Sign Language: Vanessa & Nicole

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SIGN LANGUAGE Vanessa & Nicole.

What is Sign Language?

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Used predominantly by the
deaf and people who can
hear but cannot speak.
• Sign languages are different from each country. There
is no universal sign language.
• Sign language has a different grammar from spoken
language. It is also different from other sign languages
—even Britsh Sign Language—because of the
separate histories of American and Britsh Deaf
• Sign languages are also not spelled out words,
although fingerspelling can be used if you want to
translate a written words like the name of an
unfamiliar town into sign language.
How and where
to learn?
• 1. YouTube videos
• The video hostng site has dozens of teachers
who give free lessons on how to sign the
alphabet, common phrases, numbers, and

• 2. Web resources
• Outside of YouTube, the internet also offers a
plethora of resources for those looking to
learn sign language, including quizzes,
courses, and more.

• 3. Apps
• On-the-go learning can help you stay
refreshed on little things and come in hand
when you need to look something up.
of BSL
•4. Sign language doesn’t only use signs to communicate.
It uses facial expression, hand movement
and positon, gestures and body language to communicate.

•5. In the American Sign Language (ASL), the alphabets

can be demonstrated using one hand.
•6. In ASL, all the signs pertaining to women (such as
wife, daughter etc.) are signed near to the jawline.

•7. Deaf people often use name signs to refer to people.
• 1. Sign language varies from country to country.

• 2. Sign languages have their own definite grammar.

For instance, a well constructed queston must • 8. Each sign is composed of five
be accompanied by the correct eyebrow positon. components.
• 3. Brain injury damages the percepton of sign language
in the same way like other spoken languages. A person • 9. Direction of the palm can change
who has a brain injury might be able to the entire meaning of the sign.
produce signs but,cannot put them in correct
grammatcal order. • 10. Two movement of the same
handshape can have separate
Deaf man is
moved to tears
when his
learned sign
language to talk
to him!

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