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Anjas Darma

Fauzan Aries
Muhammad Ihsan
Syed Rafi Hussein
Process of making something as good or effective as possible

Optimization from a small number of alternatves:

Finding the best possible solution with less number of alternatives or decisions.
 Decision trees = branching method to illustrate every possible
outcome of a decision
 Graphical representation of relationships
 Multiple criteria approach
 Demonstrates complex relationships
 Cumbersome, if many alternatives exists
Decision tables = organize information and knowledge in a
systematic, tabular manner to prepare it for analysis, represent
conditional logic by creating a list of tasks depicting business level
 Multiple criteria decision analysis
 Features include decision variables (alternatives), uncontrollable variables,
result variables
 A decision tree is a decision support tool that uses a tree-like graph or model of
decisions and their possible consequences, including chance event outcomes,
resource costs, and utility. It is one way to display an algorithm that only contains
conditional control statements.
How can a decision tree be used in decision making?

By showing the decision maker the possible outcomes

that could result from a given choice, the tree gives the
decision maker information by which to compare

• Easy to understand and interpret, perfect for visual representation. This is an
example of a white box model, which closely mimics the human decision-making
• Can work with numerical and categorical features

• They are unstable, meaning that a small change in the data can lead to a large
change in the structure of the optimal decision tree.
• They are often relatively inaccurate. Many other predictors perform better with
similar data. This can be remedied by replacing a single decision tree with a random
forest of decision trees, but a random forest is not as easy to interpret as a single
decision tree.
Definition - What is Decision Table?
 A decision table is used to represent conditional logic by creating a list of tasks
depicting business level rules. Decision tables can be used when there is a
consistent number of conditions that must be evaluated and assigned a specific set
of actions to be used when the conditions are finally met.
 Decision tables are fairly similar to decision trees except for the fact that decision
tables will always have the same number of conditions that need to be evaluated
and actions that must be performed even if the set of branches being analyzed is
resolved to true. A decision tree, on the other hand, can have one branch with more
conditions that need to be evaluated than other branches on the tree.
 The purpose of a decision table is to structure logic by generating rules derived
from the data entered in the table itself. A decision table lists causes (business rule
condition) and effects (business rule action and expected results), which are
represented through the use of a matrix where each column represents a unique
 If there are rules within a business that can be expressed through the use of
templates and data then a decision table is one technique that can be used to
accomplish this. Each row of a decision table collects and stores its data separately
and then combines the data with a specific or customized template to generate a
rule. Decision tables should not be used if the rules in question do not follow a set
of templates.
This is login screen

The condition is simple if the user provides correct username and password the user will be
redirected to the homepage. If any of the input is wrong, an error message will be displayed.
Condition Rule 1 Rule 2 Rule 3 Rule 4
Username False True False True
Password False False True True
Output Error Error Error Success


Case 1: Username and password both were wrong. The user is shown an error message.
Case 2: Username was correct, but the password was wrong. The user is shown an error message.
Case 3: Username was wrong, but the password was correct. The user is shown an error message.
Case 4: Username and password both were correct, and the user successfully login to the system.
 1 Success :
A. Enter correct username and correct password and click on login, and the
expected result will be the user should be logged in to the system successfully.
 2 Failure :
A. Enter wrong username and wrong password and click on login, and the
expected result will be the user should get an error message , or
B. Enter correct username and wrong password and click on login, and the
expected result will be the user should get an error message, or
C. Enter wrong username and correct password and click on login, and the
expected result will be the user should get an error message
 In this case, decision table is a good option. This technique can make sure of good
coverage, and the representation is simple so that it is easy to interpret and use.
 This table can be used as the reference for the requirement and for the
functionality development since it is easy to understand and cover all the

+ The representation is simple so that it can be easily interpreted and is used for
development and business as well.
+ This table will help to make effective combinations and can ensure a better
coverage for testing
+ Any complex business conditions can be easily turned into decision tables
+ In a case we are going for 100% coverage typically when the input combinations
are low, this technique can ensure the coverage.
- The main disadvantage is that when the number of input increases the table will
become more complex

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