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By Kinesa Jelita Virlani


Bullying is the use of force, coercion, or threat, to abuse,

aggressively dominate or intimidate. The behavior is often
repeated and habitual. One essential prerequisite is the
perception (by the bully or by others) of an imbalance of physical
or social power.
Here is an example of action that
includes kategory bullying; both
individual and group perpetrator
intentionally harm or threaten the victim
by means of:
- Set aside someone from the
- Spreading gossip, make a nickname
that is mockery,
- Work on a person to embarrass him,
- Intimidate or threaten the victim,
- Physically hurt,
Some things that
cause bullying are as

• There is a feeling of wanting

to be in power
• As a result, the lack of
attention from the people
• The perpetrators have
become victims of violence
• Because often fighting
• As a result of imitating acts of
Here is an example of the impact of bullying to the
 Depression

 Low self-esteem / self-


 Shy and reclusive

 Decline in academic

 Feeling socially isolated

Bullying needs to be stopped and prevented.
It should be a parent’s responsibility to guide
and teach their children to be a good friend
with everyone. The schools themselves
should also develop anti-bullying circles and
make students aware of the dangers of
bullying. They should give bullies the
appropriate discipline and provide
rehabilitation for victims.
FOR BULLIER, you should stop
doing it because its can harm for
FOR BULLIED, you shouldn’t
scare. Just keep calm and enjoy
your life. Ignore everything who
disturb you especially them.

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