Typologies of Communities

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Typologies of


Prepared by: Alpher Hope B.

Formal Communities

– The members in these communities engage in Joint

and Discussions
– Help and Share information from each other.
Types of Formal Communities

Ecovillages – Communities with strong ecological focus.

Co-housing – generally incorporated with both private home and
shared common facilities, and support neighbors connection
Co-Ops- are cooperative members generally expense sharing and
shared housing communities
Religious- are communities identified as spiritual or or religious in
nature, such as Muslim communities or Christian societies and etc.
Informal Communities

– This communities consist of a set of personal relations, social networks,

common interest and emotional sources of motivation.
– These are built among people who share a common organizational
affiliations or cluster of affiliations.
Types of Informal Communities

– Academic communities – include schools, colleges, universities, research

laboratories, corporate training facilities, tutorial centers in which people
have the common interest.
– Recreational Communities- or tourist forums are usually the historic sites
or scenic views where travelers and tourist spend money on food, hotels
and etc.
– Retirement- tend to house large number of elderly people who have left
the workforce. These retirees brings pensions, social security and savings
which infuse the area with capital.
Rural Communities

– In this type of community, the people produce foods for

their subsistence.
– The major sources of their livelihood are crops and
livestock production, fishing, farming, and small cottage.
Some of the people’s products are sold in poblaciones or
downtown areas of the cities.
Characteristics of Rural Communities:

– There is greater personal interaction among people

– The people establish deep, long term relationship
– Generally, Peace and Order exist
– Relationship is the mutual “give and take” affairs
– The vernacular is usually spoken in the area
Urban Communities

– It is usually large in terms of land area and population, advance in science and technology, with favorable
physical environment and varied diverse cultures and the people are engage in varied occupations.
– The poblacion “Centro” area or downtown area of a town is considered an urban area in terms of
available facilities.
– A city must have at least 150,000 inhabitants, with contiguous territory of at least 100sq. And an average
annual income of atleast 70million php.
– In cities, there are skyscrapers which are very tall buildings.
– To date, the tallest skyscraper in the world is Taipei 101. It is 1,671 ft. tall
– The tallest skyscraper in the US are Sears Towers in Chicago Illinois. This skyscraper is 1,451 ft. tall and
the 5th tallest in the world. In urban areas, you will see many different forms of public transportations
such as taxis, jeepneys electric trains and etc.

– 5 characteristics of Urban area

 People are crowded
 There is a greater population
 Many crimes are commited and deviants are rampant
 There is higher standard of living
 Squatters or informal settlers are rampant.
Global Communities
– It is the international aggregate of nation-states. It may also
be called “World Community”.
– This type of community used to imply the existence of a
common point of view towards such matters such as:
 a specific issues of human rights,
global warming and climate change;
Peace and order,
 socio-economic conditions of the people as well as
disputed issue such as territorial conflict.
Sectoral Type of Communities
– This include the voluntary sector also known as
“Non-Profit Sector” “Not for Profit Sector”
– Social activities are undertaken byy organizations
that are non-for profit and non governmental.
This sector is called as Third Sector in contrast to
public and private sector.
Social Space Type of
– A Social space is a physical or virtual space such as social
center, online social media, or other gathering place
where people gather and interact. Some social places
such as town squares or sparks are public places. Others
such as pubs, websites, or shopping malls are privately
owned and regulated.

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