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Media and Information Literacy

The learners understand opportunities

and challenges in media and information.
Does anyone knows or has experience
with online shopping?
 What forms of payment are accepted in
online shopping?
If customers have concerns or inquiries
about the product, what support
mechanisms are provided?
How will the customers receive the
purchased product?
1. How the mind map
helped you to
understand the
concept of online

2. What is a mind
“A Mind map is a graphical technique for
visualizing connections between several
ideas or pieces of information. Each idea
or fact is written down and then linked by
lines or curves to its major or minor (or
following or previous) idea or fact, thus
creating a web of relationships.”
The following are the suggested issues of
using unguarded internet for the
 Citizen Journalism
 The Internet as a Tourism Support
 Phishing and
 Human Trafficking
 Each pair will be assigned a topic.
 Each pair will present a mind map on a
specific MIL opportunity or threat.
 Time Limit: 20 minutes
Everybody in the group must read the
article “On the rise of citizen journalism:
Power to The People?”
Source: Pinlac, M. (2007, July 6). Power to
The People? Retrieved http://cmfr-
What is Citizen Journalism?
What are the advantages of Citizen
Journalism? Cite some examples.
How does the Internet change the way news is
reported? Do media companies limit their
stories to their journalists only? Why/why not?
What are the issues of Citizen Journalism?
What mechanisms do they have to prove the
accuracy of their stories?
Do you think making ordinary citizens
news reporters on TV or online develops
more awareness on news content and
mass media literacy?
Synthesize your answers by creating a
mind map.
 Everybody in the group must read the following
articles: “Tourism in Southern Cebu gets digital
boost from Talk ‘N Text,”
 Source: MyCebuPartners (2015, August 12).
Tourism in Southern Cebu gets digital boost
from Talk ‘N Text, Retrieved
tourism-digital-boost/Pinlac, M. (2007, July 6).
Power to The People?
 How did the Internet help in promoting tourism in
Aloguinsan, Cebu?
 How did it improve the lives of the local community?
 If you could apply the Aloguinsan digital experience
to your community, what local tourist spots, culture, or
practices would you promote? Why?
 Synthesize your answers by creating a mind map.
 The mind map may be done through presentation
 Everybody in the group must read the article “Inside
job? Senior citizen loses P159,000 via unauthorized
online transfer”.
 Source: Inside job? Senior citizen loses P159,000 via
unauthorized online transfer Dizon, D. (2015,
September 19). Inside job? Senior citizen loses
P159,000 via unauthorized online transfer. Retrieved
citizen-loses-p159000unauthorized-online-transfer on
20 September 2015.
 How can you tell if someone is phishing on your
 How did Mr. Malibiran lose his money in the bank?
Narrate the incident.
 Do you think online banking is still safe? How can
you avoid becoming a victim of phishing?
Synthesize your answers by creating a mind map.
 The mind map may be done through presentation
Everybody in the group must read the
article about human trafficking
Source: Cook, A. & Heinl, C. (2014, May 3).
Human trafficking in Asia going online.
Retrieved http://
an-trafficking-in-asia-going-online/ on 15
September 2015.
 Was there progress in the fight to stop human trafficking after
ASEAN signed the Declaration Against Trafficking in Persons,
Particularly Women and Children?
 What is the percentage of child victims of human trafficking
in the ASEAN Region?
 How does the Internet contribute to the increased number of
human trafficking cases? Do you think that the Internet can be
used as a tool to victimize people? Explain your answer.
 Suggest at least 3 ways to help stop human trafficking.
Synthesize your answers by creating a mind map.
 The mind map may be done through presentation software.
Each pair will arrange their mind map in
a long bond paper.

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