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• Remove Hey or Hello – Replace with Say “Yo

• Rephrase:
• Thank you for your purchase with GIVE – Replace
with: Your purchase with GIVE has been completed!
Thank you for your kind support!
• Below are your invoice of the voucher, do note the
expiry date as well – Replace with: Please check on
your invoice and take note of the voucher(s) expiry
date yah! Don’t say we never tell you ah :P
• Cheers +“Bye!”
• “T”eam in “Capital Letter”
• Include in GIVE A GIFT, BUILD A STORY tagline below
the GIVE logo
• Change the purple to corp purple
• Bold all headings in the table (No, Voucher, expiry,
Qty, Price)
• Remove Credit before, Credit after
• Add in Credit Balance
• Transaction Date to be below transaction #
• Under Price column: Change $S 10 to $10 SGD.
• Standardize all currency to $xx SGD
• Include in GIVE A GIFT, BUILD A
STORY tagline below the GIVE logo
• Say “Yo XXX (Name)!”
• Your $10 voucher (can this $10
voucher put into the merchant
voucher image instead?) from
(merchant name) has been
• We hope you love what GIVE can
brings to you!
• Thank You, XOXO! Must come back
again to support ok?
• Cheers, bye!
• “T”eam in “Capital”
• Include in GIVE A GIFT, BUILD A
STORY tagline below the GIVE logo
• Say “Eh s-cue me XXX (Name)!”
• Your $10 voucher (can this $10
voucher put into the merchant
voucher image instead?) from XXX
has been purchased! We hope you
love what GIVE can brings to you!
• Thank You with XOXO! Liddat must
continue to support ok!
• Cheers, bye!
• “T”eam in “Capital”
TOP-UP Credits (Invoice)
• Include in GIVE A GIFT, BUILD A
STORY tagline below the GIVE logo
• Say “Hey XXX (Name)!!!”
• Ka-Ching$$ ! We heard you have just
TOP-UP $xxx (not sure can use a top-
up credit image for this) into your
GIVE account, tio bo?
• Your invoice below for you to see see
look look, but it should be correct
• Now, you can browse your favourite
brands from the catalogue and start
buying the vouchers soon, steady bo?
• Cheers, bye!
• “T”eam in “Capital Letters”
Send GIVE e-gift / physical gift card
• Include in GIVE A GIFT, BUILD A
STORY tagline below the GIVE logo
• Say “Wow, XXX (Name)!”
• So we heard you have been
spreading the GIVE’s spirit around
leh! *clap clap*!!
• Your invoice, gift card design image &
message are shown below for your
• We’re cfm plus chop your friend will
LOVE this kind thought of yours! We
help him/her to thank you first ok!

• Cheers, bye!
• “T”eam in “Capital”
Receive GIVE e-gift / physical gift card
• Include in GIVE A GIFT, BUILD A STORY tagline
below the GIVE logo
• Say “Woah (Name)!”
• You Have A GIFT from GIVE! (bold)
• So we heard (GIVEr’s name) has been
spreading the GIVE’s spirit, especially to you
• This is what (GIVEr’s name) wrote for you leh
“insert customised wordings”.

So, how can you redeem your Gift?

• Log in or Register a new account with GIVE to
kickstart the GIVE spirit. Oh Yah, before we
forget, remember to thank (GIVEr’s name)
• Cheers, bye!
• “T”eam in “Capital”
• *It will be good if we can customized the
wordings based on different reasons of the
gift message.
Header and Footer
Ensure purple is the correct corporate colour

GIVE Logo with Tagline (Give A Gift, Build A Story) below

GIVE website
GIVE social media

• All email ends with Cheers, bye!
• GIVE Team

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