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Miss Nikael Donna R.

Unson Elementary School
Pagsanjan, Laguna
When do you feel happy?
When do you feel sad?
When do you feel
Tell something about it.
I feel happy when…

I feel sad when…

I feel excited when…

a. fool
The man is fool to wear
a jacket on a hot
summer day. people
laugh at him and think
he is stupid.
• What word in the
second sentence
means the same as
b. loose
The rope that tied the children got
loose. So, it set itself free.
• What word in the second sentence
gives a clue to the meaning of loose?
c. please
Yesterday, I prepared to surprise my mother.
I tried hard not to make her angry by doing
all chores. I want to please her I want her to
be happy on her birthday.
• What word in the fourth sentence give the
meaning to please?
Who usually gives you
some advice? Do you
listen to him/her?

To whom did the old man and his

son listen to?
A man and his son were once
going with their donkey to market.
As they were
walking along by its
side,they passed a
group of women, one
of whom said, “You
fools, what is a
donkey for but to
ride upon?

What do you think man and his

son did?
So the man put
the boy on the
donkey and went on
their way. But soon
they passed a group
of men, one of whom
said, “See that lazy
boy, he lets his
father walk while he

What do you think the man

So the man ordered his boy to get off, and got
on himself. But they hadn’t far when they
passed three women, one of whom said to the
other, “Shame on that lazy old man to let his
poor little son walk along.”
Well, the Man didn’t know what to do, but at last he
took his Boy up before him on the donkey. By this time
they had come to the town, and the passerby began to
tease and point at them. The man stopped and asked
why. The man said, “Aren’t you ashamed of yourself for
overloading that poor donkey with you and your son?”

What do you think did the man

and his son do?
The man and
the boy got off and
tried to think what
to do. They
thought and they
thought, till at last
they cut down a
pole, tied the
donkey’s feet to it,
and raised the pole
and the donkey to
their shoulders.
They went along in the middle of the laughter of all
who met them till they came to Market Bridge.

What do you think happened to

the donkey?
The donkey, getting one of his feet loose, kicked out,
and caused the boy to drop his end of the pole. In
the struggle, the donkey fell over the bridge, and with
his feet tied together, he drowned. “That will teach
you,” said an old man who had followed them: “Please
all, and you will please none.”
Retell the story using the story star. Say something
about the feelings and traits of characters in the
story from the sentences your teacher will read.


setting author

characters events
Show in a comic strip when the
old man, his son, and the
donkey met the different

Show a live news report about

what happened to the old
man, his son and the donkey

Make a card that will make

the old man and his son feel
• Who is going to the market?
• Who did they meet on the way to the market?
• What did they tell the old man and his son?

• What words can you use to describe the old man

and his son?
• How do you feel about what they did?
• Was it right to follow the advice of the people?
• If you were the old man or his son, would you mind
what other people were saying? Why? Why not?
• When is it wise to listen and follow the advice of
other people?

• How do you feel about the story?

1. As they were walking along, a countryman passed
them and said, “You fools, what is a donkey for but
to ride upon.”
 What did the man say about the old man and his

2. But soon they passed a group of men, one of whom

said, “See that lazy boy, he lets his father walk
while he rides.
 What did one of the men say about the boy?
3. They thought and they thought till at last they cut
down a pole, tied the donkey’s feet at it, and
raised the pole and carried the donkey on their
shoulders. They continued walking in the middle of
the laughter of all who met them.

 What did the old man and his son do to the

 What does this action tell about the old man
and his son?
 What did the people think about this action or
•How were you able to tell or
guess the trait of the
•What did you look for in the
statements or texts that
helped you guess the trait or
feeling of the characters in
the story?

We can infer or guess the traits and feelings of

characters by what they say, what others say about
them, by what they think and feel and by what
they do.
One day, a lion was
sleeping in the forest.
A little mouse was
looking for something
to eat. She ran over
his paw.

The lion opened his eyes.

