Asset Management - Training

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PeopleSoft Asset management

Kartik Panati

IBM Confidential PS Asset management Overview | © 2008 IBM Corporation


Objective & Agenda

At the end of this training you will be able to

Add and Maintain Assets
Maintain Parent and Child Assets
Work with Leased Assets
Adjust and Transfer Assets
Retire Assets
Depreciate Assets
Create Accounting Entries
Discuss the Batch Processing flow and Options
Integrate with Other Enterprise Applications

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Asset Addition

Asset management stores two types of Asset Information –

Physical – Information such as Tag No, specifications, Custodian,
Location, Manufacturer etc…
Financial – Information such as Costs, Book, depreciation method,
Convention and life.

There are two ways for Adding Assets –

Basic Add Page – When you have physical information present and then
capitalize it later.
Express Add Page – An asset is created using asset profile to default Book
and depreciation information. Very little information entered and these
assets are capitalized automatically.
 We can add more detail physical information latter.

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Asset Profile

This is a Template that contain Standard depreciation criteria for a

asset type and corresponding asset book

A Profile ID
An Asset Category
An Asset Book Name
A Depreciation Method

An Asset Profile is recommended when we have large number of assets of

same type. This minimizes data entry
When adding assets any of the field present in the Asset Profile can be

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Parent Child Relationship in Assets

There are 3 methods to define parent child relationship.

 Grouping items as a single asset – Ex: Computer as a single asset
 Using a Parent component Asset – Ex: CPU parent, monitor and KB child
 Each component has its own cost, depreciation and tracking info
 Using a reporting Umbrella – This is achieved by defining a parent only asset
that is not really an asset and use this asset id to group all children
 These can be created using Asset Parent Page, They do not have a
cost/basic information. Cannot be viewed using Parent – Child basic info
page or can not be viewed/Transacted against asset Cost/Adjust Transfer,
Retirement Pages
 Navigation : Asset management > Owned Assets > Parent – Child Processing
> Parent
 A Child Asset can be related to a parent asset by selecting “CHILD” in the
Parent/Child Drop Down and specify the Parent ID.
 Asset Acquisition Report – This report helps in listing assets information
pertaining to a specified category.
 Navigation – Asset management > Reports > Owned Assets> Asset Acquisitions
 This information includes cost, LTD and YTD Depreciation and net book value

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Basic Add

Navigation : - Asset Management > Owned Assets > Basic Add

Asset Info Page – The Purpose of this page is to add or change basic asset
Asset Acquisition Page – The Purpose is to store information on how the
asset was acquired.
Location/Comments/Attributes Page – The Purpose is to keep track of the
an asset.
Custodian/License/Manufacturer Page – The Purpose is to record the
custodial, License and manufacturer information for an asset.
Physical Info Fields to be populated – Descr, Short Descr, Asset Class,
Asset Status, Location, Physical Attributes, Custodian Attributes and Save.
Financial Info Fields to be populated – Descr, Source, Amount, Profile ID,
Asset Acquisition chartfields and Capitalize.

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Express Add

Used to enter Assets quickly and efficiently.

Assets are capitalized automatically.
Most of the information is defaulted from the asset Profile.
Enables you to enter the accumulated depreciation for the assets.
To enter Joint Venture Assets.
Enter Fields Profile ID, Descr, Location, Asset Class, Taggable Asset,
Asset Additional Info and Press Default Profile.
To create a Parent Asset select “PARENT” in the Parent Child Drop down.
To associate a child to a parent select “CHILD” in the Parent Child Drop
down and specify the Parent ID.
Navigation : Asset Management > Owned Assets > Express Add
Asset Book information Page – This enables you to enter book information
that is different from the information in your asset profile.
Navigation - Asset management > Owned Assets > Asset Book Info

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Leased Assets

Steps for Adding and maintaining Leased Assets:

Create a New Lease
Enter Chartfield and depreciation data for the leased asset.
Enter/View the lease payment schedule. For Step Lease enter a step lease
payment schedule.
Track chartfields on operating chartfields page.

