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Presented by Noelia Lazo

Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Science Content Standards
Butterfly Body Parts
 The butterfly body can be
divided into three segments.
 The head contains the eyes,
the proboscis and the
 The thorax is the middle
section of butterfly body. It
includes the wings and legs.
 The abdomen contains the
reproductive organs.
The Life Cycle of a Butterfly
 The life cycle of the
butterfly is called
metamorphosis. A
metamorphosis is the
change of form that
butterflies go through.
Butterflies go through
four stages in its life
and each stage is very
different from others.
 The stages of their life
cycle include: egg,
caterpillar, chrysalis
and butterfly.
Stage 1- The egg
 A female butterfly
lays tiny eggs on a
 Around 5 days
later, a tiny
wormlike creature
will hatch from the
Stage2- The caterpillar
 The egg hatches
and a caterpillar
 A caterpillar eats
and grows.
 A caterpillar breaks
out its old skin
several times.
Stage 3-The chrysalis
 The caterpillar
looks for a good
place to turn into a
 The caterpillar
stays in the
chrysalis about one
Stage 4-The butterfly
 A butterfly crawls
out of the chrysalis.
 You can see a
head, a body, and
then the wings.
 It is a beautiful
 Abdomen: is the stomach.
 Proboscis: is the tongue of the butterfly.
 Metamorphosis: a change of form.
 Antennae is a sensitive feeler that the butterfly
 Thorax: is the house of the heart and lungs and
a number of structures passing between the
neck and the abdomen.
 Caterpillar: is the larva of a butterfly
 Chrysalis: is a hard shell. Inside of the chrysalis
is the butterfly.

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