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Best Method To Communication

in an Organization
Institutional Affiliation
Communicating New Idea

•Align with the priorities of key decision

•Been flexible
•Use of imagery
•Avoid getting excited
Interacting with Superiors
• Following instructions
You must be able to follow instructions. It is important to always follow the
instruction in particular during training
• Concentration
it is important to focus attention on the supervisor and avoid been

• Listening
pay attention to the words that are spoken
• Writing
Write in a small notebook the important points that need to be remembered
Interacting with Superiors
• Practice with the person of the supervision perform the task and
ensure to complete it. That included putting the tools away and
• You should report any problems and results of your work.
• You should accurately record and give messages to your supervisor.
• You need to discuss your job performance.
Dealing with Conflict
• Listening- listen to the opinion of others to understand their
• Focus on the relationships-focus on relationship rather winning the
• Understanding the situation from other perceptive
• Empathy-have empathy for the other person
• Flexibility-Be flexible to be able to accommodate others
• Maturity- it is important to be mature to able to accept the outcome
even if it does not favor you
Managing Time
• Give a priority to the commitment of the organization
• Talk them on how to focus on each task
• Give a realistic outlook on the task
• Give your schedule and plan
Managing Time
• How to avoid distractions
It can go along way in reducing time wastage in your organization
• How to review priorities
It important to review priorities as they keep on changing from time to
Socializing with Coworkers
• Don’t bury the lead always be clear and concise
• Be an expectation listener
• Understand your personal communication style
• Respect others preferred communication style
Socializing with co workers

•Pick your moment

•Build relationships
•Stay constructive
•Address mistakes
Preferred Method of exchanging information
Flexibility will help you to accommodate the concern of
every party in the organization
It will give you the opportunity to understand the view
of others
• Argenti, P. A. (2015). Corporate communication. McGraw-Hill Higher
• Cho, M., Furey, L. D., & Mohr, T. (2017). Communicating corporate
social responsibility on social media: Strategies, stakeholders, and
public engagement on corporate Facebook. Business and Professional
Communication Quarterly, 80(1), 52-69.

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