He roared at the
mouse. He put his paw
over her. “I will eat
you,” he cried.
“I did not know it was
you,” said the mouse.
“Please let me go.
Someday I will help
“Foolish mouse!” said the
lion. “what can a little
thing like you do? I am
strong. How could you
ever help me?
The lion laughed, but let
the mouse go. He did
not think the little
mouse could ever help
Soon after this lion was running in the forest.
He ran into a trap!
The trap was net made of rope.
The lion tried to break the net, but the rope
was strong.
The mouse saw the lion in the net, she said “I will help
It was hard to chew the strong rope. The mouse bit and
chewed for a long time. At last she chewed the rope
enough so that the lion could break the net.
“You have saved my life. Thank you,” roared the lion, as
he walked away into the forest.
“A little mouse can help after all,” said the mouse.
Choose the best word that completes the sentence.

1. The lion roared at the mouse, put his paw over her
hand, “I will eat you.” The lion was _________.
A. playful B. powerful C. tearful
2. The mouse was _________the lion.
A. afraid of B. angry with C. ashamed of
3. The lion laughed and said, “I am strong. How could
you ever help me? The lion thought that the mouse
was ___________.
A. foolish B. selfish C. serious
4. The lion tried to break the net, but the rope was
strong. The lion felt _________.
A. careless B. friendly C. helpless

5. “You saved my life. Thank you,” said the lion to

the mouse. The lion was ___________.
A. cheerful B. thankful C. thoughtful
Tell the feeling or trait of the character.

• “You must be very tired, Father. You have worked

all day. may I help you row the big boat?” said the
child. What does the child feel? (angry, sad,
worried). We can tell that the child is (respectful,
concerned, kind)

• “Snake! Snake!” cried Blanca who jumped out of the

barn. Balnca was (happy, afraid, angry)

• “Oh! Father,” said the little frog. “I just saw the

biggest animal in the world. You have never seen an
animal that was a big as a hill. It had horns on its
head.” The little frog was (surprised, tired,
1. Dr. Lavilla spends most of her time with her teachers. She meets
and visits regularly in their classrooms. As a principal she explains
their duties and listns to their problems. Dr. Lavilla is_____
A. Problem solver
B. Dedicated principal
C. Hardworker
D. Sincere
2. Mrs. Pat taught the fourth grade for 20 years. She prepared her
lessons carefuly. She assisted schoolchilden in their needs. She is
a. Faithful
b. Honest
c. Industrious
d. Thankful
3. Gerry found P 100.00 in the boy’s rest room. He went to th
principal’s office and turnd over the money.Gerry is_______
a. Trustworthy
b. Helpful
c. Clean
d. honest
• “I can make myself as big as he is,” said the old
frog. The old frog is (excited, proud, terrific). We
can tell the old frog was (helpful, boastful, shameful)

• I cannot fly I shall fall! I know I shall fall!” said the

little hawk. The little hawk was (sad, weak, nervous)

• Andy feeds his dog 3x a day. He takes care of his dog

and play with it. What character traits were

Read the paragraph.
A man wanted to sell
his son’s donkey. He needed
money for his wife’s medicine
who had been sick for a
week. He brought the donkey
to the market. First, he
went to a friend’s store.
“Could you buy my
donkey?” he asked.
“I’m sorry I have no
use for a donkey,” the friend
So the man went to Francis’
bookshop. “Could you buy my donkey?” he asked.
“No, I have a truck that carries my
goods,” Francis said.
Then, he went to an old lady’s
pet shop. “Your donkey is too old for
a pet,” complained the old lady.
As the man was looking for
somebody to buy his donkey, he met
the baker’s wife. “My husband is
looking for a donkey to carry the sacks
of flour from the port,” she said. The
man went to the baker and sold his
son’s donkey. He said, “Now I have
money for my wife’s medicine.
1. What did the man want to sell?
2. What was the money for?
3. What kind of husband was he?
4. Where did the man go first?
5. Where did he go next?
6. Where did he go after the bookshop?
7. Whom did he meet?
Read the phrases.

son’s donkey
wife’s medicine
friend’s store
Francis’s bookshop
old lady’s pet shop
baker’s wife

These are phrases that show how to write

the possessive form of the nouns.
Possessive nouns express ownership or

 To make most singular nouns show

possession, add an apostrophe s. (‘s)
 However, for singular nouns that end with
–s, add an apostrophe after –s to show
possession. (s’)
 For plural nouns that end in –s, add an
apostrophe after the s to show
possession. (s’)
Match the community helpers with their possessions.
Write the correct form. The first one is done for
camp police officer police officer’s whistle
pen writer _____________________
net fisherfolk _____________________
Bible Boy Scouts _____________________
baskets firefighter _____________________
keys clerk _____________________
license priest _____________________
hose driver _____________________
blackboard vendors _____________________
whistle teacher _____________________
Exercise 2: Read ach sentence. Change the underlined
phrase to show ownership or possession.

