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Customs in india

Traditions and customs have always beeen givena great deal of significance
by people in india. Etiquettes, moral values, religious customs, family life
and cultural practices are a vital part of everyday life. Those who break away
from the code of conduct set forth by their ancestors are looked down upon
by the rest of the society. Therefore, in order to earn respect of the
community, there are certain social customs in india which the inhatants
need to follow as a compulsion. Moreover, it is also important for foreign
tourists to value sone of these rules and follow them during theirstay in
 Customs and traditions have been an important part of every religion and
culture. Human civilisation is incomplete without them. As hindhusm is
the oldest religion on earth, there are a lot of customs are soimportant for
the peoplethat sometimes, they sacrifies their lives for them. Mainly,
people living in villages in india are very conscious regarding these . It
does not mean that people living in the cities do not observe them but
they arenot as staunch as the people in villages are. There are thousands of
customs and traditions in india especialy in hindu religion. Ther vary from
region to region, caste to caste. Many of them are common in all parts of
According to customs in india,
Apply’S a spotor standing line of kumkum b/W the eyebrows on the
forehead at the time of worship
Most of the marriages are arranged type with the consent of bride and
groom. Marrying outside the caste is considered as a bad practice.
Do not wear footwear inside homes, temples and other holy places.
these are the some customs are followed by the
 India is a land of esoteric customs and exotic traditions that often
bewilder and even shock those from outside the country. Each and every
custom and tradition in india is assosiated with centuries of history and
defined by a philosophical worldview that is unique to the county.

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