Adding of a new Lease: We can add a New Lease on the Lease Express Add
Navigation : Asset management > Leased Assets > Express Add.
To Review and update lease info use Update Lease Information Page
Navigation : Asset management > Leased Assets > Update Lease Information

Joint Venture Processing – Leased assets can not be directly owned by Joint
Venture Processing. JV Processing in Peoplesoft is achieved by setting up a
JV Business unit. Identifying the BU’s involved in the JV and Associating the
BU’s with their respective equities.
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Lease Payment Schedules

Lease Terms Group Box on Lease Express Add Page contains various fields
that are used to calculate Lease Payment Schedules.
 Payment Schedule ID : Each lease must have the Schedule ID and this is decided
based on whether the payment schedule is general, annual, semiannual etc…
 BPO : Bargain Payment Option – Pay and retain the asset at end of term
 BRO : Bargain renewal Option – Renew the Lease at end of term
 Step Lease : This type of lease consist of Variable payments and occasionally variable
timing over the lease term.
 Lease Payment Type : Advance Payment Type means Payment will be made before
the Lease begins.
 Lease Type : Capital/Operational – This is automatically selected. This is based on the
FASB Statement 13 criteria. Capital –> Financial assets else Operating . To change we
need to retire and re enter the lease
Use the Cost Page to enter the chartfield and depreciation data for leased
Use Payment Schedule Page to enter schedule for lease payments.

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Lease Payment Schedule Calculation formula

Field Required for entering Lease – Profile ID, Descr, Lease Term, Estimated
Life, Interest Rate, Payment Schedule ID, Transfer Ownership at end of
lease, MRP, Lease Information - Vendor ID, Lease ID, Cost – Chartfields.
Payment Schedule will be automatically populated.
For step Lease enter the Lease Payment Schedule on Step Lease Payment page.
Lease Asset Report – Asset Management > Reports > Leased Assets > Summary or

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Adjusting and Transferring Assets

Changes in Asset information might be required for Cost, Quantity, Depreciation rules,
Location and Physical Attributes.
Some of these changes have a financial or Tax impact.
On the Main Page select the type of transaction, enter the accounting and transaction
Cost information page can be used to make actual adjustments t cost entries.
Child Assets Page is used to select some/none/all child assets in the transaction. It
appears only if parent is being transacted.
Transfers: This is used to periodically transfer assets within a BU or from one
BU to Other.
In addition to physical relocation this might even need change to some of the
chartfield values to post them correctly.
Transfer can be in full or in parts or retroactively.
Full or partial transfers can be done by cost, quantity or percentage.
Both AM Bus need to report to the same GL BU for inter unit transfer to be
automatic else retire and add to the new BU.

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Retire Assets

We can fully or Partially retire assets with effect from past, Present or future
Fully depreciated assets can be retired by running the Auto-Retire fully
depreciated assets process.
Asset Retirement Types
 Full Retirement
 Partial Retirement by quantity or cost
 Retirement for a Prior Period
Retiring financial assets will have an impact on the gain/loss for the BU.
If reinstate button is pressed without calculating the gain/loss after retirement
then the retirement rows will be purged.
For Partial retirements change the disposal code and change either the quantity
or cost. Others will automatically change.
Cost history Page has information about history of any transactions performed
on that asset. AM > Review Cost/Depr Activity > Cost History
Retirement info report is used to track the asset retired in a specific period.

