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Improvement and Efficiency in Patient Care

Kelley Schlosshan
Bon Secours Memorial College of Nursing

Background Graph 1 – % of Joint Patients Late to Class Results


Healthcare organizations are confronted with numerous During the pre-data phase of the project, I observed data Two PDSA cycles were completed and the results did show
challenges to deliver safe, effective and quality patient care. from August 12–September 10, 2019 and 52 patients were continued improvement. Following phase 2, the date
50.0% 50.0%

The Institute of Medicine, the Joint Commission, and the 40.0%

registered for class and of these patients 13 were late, 25%. indicated the percent of patients registered late is the same
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services necessitate 30.0%

25.0% 25.0%
During the first PDSA cycle from September 16-23, 2019, percent of patients arriving late to class, 14.3%. The next
continuous improvement in delivery of patient care. In 20.0%

changes were implemented with the charge nurse in an phase would include working directly with the patient
healthcare today, nurses are expected and required to use 10.0%
attempt to increase on-time arrival to class, resulting in a registrar to identify reasons patients are registered late and
evidenced-based clinical practice guidelines and contribute 0.0%
0.0% 0.0%
3% increase in on –time arrival. During this time, the charge also to track the amount of time it is taking to register
to ongoing quality improvement i efforts, ensuring a safer 12-Aug 13-Aug 19-Aug 20-Aug

26-Aug 27-Aug 3-Sep 9-Sep 10-Sep

nurse made out the assignment by 4:30 pm on Fridays and patients. This process has show me that clear and
healthcare environment and providing excellent patient Additionally, the surgery center has only one registrar to Mondays a majority of the time. I listened to her make consistent communication can have a huge impact in
care (Balakas & Smith, 2016). Prevention of medical errors register surgery and preadmission testing patients, which reminder phone calls in which she communicates specific patient care and learning to identify other avenues of
and omissions in patient care are essential. Hospitals have the surgery patients take precedence. As a part of my directions to the preadmission testing location and time of changes to implement for continued process improvement.
reported reduced patient harm after investing in a quality quality improvement project, I chose to work on increasing arrival. The second cycle consisted of data from September Small incremental steps towards improvement can make a
improvement program with lower hospital readmission on-time arrival to the joint replacement class to enable 30-October 8, 2019 and increased on-time arrival by 11%. difference and effective communication will contribute to
rates, decreased hospital acquired conditions, improved patient learning, improve patient outcomes, and staff Graph 2 – Challenges & Patients Late better outcomes.
patient mobility and decreased falls, and improved hand efficiency. 45.0% 42.9%
hygiene and access to care (Sarff & O’Brien, 2019). 40.0%

35.0% 33.3%
Balakas, K., & Smith, J. R. (2016). Evidence-Based Practice
Method 30.0%


and Quality Improvement in Nursing Education. The Journal


14.3% 14.3%
of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing, 30(3), 191-194.
Introduction In working with our charge nurse, there were several 10.0% 14.3%
interventions initiated. In the reminder call, the charge 5.0%

0.0% 0.0%
Sarff, L., & O’Brien, R. (2019). Evidence-Based Quality
9/30/19 10/1/19 10/7/19 10/8/19

Over the past several months, the preadmission testing nurse gave specific instructions on location of appointment % of patients registered late % of time management challenges % of patients requiring a wheelchair % Patients Late
Improvement Training Programs: Building Staff Capability
department has noticed a larger number of patients arriving to ensure the patients came to the correct location for Measures taken during this second cycle included and Organizational Capacity. Journal of Nursing Care
late to the joint replacement class. The nurses in our appointment. She increased the patients time of arrival to implementation of a Joint Replacement Class Checklist and Quality, 00(00), 1-7.
department are responsible for getting the patients to class appointment from 20 minutes to 30 minutes to allow for ensuring equipment such as two wheel chairs and EKG 10.1097/NCQ.0000000000000416
on time. There has also been instances where patients more time to register the patient. She agreed to make out machine were readily available on Mondays and Tuesdays.
were left in the surgical waiting area because the nurse the patient assignment by 4:30 pm on Fridays and Mondays
forgets to take them up to class. Other components to allow time for nurses to review their charts. The only
contributing to patient tardiness include time management changes implemented from the first cycle to the second was
a joint replacement class checklist and focusing on
challenges such as interruptions, phone calls, distractions,
and unforeseen variables. equipment needs. The checklist served as a reminder for In summary, patients tardiness to the joint replacement
nurses of essential tasks and prevention of omission of care. class can affect patient’s learning and outcomes because
To improve efficiency, a nurse was assigned to get two they can miss vital information. Nurses are expected to
wheelchairs the day before and to ensure EKG machine is deliver high quality and safe care. In an effort to improve
available during the time of 8 am to 9:30 am on Mondays on-time arrival, it is necessary to review and implement
and Tuesdays. No unusual findings . new process measures.

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