
and taking their feedback into consideration. Anyone in the
big business like him has to be very open and welcoming to
the general public, and introvert would simply fail in making
business deals, and getting messages across to the general

 Keen observation has shown that Musk is a very dependable

and organized person in this very complicated business
world of ours. He has laid steady foundations to all
companies he manages, bringing the digital age of PayPal,
co-founded Tesla Motors, founding Space-X, and being at
the head of Solar City's new venture plans. Seth (2015)
reported on Mashable that Musk works over 20 hours per
Emotional stability
 If there is one daunting trait that Musk has taken from pioneer
Steve Jobs is that he a bit harsh with employees. There have
been many reports that he often lashes out at employees if
they are not following his guidelines. Seth (2015) states that he
often demands seemingly impossible things and publicly
chews out at employees who fall short of his goals. I
personally believe that in a daunting situation where he’s at
the top of these major companies, it is a must to be at the top
of your game especially when making demands from your
employees, otherwise these companies would fall short and
simply not be the pioneers as they have set themselves in the
Openness to
 “Risk” is word that Musk is too familiar with, critics in the
early stages of Tesla always said that an affordable electric
car would not be possible. Even at times when his
company was on the verge of bankruptcy he poured his
own money into the business to have it continue running.
Bloomerg (2014) reported that Musk used all his money he
made from selling PayPal into Tesla in order to continue
funding for designs and advancements, luckily he was able
to take the company from the ground up and make it what
it is today. He has continuously taken huge business risks,
and continues to do so even with the current deals in
negotiation to purchase SolarCity.
 Personality traits are as important as the skill-sets that one
possesses, if we are able to work cohesively with others
then we can be productive and create innovative
environments that transform both our workplaces and
industries that we are a part of. So despite his toughness in
making decisions Musk has set himself as a billionaire tech
entrepreneur, though some may question if his vision goes
hand in hand with ethical standards, values, and morals the
rate and magnitude of change he has done and continues
to do can be the best argument based on his personality.
Thank you

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