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 College students form the creamy layer of
 Studies show that 50% students suffer from
health problems,15% from depression,
anxiety, psycho somatic disorders and
adjustment problems.
 20% suffer from Alcohol & Drug abuse
 Remaining students have emotional problems
related to college and family.
common behaviors
• Irritability, anger outbursts
• Boredom, lack of interest, hopelessness.
• Fears, feelings of inferiority
• Lying, stealing, running away
• Alcohol, substance abuse, sexual promiscuity
and immoral sexual activities
• Absenteeism, dropping out, failure in exam
• Often complain of some somatic symptoms,
accident proneness.
common behaviors
• Suicidal attempts
• Disturbed relationship with family members,
Such students need to be identified and
helped. This objective can be reached out only
through you students. That’s the objective…
Adolescence is commonly divided into three:
• Early adolescence(11-14yrs)
• Middle adolescence(14-17yrs)
• Late adolescence(17-20yrs)
Early adolescence
• Marked by the onset of puberty characterized
by secondary sex characteristics
1. Breast devt and hip enlargement in
girls;Facial hair growth and change of voice in
2. Girls attain puberty 2yrs ahead of boys
3. Deviations from the expected patterns of
growth can result in damage to psychological
well being of the ado’ts.
Middle adolescence
• Boys catch up to and surpass girls in ht and wt.
• Menarche takes place in majority of the girls
• Similarly nocturnal emission starts in boys
• Masturbation though common among both,
more so in boys
• Heterosexual crushes are common
• Peer group assumes the major role. They can
exert powerful influence on the adol’t by
affording basic acceptance and support
Late adolescence
• Strong emotions and feelings for opposite sex
• Moving from a dependent to an independent
state,particularly from family and parents.
• Establishing an identity
• Negativism appears. Its an expression of
• Able to make deductions and derive general
Risk Taking Behavior

• It include drug and alcohol use

• Promiscuous sexual activity
• Accident prone beh like fast driving, climbing and
other aggressive games
Its all nothing but to compensate their failure or
to meet out their fear of inadequacy and to prove
their masculine identity.

• Parents are in middle age and undergoing lot
of adjustment issues.
• Generation Gap emerges
• Parents need to endure the distressing loss of
authority without losing responsibility
• They must be able to set appropriate limits on
beh while encouraging their independence.

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