Speech Is A Mirror of The Soul As A Man Speaks, So Is He.: - Publilius Syrus

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Speech is a mirror of the soul;

as a man speaks, so is he.

- Publilius Syrus
How do you start a
conversation to someone you
have just first met?
You are expected to:

Distinguish the specific features of each speech style.

Give the importance of knowing the appropriate

speech style to use.

 Differentiate one speech style from the other.

Performs communicative activity employing

strategies in a specific speech style.
■ It takes place between persons of close alliances/
■ The language used may be both formal and informal
depending on the situation and the matter being talked about
■ Terms of endearment and terms that show respect are often
■ It is in this speech style when private or sensitive matters are
usually talked about
Husband: Hon, I’m home.
Wife: Oh! You’re here ( hugs her husband) How’s work?
Husband: Well, my boss is giving me a hard time. (sighs)
Wife: (Massages his back) Don’t think about it too much,
Hon. I know you can get through it. Why don’t you just sit
there and I’ll give you a cup of coffee.
Husband: Thanks, hon. (Kisses her on the cheek)
■ Is the style of speech you use when talking to your classmates,
peers and other people who are not as close to you or are not
in your innermost circle of family

■ The language used is often informal and conversational

■ This allows for a more diverse range of topics

■ Terms of endearment are rarely used

Friend 1: Hey!, Any plans on the weekend?
Friend 2: I don’t know. Do you want to get together or
Friend 1: How about a movie ? I heard that Kathyrn
Bernando’s movie will be showing.
Friend 3: Nah! Why don’t we just go to the salon and
have mannies and peddies?
Friend 2: Oh! That’ll be great!
■ Is when you seek advice from a person who has expertise on a
subject or field

■ This speech style requires more formality in terms of

language, manner of speaking, and gestures

■ This is used when you talking to professionals you think can

help with your need for information
The use of a specific speech style depends on
the level of closeness of the parties involved,
on the topic being discussed, and on the
purpose of the communicators.
■ These are type of speeches that are prepared in

■ It follows strict rules in word choice and content

■ Follows much stricter rules in wording, content, and

■ They may not be changed as they are permanently

inscribed in a document
Formal vs Frozen
This was our situation in the past. We, the sovereign Filipino people,
To dream was an absurdity. We imploring the aid of Almighty God, in
had a senseless bureaucracy; order to build a just and humane
society, and establish a government that
padded contracts had become the shall embody our ideals and aspirations,
norm; and corruption was promote the common good, conserve
endemic to the system. We were and develop our patrimony, and secure
known as the “Sick Man of Asia”. to ourselves and our posterity, the
The economy was weak; industry blessings of independence and
was sparse. We failed to gain the democracy under the rule of law and a
confidence of the investors. The regime of truth, justice, freedom, love,
equality, and peace, do ordain and
result: few jobs were created. promulgate this Constitution.
If the preamble of the 1987 Philippine Constitution is
recited in a style similar to a rap, how will you feel about
it? How will it affect your interpretation and reception
of the Constitution? Will it still be regarded with
respect and seriousness?
The intimate speech style is used
when talking to a loved one.
Casual speech style makes se of
formal language.
In public speaking, formal speech
style is being used.
In a casual conversation, the use of
colloquial terms are observed.
When talking to a family member or
a friend, the use of carefully chosen
words is to be observed.
Let’s go get something to eat.
You sure do not wanna join tonight’s
It is essential to learn the different
speech styles.
I second the motion.
Ma’am, I would like to ask
suggestions on what I’ll do to handle
this problem?
The table is now open for the
nomination for President.
Dude, How are ya?
Hon, where are we going for
Mom, may I go out with my friends?
I am honored to be your speaker for
today’s graduation ceremony.
Yes, your honor.

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