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Infection Prevention

Shailly Bhatia
Consultant HA
 Consider every person ( client or staff)
 Wash hands for preventing cross
 Wear gloves before touching anything-
broken skin, mucous membrane, blood or
other body fluids, soiled instruments and
other items.
 Use physical barriers ( protective goggles,
face masks and aprons) if splashes and
spills of body fluids are anticipated
 Use safe work practices
- not recapping or bending needles
- safely passing sharp instruments.
- Properly disposing of Medical
Hand Washing
Hand Washing may be the single most important procedure
in preventing infection.
Wash hands:
-Before and after examining each client( direct contact)
- After removing gloves ( as they may have holes)
- After exposure to blood or body fluids ( excretions or
secretions),even if gloves are worn
- Use a plain or antiseptic soap
- Vigorously rub lathered hands together for 10-15 mins.
- Rinse with clean running water
- Dry hands with a clean towel or dry them.
Protective Barriers

 Wear Gloves:
- while performing a procedure
- while handling soiled instruments,
gloves and other items.
- while disposing of contaminated
waste items ( cotton, gauze or
Soiled Instruments and other items

Thoroughly wash
and rinse

Preferred Acceptable
Methods Methods

Sterilization High-Level Disinfection

Chemical Autoclave Dry Heat Boil Steam Chemical

Steam Sterilisation ( autoclave):
- 121deg C,106 Kpas Pressure:20 mins for
unwrapped items 30 mins for wrapped items.
- Allow all items to dry before removing

Chemical Sterilization:
-Soak items in Glutaraldehyde for 8-10 hrs or
formaldehyde for 10 hrs
-Rinse with Sterile water
High Level Disinfection

 Boil instruments and other items for 20 mins.
 Always boil for 20 minutes in pot with lid.
 Start timing when water begins to boil.

 Air dry before use or storage

 Steam instruments, gloves and other items for 20 mins
 Be sure that there should be enough water in bottom pan
for entire steam cycle.
 Start timing when steam begins to come out from under
Chemical Disinfection
 Preparing a High Level Disinfected container
Fill a clean container with 0.5% Chlorine

 Practices:
- Cover all items completely with disinfectant.
- Soak for 20 mins
- Rinse with Boil water
- Air dry before use and storage
Bio- Medical Waste Managemnet
 Bio- medical waste in hospitals:
- 85% waste are non infectious
- 10 % are infectious
- 5 % hazardous

Basic Principles:
- Bio- medical waste should not be mixed with other wastes
-Segregation and safe containment of waste at the source of
generation ( as per the Bio-Medical Waste Management
- Colour- coding to support segregation at source.
- Appropriate display of IEC material at suitable places.

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