1. The bike of Kobi was bought by his father.

2. The doll of my sister was a gift from her
3. The basketball of my cousin got lost
4. The toy house of the twins looks exciting.
5. The toy car of Jess is new.
a. secret Marie is preparing a surprise
gift for her mother. She wants to
keep it a secret. She sees to it
that nobody would know about it
except her.
• If somebody would know about it,
is it still called a secret?

b. whistle
Make a whistling sound.
• What sound did I make? It is called a whistle. Try
to whistle too.
c. firefly
These are fireflies, when do we usually see
• Why do we see fireflies in the dark?
Write words that you associate with the word
“happiness” around the smiley.
(from the 1985 TV special You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown)

Happiness is finding a pencil.

Pizza with sausage
Telling the time
Happiness is learning to whistle
Tying your shoe for the very first time!
Happiness is playing the drums in your own school band
And happiness is walking hand in hand

Happiness is two kinds of ice cream

Knowing a secret
Climbing a tree
Happiness is five different crayons
Catching a firefly
Setting him free
Happiness is being alone every now and then
And happiness is coming home again
Happiness is morning and evening
Daytime and nighttime , too.
For happiness is anyone and anything at all,
That’s loved, by you!
Happiness is having a sister
Sharing a sandwich
Getting alone!
Happiness is singing together when day is through
And happiness is those who sing with you
Happiness is morning and evening
Daytime and nighttime too.
For happiness is anyone and anyhting at all,
That’s loved by you!
In picture cards, draw meaning of

Draw the happiest place/s for

you. Say something about it.

Sing a happy song.

• What does the poem say that all of these make
people happy?
• What makes happy? Why do these make you happy?

• What do you do when you are happy?

• Does everything that you love make you happy?

• Do you love doing the things that make you happy?
Why? Why not?
• Who makes you happy?
• How can you make others happy in return?
Write an acrostic poem about happiness. Think of a
word or phrase using the letters in the word
An acrostic is a
poem in which
the first letter
o each line spell
out a word or
1. Write an acrostic about a feeling or trait
(kind/kindness, honest/honesty, surprise,
sadness, etc.)
Example: Keeping a friend
In good ties and
Never leaving them
During bad times

2. Recite your poem in class.

Write an acrostic using the letters of your
name. write something about yourself or
how you feel.

Example: A friend
Nice and great
Always happy
Read aloud the sentences. Notice the underlined words.

Happiness is two kinds of ice cream

It is sharing a sandwich and catching
a firefly
Happiness is daytime and nighttime
It is anyone and anything loved by
 What do you notice ice cream
about the words?
 How many words make up
each word? daytime
 What two words make up nighttime
the word ice cream,
firefly, daytime,
nighttime, anyone and anything
 Does each word that
makes up the compound
word give a different
 When combined, does the
meaning of the word
A compound word is made up of two words.
Its meaning is different from the meaning of each
word that makes up the compound word.

Some compound nouns are made up of two short

words that appear as one.
Examples: backyard grandmother
wallpaper doormat
The hyphenated compound noun is formed when
two or more words are connected by a hyphen.
Examples: commander-in-chief
Some compounds nouns are written as two words.
Examples: lawn tennis water lily
fairy tale
Exercise 1: Read the poems. Identify the compound
1. My house is at the hillside.
Where a tree nearby has a beehive
One day, a careless passerby
Bumped into it and let the bees fly
I don’t know why.

2. I’m always happy to take a walk with my Lola

Near her house is a path that leads to marvelous
Grasshoppers jumping on a sea of sunflowers
Butterflies fluttering over bluebells, buttercups and
sweet peas
A sunbeam catching a ladybug hiding in a rose bush
A pair of love birds playing in a bird bath
Exercise 2: Form compound words
from the word pairs.

1. class + mate =
2.tooth + paste =
3.meat + balls =
4.sugar + cane =
5.home + work =
Form compound words from the words in
box A and box B.
Write the words in your notebook.

Example: passer + by = passerby

bake fire heart shop robe fan
fairy bath table cloth by room
passer soy you man book bud
role rose swimming beat bean tube
tale pool play

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