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A simply bet:

Who would you choose?

A simply bet: Who would you choose?
Imagine you had 20 friends you know best in your life and I gave you this DEAL:
“You come up here to me, you give me 1000 EUROS and a NAME
and for the rest of that person’s life I will pay you 10% of everything they make,
every month”.

Here is the DEAL:

1) You pay 1000 Euros & give me one name;
2) You receive 10% of their income every month.

It is allow to choose only from the people you know best from the school, high
school, academy or through family connections.

Who would you choose?

Would I bet on this person?
Bill Gates at time was richest man in the world and took this decision every
day: “Would I bet on this person?”
And the results would seem that he does this quite well.
In 2010 I thought about this question and 3 or 4 faces came to mind.

What criteria would you use in making this decision?

Grades from school or academy?
If you put your friend’s grades in order from the best to worst and you chose number 1 is good
idea? You know about the quality of our educational system and you already see the grades in
schools is not the criteria.
How about best friend?
Wonderful for friendship but a very dumb way to take this decision.

Bill Gates takes this decision every day and he has three criteria.
Who would you bet on?

Candy test
Candy test can be conducted on children 3-4 years old. The psychologist brings the
child into a room and says: “This is yours. This is yours to eat. I need to leave the room
for 2 minutes and when I come back if candy is still there, you will get two candy”.

So, 50% eat the candy and 50% don’t eat the candy and this kids go on to had lives
that are better than kids that do eat candy.
Would I bet on this person?
Let’s go back to Bill Gates and his 3 criteria.

The second criteria of Bill Gates is ENERGY.

Energy is health (vitality)+ bias to action.

The third criteria of Bill Gates is INTELLIGENCE.

Adaptive intelligence is the human mind model, in that human intelligence as represented
by the brain/mind model will tend to change or adapt toward positive modes of survival.

Number one is INTEGRITY.

Integrity is really about an alignment between what your calendar says you do and what
you say you do.

Integrity, energy and intelligence. Do they seem like a good criteria?

Would you use this criteria in takes this decision, in choosing one person to own 10% of all
their future income?
Who would you choose?
Now, there is a person in this room that without paying me a 1000 Euros, without doing anything
different, without raising your hand, without moving, you own more than 10%, you own 100%.
The person in this room that you don’t have to pay money, you don’t have to go to me and
you will own 100% of everything, month after month is _____ .

So, I very much hope that you can each day work to maximize integrity, energy and
intelligence because why you had bet on someone else for 10% .
I hope you put everything you can into maximizing these three in your own life.
Three tools to maximize integrity, energy and intelligence.

Intelligence: Write stuff down. It is the most valuable resources you have: your own life. Write your
life down – describe the “candy”.
Energy: Deal with the next unit: deal with one candy at a time, one candy at a time. Do not let
your mind jump forward and see the biggest thing.
Integrity: Time is full of good intention, but the way you see if an executive or board manager
really is behind an initiative, you open the diary and you count the hours.
Who would you choose?

And the truly important thing to remember about “Candy test” is that there’s hundred and
thousand of candy in your life: hundred and thousand of little decisions, minute after minute
that all sum up.
And success in life is not on massive good decisions, not one candy not eaten.

And failure is not one candy eaten or one poor decision.

Failure is repeated bad decisions, success is repeated, consistent, good habits.

We so underestimate what we can achieve in a year and so overestimate what we can

achieve in a day.
Who would
bet on?

I dare you,
I double dare you!

Thank you!

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