12 PS Asset Management Functionality Overview | IBM Confidential © Copyright IBM Corporation 2004

Retire Assets

Full Retirement – When all units and costs of an asset are retired, No further
depreciation accrues on the asset after that.
Partial Retirement – This can be done by Quantity or Cost, Depreciation continues to
be processed for remaining amount.
Retirement for a prior period – To Retire an asset for a prior period, you need to enter
the transaction and accounting dates of the actual retirement. You also need to enter
the accounting period to which the transaction needs to be posted. This will reverse the
depreciation entries for the previous months and keep the ledger in sync.
When Retiring Financial Assets you need to use a series of pages –
Retire Assets Page – Used to Retire Assets
By Chartfield Page – Used to partially retire shared assets
Child Assets Page – Used to identify child assets to be included in the retirement
VAT Options Page – Used to make sure VAT is not calculate twice
Event Details Page – Used by PS Strategic sourcing to auction the assets.
Non financial do not have cost info, So retirement only involves changing status
to Disposed

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Reinstate Assets

For Reinstating a retired Financial Asset, You navigate to the Retire Asset
Page Select the reinstate check box and click on the reinstate button.
For Reinstating a retired Non Financial Asset, You navigate to the General
Page of the Retire/Reinstate Non Financial Asset Page and click on the
reinstate button.

Retirement Information Report

This Report is used to track the assets that have been retired in a specific
accounting period and check for discrepancies.
This Report can be sorted by chartfield Data or by In Service Status.
Navigation : Asset Management > Reports > Retirement > Retirement
Information Report

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Processing Depreciation
Peoplesoft calculates depreciation based on the depreciating attributes setup
for them, such as
 Depreciation method
 Prorate Convention
 Depreciable basis
 Estimated Useful life
 Placed-in-service date
These attributes can be specified at Business Unit Book, Asset Profile or when
adding assets.
Group assets are considered differently from regular assets. Before you run
Depreciation on group assets we must run Group consolidation Process
(AMGRPCON). This process consolidates the group member cost information
at group level. Then we can depreciate these assets using a depreciation
PS allows only flat rate depreciation for Group Assets.
After performing any transaction against an asset, you must run the
depreciation calculation process to correctly reflect the asset information. The
Open transaction Detail page enables you to review these transactions.

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Processing Depreciation

Each financial transaction you enter into PeopleSoft Asset Management

generates a balanced accounting entry. These entries in turn are
summarized and written to a journal, which are then rolled up and posted to
the General Ledger.
There are two sources for accounting entries in PeopleSoft Asset Management:
 Accounting entries created from financial transactions such as asset
additions, adjustments, or retirements.
 Accounting entries created from depreciation close for a given accounting
PeopleSoft Asset Management creates an open transaction. This transaction
remains open until depreciation is calculated and accounting entries are
created for the transaction
 Accounting Entry Creation (the AMAEDIST program) generates accounting
entries for all financial transactions that are not related to depreciation.
 Depreciation Close generates accounting entries for depreciation in a given
accounting period.

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Processing Depreciation : AM_DEPR_CALC

Navigation: Asset Management > Depreciation > Processing > Calculate

After we run the Depreciation calculation process we can see the depreciation
entries in Review Cost/Depr Activity > Asset Depreciation Page
We can also verify depreciation information in the Open Transactions Detail
Page – Asset management > Calculate Depreciation > Open Transactions >
Period depreciation enables us to view depreciation broken by periods.
Expand Depreciation by Period page enables you to run the depreciation by
period process and extend fiscal year storage to periods
For Assets if depreciation calculation is specified for a limited period instead of
the complete asset life then Depreciation recalculation process needs to be
run to create the open transactions in the subsequent years before
Depreciation calculation is performed.

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Creating Accounting Entries : AMAEDIST

Selection of an accounting entry template is determined by the category, cost

type, transaction type, and transaction code of the asset transaction
Navigation : Asset Management > Accounting Entries > Create Accounting

Creating Depreciation Accounting Entries :

At the end of each accounting period, you create depreciation accounting

entries by running the Depreciation Close process, which applies the
depreciation (DPR) and prior period depreciation (PDP) accounting entry
templates to the asset depreciation table.
This process is only run once for each accounting period and should be run
only after all of the transaction activity for the period has been completed.
Navigation : Asset Management > Accounting Entries > Close Depreciation

