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CS026 -




• Introduction to AI • Students will act as a Machine and
discuss the four goals, namely
humanly/rationally and
to understand their difference
• Can machines think?
• And if so, how?
• And if not, why not?
• And what does this say about human beings?
• And what does this say about the mind?
What is Intelligence?

• The capacity to learn and solve problems (Webster dictionary)

• The ability to think and act rationally

What is Intelligence?
• Is it that which characterize humans?
• Accordingly there are two possibilities:
– A system with intelligence is expected to behave as intelligently as a human
– A system with intelligence is expected to behave in the best possible manner

• Secondly what type of behavior are we talking about?

– Are we looking at the thought process or reasoning ability of the system?
– Or are we only interested in the final manifestations of the system in terms of its
What is involved in Intelligence?
A) Ability to interact with the real world
– to perceive, understand, and act
– speech recognition, understanding, and synthesis
– image understanding (computer vision)

B) Reasoning and Planning

– modeling the external world
– problem solving, planning, and decision making
– ability to deal with unexpected problems, uncertainty

C) Learning and Adaptation

– we are continuously learning and adapting
– Also: we want systems that adapt to us!
– Major thrust of industry research.
What is Artificial Intelligence?
• It is the study of computations that make it possible to perceive,
reason and act

• It is a field of study that explain and emulate intelligent

behaviour in terms of computational processes

• It is a branch of computer science that is concerned with the

automation of intelligent behaviour
The term Artificial Intelligence (AI) implies a machine that
can Reason.
A more complete list or AI characteristics (source David Kelnar) is

– Reasoning: the ability to solve problems through logical deduction

– Knowledge: the ability to represent knowledge about the world

– Planning: the ability to set and achieve goals

– Communication: the ability to understand written and spoken language.

– Perception: the ability to deduce things about the world from visual images,
sounds and other sensory inputs.
What is Artificial Intelligence?

• It is the study of how to make computers do things at

which, at the moment, people are better.

• The term AI is defined by each author in own ways which

falls into 4 categories
1. The system that think like humans.
2. System that act like humans.
3. Systems that think rationally.
4. Systems that act rationally.
Areas of AI and Some Dependencies
Search Logic Representation

Learning Planning

NLP Vision Robotics Systems
4 Categories in AI
Systems that think Systems that think
like humans rationally
The Turing Test The “laws of thought
Approach approach”

Systems that act Systems that act

like humans rationally
The cognitive modeling The rational agent
approach approach

Different Types of Artificial Intelligence
• Modeling exactly how humans actually think
– cognitive models of human reasoning

• Modeling exactly how humans actually act

– models of human behavior (what they do, not how they think)

• Modeling how ideal agents “should think”

– models of “rational” thought (formal logic)
– note: humans are often not rational!

• Modeling how ideal agents “should act”

– rational actions but not necessarily formal rational reasoning
– i.e., more of a black-box/engineering approach
• Modern AI focuses on the last definition

– we will also focus on this “engineering” approach

– success is judged by how well the agent performs

-- modern methods are also inspired by cognitive &

neuroscience (how people think).
Typical AI problems
• Typical range of tasks for an “intelligent entity” to
perform, we need to consider both “common-place” tasks
as well as “expert tasks”.

• Examples of common-place tasks include

– Recognizing people, objects.
– Communicating (through natural language).
– Navigating around obstacles on the streets

• These tasks are done matter of factly and routinely by

people and some other animals.
• Expert tasks include:
– Medical diagnosis.
– Mathematical problem solving
– Playing games like chess

• These tasks cannot be done by all people, and can only

be performed by skilled specialists.
Intelligent behaviour
• This discussion brings us back to the question of what
constitutes intelligent behaviour.
• Some of these tasks and applications are:
– Perception involving image recognition and computer
– Reasoning
– Learning
– Understanding language involving natural language
processing, speech processing
– Solving problems
– Robotics
Developments in artificial intelligence

5 New Inventions You Must Have In 2018


• Foundations of AI Examine the AI literature to discover whether the following
task can currently be solved by computers.
& History of AI
1. Playing a decent game of table tennis
2. Discovering and proving a new mathematical game,
3. Writing an intentionally funny story
4. Translating spoken English to speak French
5. Perform a complex surgical operation
Foundation of AI
• AI has roots in a number of scientific disciplines
– computer science and engineering (hardware and software)
– philosophy (rules of reasoning)
– mathematics (logic, algorithms, optimization)
– cognitive science and psychology (modeling high level
– human/animal thinking)
– neural science (model low level human/animal brain activity)
– linguistics
History of AI
• The birth of AI (1943 – 1956)
– Pitts and McCulloch (1943): simplified mathematical model of neurons
(resting/firing states) can realize all propositional logic primitives (can
compute all Turing computable functions)
– Allen Turing: Turing machine and Turing test (1950)
– Claude Shannon: information theory; possibility of chess playing
– Tracing back to Boole, Aristotle, Euclid (logics, syllogisms)
• Early enthusiasm (1952 – 1969)
– 1956 Dartmouth conference
• John McCarthy (Lisp);
• Marvin Minsky (First Neural Network Machine);
• Alan Newell and Herbert Simon (GPS);
– Emphasize on intelligent general problem solving
• GPS (Means-Ends Analysis);
• Lisp (AI programming language);
• Resolution by John Robinson (basis for automatic theorem proving);
• Heuristic search (A*, AO*, game tree search)
• Emphasis on knowledge (1966 – 1974)
– domain specific knowledge is the key to overcome existing difficulties
– knowledge representation (KR) paradigms
– declarative vs. procedural representation
• Knowledge-based systems (1969 – 1999)
– DENDRAL: the first knowledge intensive system (determining 3D structures
of complex chemical compounds)
– MYCIN: first rule-based expert system (containing 450 rules for diagnosing
blood infectious diseases)
– EMYCIN: an ES shell
– PROSPECTOR: first knowledge-based system that made significant profit
(geological ES for mineral deposits)
• AI became an industry (1980 – 1989)
– wide applications in various domains
– commercially available tools

• In the 1980s, Lisp Machines developed and marketed

• Around 1985, neural networks return to popularity
• In 1988, there was a resurgence of probabilistic and decision-theoretic
• Current trends (1990 – present)
– more realistic goals
– more practical (application oriented)
– distributed AI and intelligent software agents
– resurgence of neural networks and emergence of genetic algorithms
AI Applications
• Autonomous Planning & Scheduling:
– Autonomous rovers.
• Autonomous Planning & Scheduling:
– Telescope scheduling
• Autonomous Planning & Scheduling:
– Analysis of data:
• Medicine:
– Image guided surgery
• Medicine:
– Image analysis and enhancement
• Transportation:
– Autonomous vehicle control:
• Transportation:
– Pedestrian detection:
• Games:
• Robotic toys:
Other application areas:
• Bioinformatics:
– Gene expression data analysis
– Prediction of protein structure
• Text classification, document sorting:
– Web pages, e-mails
– Articles in the news
• Video, image classification
• Music composition, picture drawing
• Natural Language Processing .
• Perception.

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