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Made by : Group

1) Vraj Panchal (28)

2) Dhruv Jariwala (26)
3) Dharmin Patel
4) Dhruv Patel




Definition of Water Quality

Water quality is the physical, chemical and

biological characteristics of water. It is a
measure of the condition of water relative to
the requirements of one or more biotic
species and or to any human need or
purpose. It is most frequently used by
reference to a set of standards against which
compliance can be assessed. The most
common standards used to assess water
quality relate to health of ecosystems, safety
of human contact and drinking water.
• Temperature
• Dissolved oxygen
• Total ammonia-nitrogen, NH3, NO-2
• Alkalinity
• Hardness
• pH
• Carbon dioxide
The vast majority of surface water on the planet
is neither potable nor toxic. This remains true
even if seawater in the oceans (which is too salty
to drink) is not counted. Another general
perception of water quality is that of a simple
property that tells whether water is polluted or
not. In fact, water quality is a complex subject, in
part because water is a complex medium
intrinsically tied to the ecology of the Earth.
Industrial and commercial activities (e.g.
manufacturing, mining, construction, transport)
are a major cause of water pollution as are runoff
from agricultural areas, urban runoff and
discharge of treated and untreated sewage.
Water Quality Standards
Parameter Concentration (mg/L)

Alkalinity (as CaCO3) 50-300

Ammonia (NH3-N unionized) <0.0125 (Salmonids)

Ammonia (TAN) Cool-water fish <1.0

Ammonia (TAN) Warm-water fish <3.0

Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

Tolerant Species (tilapia) <60

Sensitive Species (salmonids) <20

Recirculating Aquaculture Systems Short Course
Water Quality Standards

Parameter Concentration (mg/L)

Hardness, Total (as CaCO3) >100

Iron (Fe) <0.15

Nitrogen (N2) <110% total gas pressure

<103 % as nitrogen gas

Nitrite (NO2) <1, 0.1 in soft water

Nitrate (NO3) 0-400 or higher

Recirculating Aquaculture Systems Short Course
Water Quality Standards

Parameter Concentration (mg/L)

Oxygen Dissolved (DO) >5

> 90 mm Hg partial pressure

Ozone (O3) <0.005

pH 6.5-8.5
Salinity <0.5 to 1
Total dissolved solids (TDS) <400

Total suspended solids (TSS) <80

Recirculating Aquaculture Systems Short Course
Technical Terms
• BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards)
• Desirable limits
• Permissible limit
• Hazen Units
Colour, Hazen Units

IS 10500-1991 Desirable : 5 Hz. , Permissible : 25 Hz.

Risks or effects Visible tint, acceptance decreases

Tannins, Iron, Copper, Manganese Natural deposits


Treatment Filtration, Distillation, Reverse osmosis, Ozonisation


IS 10500-1991 Unobjectionable

Risks or effects Rotten egg, Musty, Chemical

Chlorine, Hydrogen sulfide, Organic matter, Septic contamination,

Methane gas

Treatment Activated carbon, Air stripping, oxidation, Filtration


IS 10500-1991 Desirable :6.5 – 8.5, Permissible :No relaxation

Low pH - corrosion, metallic taste High pH – bitter/soda
Risks or effects
taste, deposits

Sources Natural

Increase pH by soda ash

Decrease pH with white vinegar / citric acid
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)

IS 10500-1991 Desirable : 500 mg/l , Permissible : 2000 mg/l

Hardness, scaly deposits, sediment, cloudy colored water, staining, salty or

Risks or effects
bitter taste, corrosion of pipes and fittings

Livestock waste, septic system Landfills, nature of

soil Hazardous waste landfills
Sources Dissolved minerals, iron and manganese

Treatment Reverse Osmosis, Distillation, deionization by ion exchange


IS 10500-1991 Desirable :300 mg/l , Permissible : 600 mg/l

Risks or effects Scale in utensils and hot water system, soap scums

Dissolved calcium and magnesium from soil and aquifer minerals containing
limestone or dolomite

Treatment Water Softener Ion Exchanger , Reverse Osmosis

BIS Guideline value
Parameter General & Health effect

Total dissolved 2000 mg/L Undesirable taste; gastro intestinal irritations; corrosion or incrustation

PH 6.5-8.5 Affects mucous membrane; bitter taste; corrosion; affects aquatic


Alkalinity 600 mg/L Boiled rice turns yellowish

Hardness 600 mg/L Poor lathering with soap; deterioration of the quality of clothes; scale
forming; skin irritation; boiled meat and food become poor in quality

Calcium 200 Poor lathering and deterioration of the quality of clothes;

incrustation in pipes; scale formation

Magnesium 100 Poor lathering and deterioration of clothes; with sulfate laxative

Iron 1.0 Poor or sometimes bitter taste, color and turbidity; staining of clothes
materials; iron bacteria causing slime

Manganese 0.3 Poor taste, color and turbidity; staining; black slime
BIS Guideline value
Parameter General & Health effect
(maximum allowable)

Aluminum 0.2 Neurological disorders; Alzheimer's disease

Copper 1.5 Liver damage; mucosal irritation, renal damage and depression;
restricts growth of aquatic plants

