The Concept of Rubrics: Prepared By: Jurebe P. Eulogio

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Prepared by: Jurebe P. Eulogio
A scoring tool that explicitly
represents the expected
performance for an
assignment or a piece of
work. It divides the
assigned work into
component parts and
provides clear descriptions
of the characteristics of the
work associated with each
component, at varying
levels of mastery.
Rubrics are multidimensional sets of scoring
guidelines that can be used to provide
consistency in evaluating student‘s work.
They spell out scoring criteria so that
multiple teachers, using the same
rubrics would arrive at the same score
or grade.

A rubric is a great tool for teachers

It is a simple way to set up a grading criteria for
assignments. It is also helpful for students. For instance,
a rubric for an essay might tell students that their work
will be judged on purpose, organization, details, voice
and mechanics.
Types of rubrics
Holistic Rubrics
▪ single description for each level of the scale
▪ less time consuming to score
Score Description
5 Demonstrates excellent understanding of the problem.
All requirements of tasks are included in the response.
4 Demonstrates complete understanding of the problem.
All requirements of tasks are included in the response.
3 Demonstrates average understanding of the problem. All requirements of
tasks are included.
2 Demonstrates considerable understanding of the problem.
All requirements of tasks are included.
1 Demonstrates partial understanding of the problem.
All requirements of tasks are included.
Excellent Researcher Good Researcher Poor Researcher Score
3 1
Includes 10-12 Includes 5-9 Includes 1-4 sources
sources sources
No apparent Few historical A lot of historical
historical inaccuracies inaccuracies inaccuracies

Can easily tell which Can easily tell with Cannot tell which
sources information difficulty which sources of
was drawn from sources of information was
information was drawn from
drawn from
All relevant Most relevant Very little
information is information is information is
included included included
Assessment Scale Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
Criteria 5 4 3 2 1

1. Degree to which
the report
reflects the
objectives of
the research
2. Level of creativity

3. Clarity

4. Visual Appeal

5. Level of effort


TOTAL: ___________________

may be difficult to select

single description for learners
who fail between levels

does not provide feedback

for learners to improve their
Analytic Rubrics
▪ articulates levels of performance for each criterion so the
teacher can assess student’s performance on each criterion.
▪ provides feedback on strengths and weaknesses

Criteria/ Needs Developing Sufficient Above

Indicators Improvement Average
1 2 3 4

Thesis supported by
relevant information and
Sequencing of ideas
Correctness of language
and conventions
Criteria Adequate Competent Good Excellent
50-59 % 60-69 % 70-79 % 80-100 %
Knowledge of Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates
forms, limited some knowledge considerable thorough and
conventions, knowledge of of forms, knowledge of insightful
terminology and forms, conventions, forms, knowledge of
strategies relative conventions, terminology, and conventions, forms,
to the importance terminology, Strategies relative terminology, conventions,
of sources to and strategies to importance of and strategies terminology, and
subject relative to sources to subject relative to Strategies relative
importance of importance of to importance of
Sources to subject Sources to subject sources to subject
Critical and Uses critical and Uses critical and Uses critical and Uses critical and
creative thinking creative thinking creative thinking creative thinking creative thinking
skills skills with limited skills with skills with skills with
effectiveness Moderate Considerable High degree of
effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness
Communication Communicates Communicates Communicates Communicates
of information information and information and information and information and
and idea idea with limited idea with some idea with idea with a high
clarity clarity considerable degree of clarity
Quality of Argument Argument Argument Argument is
argument is simple and takes on a bridges on complex and
and writing unoriginal, fair and the complex original, and
and the expected and original, the writing is
writing is position, and and the strong and
weak and the writing is writing is creatively
inconsistent moderately clear and coherent
clear and coherent
Spelling and Several A few errors Some errors No errors in
Grammar errors in in spelling in spelling spelling and
spelling and and grammar and grammar grammar

▪time consuming to create

Rubrics Help Students and Teachers
Define Quality
When students use rubrics regularly to
judge their own work, they begin to
accept more responsibility for the end
product. Rubrics reduce the time that
teachers spend grading student work and
makes it easier for teachers to explain to
students why they got that grade and what
they can do to improve their work.
Parents usually like the rubrics concept once they understand it,
and they find rubrics useful when helping with homework. As
one teacher says: “ They know exactly what their child
needs to do to be successful. "
Thank You !!!

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