Characteristics of Adolecents and Their Implications in Education

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Of Adolecents
and Their
implications In
What Is Youth?

Youth is the time of life when one is young, and often means the time between
childhood and adulthood (maturity). It is also defined as ‘’the appearance,
freshness, vigor, spirit, etc., characteristics of one is young. Its definitions of
specific age range varies, as youth is not defines chronologically as a stage that can
be tied to specific age ranges. Nor can its end point be linked to specific activites,
such as taking unpaid work or having sexual relations without consent
A. Personality Meaning, Understanding in terms of terminology in the opinion of experts include:
Etymological personality is a translation of - May defines personality as "a social stimulus value". So according to the way -
English "personality". While the term other people react, that's the individual's personality. In other words, the
etymological personality comes from the Latin opinions of others determine the individual's personality.
"person" (mask) and "personare" (penetrate).
- McDougal and his friends argue, that personality is a level of traits where
Persona is usually used by performers in ancient
usually high-level traits have a decisive influence.
times to portray a certain form of behavior and
personal character - Gordon W. allport suggests, personality is a dynamic organization within
individul as a psychophysical system that determines the typical way of
adjusting to the environment. (Yusuf, 2009: 126).
Personality can also be interpreted as the quality of individual behavior
that appears to be uniquely adapted to the environment. The
uniqueness of the adjustment is closely related to the aspects of
personality itself, which includes the following:
– Characteristics
– Temperament
– Emotional stability
– Responsibility
– Sociality
b. Personality
Meaning • Self rejections
Profile Of Adolescent and
• Emotional symptons
Psychomotor Development
• Improper biological satisfaction.
EARLY YOUTH LATE YOUTH • Rapid physical-hormonal & hormonal development
• Very fast • The rate of
Profile Of Language Development and Adolescent Cognitive Behavior
development rates development
• Proportion of descreases EARLY YOUTH LATE YOUTH
height and weight • Proportion of
• Language and password • More self-stabilizing on
• Emergences of height and weight
development began to be chosen foreign language
secondary the body looks
interested in foreign • More rationalism idealist
characteristics balanced
languages • Formal logic accompanied
(Growing pubic • The reproductive –
• More critical criticalism conclusive generalization
region fur, etc.) ’ are ready
• Ability to operate the rules and comprehensive
• Active in various • More selective in
of formal logic rules • Specific talent trends reach
types game/activity choosing creativity
• Talents (aptitudes) start the peak
show tendency-clear • Start thinking and act
Problem That May Arise Due To Physical Development and
tendency ‘’what’s next?’’
• Tends to think and act
Clumsiness to get along between teenagers and even adult
even once ‘’here and now’’
Problems That May Arise Related To Language profile of Development Of Social,
and Cognitive Development : emotional, moral, and religious
– learning unpleasant foreign languages
tend to be hateful EARLY YOUTH LATE YOUTH
– inconsistency between talent, interest. • starting with tendencies • associate with a number of
ambivalent in making friends friends limited and selective
– Especially early teens tend to think ‘’here • dependence on friends the • start flexible with friends the
and now’’ in making life decisions
peer and the spirit of the law same age
– Very vulnereable to ‘’misguided’’ but • emotional reactions and • emptional reactions and
basic thoughts the logic of thinking is expressions still unstable and expressions looks more
strong not yet well controlled stable, controlled, and able to
– with cognitive development in • identify yourself with idolized master yourself
adolescence it is very rich idealis, idol figure of morality • self-identificarion of figures
seekers, curiosty, and want to be • skeptcs appear on religion idol morality as a result
recognize-valued • still looking and trying find consideration of value
the handle of life independence
• high appreciation about
religious life
• start to find a handle live
more definitively
C. Factors that influence youth
1. Teaching Factors, External Factors 2. Inner Factors, Basic Factors
(External) (Intern)
There are several internal factors in adolescent personality
There are two major groups which development, namely:
include external factors that affect
– Development of Sexuality
humans. The two groups are organic
groups, namely human animals and – Fantasy development
plants and inorganic groups, including – Development of Emotions
natural conditions, and objects.
Included in natural conditions is climate, – Development of Will / desire
livelihoods (pigs, seafarers, – Development of Mind
pegungungan, trade, etc.)
– Development of Aestetics
– Development of Religion
Every stage of human life there must be developmental tasks that must be passed. If
someone fails through the developmental task at the actual age then at the next stage of
development there will be a problem in that person. To get to know the personality of
adolescents, it is necessary to know the tasks of their development. These development
tasks include:

1. Teenagers can accept their physical condition and can use it effectively
2. Teens can get emotional freedom from parents
3. Teens are able to get along more mature with both sexes
4. Know and accept your own abilities
5. Strengthening self-control on the basis of value and norm scale

The school environment has a major influence on the development of adolescent souls. Schools besides
carrying out teaching functions are also functions of education. In terms of school education in terms of
'second home' for students, it is a place of reference and protection if teenagers experience problems.
Efforts can be made by the teacher in terms of understanding students as teenagers, namely:
– Helping students find their identity and face the failure they face.
– Emotions that peak are characteristic of adolescents. The teacher can guide adolescents to control
negative emotions.
– Teaching how to understand others and tolerance is a way for teachers to educate teenagers.
– By learning the various characteristics of adolescents will greatly help students wo are still in
adolescence, for the success of the teaching process. Because every teenager is different, the
teacher must or cannot be a friend and parent for the teenager himself. An innocent, objective
attitude towards students is needed, fair and shows sympathy and attention in dealing with

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