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Batch Flow

Import Data via Spread Sheet or Interface Loader Programs – AM_BI_INTFC/AMPS1000

These Processes Load data from any external System/Legacy system/PS Subsystem into AM
Navigation: Asset Management > Send/Receive Information > Load Interface
Error Processing – ( AMIFEDIT ) (Z_AM0130)
Navigation: Asset Management > Send/Receive Information > Load Transactions > Edit
These Process Edits the Transactions entered into the PS system before assets are created
in Peoplesoft.
Transaction Loader ( AMIF1000 ) :
This Process loads data from Interface tables to Asset Tables.
Navigation: Asset Management > Send/Receive Information > Load Transactions > Load
Transactions into AM
Journal Generator (FS_JGEN) Process:
Navigation: General Ledger > Journals > Subsystem Journals > Generate JRNLs
This Process Creates Journals from the Accounting Entry lines created

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PeopleSoft Asset Management - Integration with Other Modules

 PeopleSoft Payables
 PeopleSoft Purchasing
 Project Costing
 Budgeting
 Strategic Sourcing

Integration with Payables/Purchasing

 Payables send PO/Receipt Information to Asset Management which is used
for creating assets
 Can be configured to capitalize during receipts. However this can create
incorrect balance sheets as the actual cost may vary when the items are
invoices due to freight, tax, installation etc.
 The asset is capitalized using the cost information from the invoices
 After the voucher is entered, enter Asset Management Information such as
business unit, Profile ID, Cost type etc.

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Integration with Payables/Purchasing

 Enter PO
- Asset BU
- Profile ID
- Tag Number
- CAP No.
- Employee ID, Capitalization status
- Cost Type
 Enter Receipts with default value from PO and additional details
 Run Receiver Interface push process
- If the receipt has inventory related lines, Receiver Interface process is executed automatically
- If the receipt have both inventory related as well as asset related lines, the process is executed as
part of Receipt Assets and Put away process
 The Pre-Interface Tables in AM is populated
 Preview/Correct the data in Pre-Interface tables.
 Execute Payables/Purchasing interface process in PeopleSoft AM to load data to
Transaction Loader tables
 Preview/Approve the data in Transactions loader table
 Execute Transactions Loader process to load data to PeopleSoft AM

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Integration with Payables/Purchasing

 Enter Voucher and run matching process

 Execute Load AM Process from Payables The Pre-Interface Tables in AM is
 Preview/Correct the data in Pre-Interface tables.
 Execute Payables/Purchasing interface process in PeopleSoft AM to load data
to Transaction Loader tables
 Preview/Approve the data in Transactions loader table
 Execute Transactions Loader process to load data to PeopleSoft AM

Integration with Budgeting

 PeopleSoft supports asset based budgets
 Budgeting needs asset data and depreciation information
 The Asset Management to Budgeting process AMBD1000.SQR populates
the BD_ASSET* tables.
 After executing the SQR (AMBD1000.SQR) to populate the asset tables in
Budgeting, the asset data is available for Budgeting.

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Integration with Billing

 Asset Management integrates with Billing to pass transactions from asset

when the Retire With Sale option has been exercised for an asset.
 When enabled, you can generate a bill to the purchaser of an asset that is
being moved out of your asset database, and pass the transaction to Billing.
 Billing then generates appropriate accounting entries to relieve fixed assets,
calculate VAT as necessary, debit Receivables, and post to General Ledger.

Integrating with General Ledger

 Whatever be the General Ledger system used, PeopleSoft Asset
Management should post the journals into GL
 The process AMAEDIST creates accounting entries for the assets
 Then execute the journal generator process FS_JGEN which pick up the
accounting entries and create journal in PS General Ledger.

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Integration with Project Costing

 Project Costing sends asset information directly to the Asset Management

Loader Tables (INTFC_FIN and INTFC_PHY_A) by using the Project Costing-
Asset Management Integration Application Engine process (RUN_PC_AM).
 This enables you to depreciate costs with a project before its completion.
 Execute the transaction loader process which will load date to PeopleSoft
Asset and Cost Tables

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Thank You 

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