Management of Change Diversity in Organization

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Prepared by:

Joseph F. Obra


Are you afraid of
changes? Why?
“Any change, even change
for the better , is always
accompanied by
- Arnold Bennett
Organizational Change

- Any alteration of people,

structure or technology
in organizations brought
by external or internal
forces which they
Organizational Diversity

- The host of individual

differences that make
people in an
organizations different
from and similar to each
Types of Change

An organization and its

members must undergo
constant improvement along
with its achievement of
growth. Changes may be
implemented to bring
development in an
Types of Change

1. Changes in people.
- people’s attitudes, values,
wants and needs,
expectations, and
behaviors change as time
goes by.
Is it easy for you to
change this for the
Types of Change

Is it easy for you change this
for the better?
Organizational Development
(OD) Techniques.
Types of Change

Organizational Development (OD)
- it used to describe organizational
change methods related to people,
their nature, and their quality of their
interpersonal relationships as they
work and collaborate with one
Types of Change
Organizational Development (OD)
- Team buildings
- Sensitivity training,
- Intergroup development
- Process consultation
- Survey feedbacks
Kurt Lewin’s description of
the process change.
1. Unfreezing – faced with the dilemma or
issue, the individual or group becomes
aware of a need for change.
2. Changing – The situation is diagnosed and
new models of behavior are explored and
3. Refreezing – application of new behavior
is evaluated, and if it proves to be
reinforcing, the behavior is adapted.
Types of Change

2.Changes in Structure
Due to the changing
conditions/situations and
changing strategies used,
organizational structures
may also change.
Types of Change
2. Changes in Structure
Changes According to:
a. Work specialization
b. Departmentalization
c. Changed of command
d. Span of control
e. Etc.
Types of Change

3.Changes in Technology
- This refers to changes I
work process and methods
used, introduction of new
equipment and work tools,
automation, or
Types of Change

3. Changes in Technology
Computerization is the
most popular example
of technological
Managing Resistance of Change

 Change is considered by many

organization members as a
 It is common for people to fear
changing the status quo, even
if doing so might bring
beneficial effects.
Managing Resistance of Change

Possible reasons for resistance:

1. Concern about personal loss
2. Pessimism
3. Belief that it will have negative
effects on the organization
4. Habitual Practices
Managing Resistance of Change
Required to manage resistance to
1. Education – employees have to be
educated regarding the reasons for and
the relevance of change.
2. Participation – allow organization
members to participate in decision-
making related to bringing change in
their company
Managing Resistance of Change
Required to manage resistance to
3. Facilitation and support – facilitate
and provide new skills training and
counseling for employees to
minimize fear of change.
4. Manipulation of information –
withhold damaging information
about change to make it acceptable
to organization members
Managing Resistance of Change
Required to manage resistance to change:
5. Selection of people – select people who
are open to change to help disseminate
the beneficial effects of change,
resistance to change is lessened.
6. Coercion – the used of direct threats or
force to make people accept change;
however, this method is perceived as a
form of bullying, so it is used only when
New Issues In Change Management
Understanding Situational Factors:
1. Induction of new
- A good time to introduce changes
- New strategies, Policies Core, Values
2. Financial Crisis
- Less resistance to the acceptance of
new investment, marketing, and
human resource policies.
Making Changes in Organization
1. Set the tone through management
behavior – top managers, particularly,
need to be positive role models.
2. Create new stories, symbols, and
rituals to replace those currently in use.
3. Select and promote employees who
adapt the new values.
Making Changes in Organization
4. Redesign socialization process to align
with the new values
5. Replace unwritten norms with clearly
specified expectations.
6. Shake up current subcultures through job
transfers, job rotation, and/termination.
7. Work to get consensus through employee
participation and create a climate with
high level of trust.
Managing Work Place Diversity

1. Encouraging employees to accept

the organization’s culture or its
dominant values.
2. Encouraging employees to accept
differences in the workplace.
Method: Team building/training
“ Understanding is the
first step to acceptance,
and only with acceptance
can there be recovery.”
- JK Rowling

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