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Initial Step

Not in home condition In home condition

Reset lamp flashing Idle Position

Orange lamp flashing

Press reset button

Press Start

• Bring machine to home position

• retracts ejector
• Arm at pickup position
• Turnoff conveyor and Vaccum Green Lamp On
Ejector extends, pushing
A product to required position

Product in position detected

Trasfer arm move to pickup

Turn on vaccum

Arm picks up object

pick up ssensor turned On

Ejector Retracts

Ejector Retractor sensor On

Transfer arm moves to drop

off position

Arm drop off position On

Turn Off vaccum, Turn On


Use timer to turn Off conveyor

after 6 sec.
Home Position
EjectorRtractedProx = On
ArmDropoffls = On
Conveyor_Motor = Off

Home Position
EjectorRtractedProx = On
ArmDropoffls = On
Conveyor_Motor = Off

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