Zinc 15 Astringent taste; opalescence in water; gastro intestinal irritation;

vomiting, dehydration, abdominal pain, nausea and dizziness

Ammonia - Indicates pollution; growth of algae

Nitrite - Forms nitrosoamines which are carcinogenic

Nitrate 100 Blue baby disease (methemoglobineamia); algal growth

Sulfate 400 Taste affected; laxative effect; gastro intestinal irritation

Chloride 1000 Taste affected; corrosive

Fluoride 1.5 Dental and skeletal fluorosis; non-skeletal

BIS Guideline
value (maximum
Parameter General & Health effect

Phosphate - Algal growth

Arsenic 0.05 Toxic; bio-accumulation; central nervous system affected; carcinogenic

Mercury 0.001 Highly toxic; causes 'minamata' disease-neurological impairment and

renal disturbances; mutagenic

Cadmium 0.01 Highly toxic; causes 'itai-itai' disease-painful rheumatic condition; cardio
vascular system affected; gastro intestinal upsets and hyper tension

Lead 0.05 Causes plumbism-tiredness, lassitudes, abdominal discomfort, irritability, anaemia;

bio-accumulation; impaired neurological and motor development, and damage
to kidneys

Chromium 0.05 Carcinogenic; ulcerations, respiratory problems and skin complaints

Pesticide 0.001 Affects central nervous system

Detergent - Undesirable foaming

Water Sources

• Groundwater
• Surface Water
• Municipal Water Supplies

Recirculating Aquaculture Systems Short Course

Water Sources – Ground Water

• Constant Temperature

• Dissolved H2S and CO2
• Low Dissolved Oxygen
• Supersaturation
• High Iron Concentration
Recirculating Aquaculture Systems Short Course
Water Sources – Municipal Water
Designed and treated to safeguard
the health of humans, not fish!

Advantages Disadvantage

•Availability •Chlorine

Recirculating Aquaculture Systems Short Course

Water Quality Parameters

Critical Parameters
•Dissolved Oxygen
•Temperature Important Parameters
•Ammonia/Nitrite/Nitrate •Alkalinity/Hardness
•pH •Salinity
•Carbon Dioxide

Recirculating Aquaculture Systems Short Course

Dissolved Oxygen

Nature’s cruel joke on aquaculture!

Saturation concentration of dissolved oxygen:
highest at low temperature
lowest at high temperatures

But demand for basic metabolism and food conversion:

highest at high temperatures
lowest at low temperatures

Recirculating Aquaculture Systems Short Course


What is water conservation..

Why conserve water?
some ways to conserve water...
What is water conservation...

Water conservation refers to the

preservation, control, and development of
water resources, both surface and ground
water , and prevention of pollution.
Ways to save water indoors and outdoors....

 Check all faucets, pipes and  Water your lawn or garden

toilets for leaks. early in the morning or late in
 Turn off the water while evening.
brushing your teeth or shaving.  Equip all hoses with shut-off
 Fully load your dishwasher. nozzles.
 Use drip irrigation systems.

What is water pollution

Common sources of water pollution
Tips for prevention pollution
What is water pollution..?
 Water pollution is the term used
to describe an event in which
water becomes too dangerous
for human consumption.
 When water is polluted , this
means that it has a very high
potential to cause damage to
human beings if it`s ingested,
used for washing, used in cooking
or all three.
Common sources of water pollution....
 Dumping
When people dump west and garbage in and around water sources,
whether on purpose or accidentally this illegal dumping paves the way
for serious water pollution down the line.
 Factories
factories cause runoff that pollutes ground water , but they also often
dump waste water directly into surface watersources.
 Home chemical use..
using pesticides on your lawn or in your home garden can contribute
to water pollution , and so can using harsh cleaners to wash the outside
of your home.
Tips for prevention water pollution.....
 Do not dump in or around
rivers.  Never bury animals in the
 Clean up rivers that have a lot backyard .
of trash in and around them.  Follow all water laws and
 Clean and maintain septic regulation given out by your
systems appropriately. municipality.

Some people use water purification

technology to remove contaminants
from the municipal water supply they
get in their homes, or from local
pumps or bodies of water. Water
drawn directly from a stream, lake,
or aquifer and has no treatment will
be of uncertain quality
If you believe that water supplied by a civic body is impure and has odour,
you should check water supplied by Surat Municipal Corporation (SMC). As
per tests, the water is purer and cleaner than that available in bottles,
packed locally.
The tests are being conducted by SMC at its own laboratory as per
international standards. Samples have also been collected as per world
"Water which SMC supplies is much better than that bottled and sold by
local companies. Sometimes, they simply fill civic water in bottles claiming
it is mineral water. People believe them and tend to think civic water is
unclean," said Jatin Shah, city engineer of SMC. Following complaints about
water being supplied in the city, SMC conducted tests on raw water and
water post treatment
Dissolved minerals may affect suitability of water for
a range of industrial and domestic purposes. The
most familiar of these is probably the presence of
ions of calcium and magnesium which interfere with
the cleaning action of soap, and can form hard
sulfate and soft carbonate deposits in water heaters
or boilers. Hard water may be softened to remove
these ions. The softening process often substitutes
sodium cations. Hard water may be preferable to soft
water for human consumption, since health problems
have been associated with excess sodium and with
calcium and magnesium deficiencies. Softening may
sacrifice nutrition for cleaning effectiveness.
Water quality- why is it important?

• Your fish live in it.

• Are supported by it.
• Receive their oxygen from it.
• And excrete in it.
• Water quality factors influence and interact with each other. What may
cause problems in one situation may be harmless in another.
• Influences effectiveness/toxicity of treatments.
• Most of disease problems can be avoided with proper management of
water quality.
• This includes maintain water quality at a level that provides an environment
conducive to fish health and growth.

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