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• Is a set of rules produced by the International
Federation of Library Associations and Institutions
(IFLA) to describe a wide range of library materials,
within the context of a catalog.
• Recognized as the standard for library community,
but the statement of principles are also used for
archives, museums and other communities.
• Standard for description of all types of published
• Make it easier to describe resources that share
characteristics of more than one format.
• Useful for automation of bibliographic control, and
economic necessity of sharing cataloging.
• Useful and applicable for bibliographic description of
all kind of bibliographic resources in any kind of
ISBD as a Standard
• Designed to facilitate the international exchange of
cataloging records by:
– Specifying the elements which comprise a bibliographic
• Standardizing the elements to be used in the description
– Prescribing the order in which those elements should be
• Assigning an order to elements in ISBD
– The punctuation by which they should be demarcated
• Specifying a system of symbols to be used in punctuating the
• To provide consistent stipulations for description of
all types of resources, to the extent that uniformity is
possible and specific stipulations for specific types of
resources as required describing those resources.
• To maintain the ISBD, which is intended to serve as a
principle standard to promote universal bibliographic
• To make universally and promptly available, in a form
that is internationally acceptable, basic bibliographic
data for all published resources in all countries.
• To offer consistency when sharing
bibliographic information
• To provide the stipulation for compatible
descriptive cataloging worldwide
• To aid the international exchange of
bibliographic records between national
bibliographic agencies
• Make records from different sources interchangeable
• Assist in the interpretation of records across
language barriers
• Assist in the conversion of bibliographic records to
electronic form
• Enhance interoperability with other content
• Printed texts
• Cartographic resources
• Electronic resources
• Moving images
• Multimedia resources
• Notated music resources
• Sound recordings
• Still images (eg. engraving, photographs)
• Title and statement of responsibility
– Title proper assigned to the information package by persons
responsible for it existence
• Edition
– Statement about the version of the information package
• Material or type of resource specific area
– Data about particular type of information package (eg. scale of map or
numbering of a periodical)
• Publication, production, distribution, etc.
– Name of the entity that is responsible for the presentation and
packaging of the information
• Physical description
– (eg. Number of pages, or number of CDs issued as a unit)
• Series
– Title of any series of which the information package is part
• Notes
– Added information to the description to provide useful information
• Resources identifier
– The number recorded in this area are internationally agrees standard
numbers (eg. ISBN, ISSN)
• ISBD (G) - General International Standard Bibliographic
• ISBD (M) - International Standard Bibliographic Description
for Monographic
• ISBD (PM) - International Standard Bibliographic Description
for Printed Music
• ISBD (NBM) - International Standard Bibliographic Description
for Non-Book Materials
• ISBD (CM) - International Standard Bibliographic Description
for Cartographic Materials
• ISBD (A) - International Standard Bibliographic Description for
Older Monographic Publications
• ISBD (S) - International Standard Bibliographic Description for
• ISBD (ER) - International Standard Bibliographic Description for
Electronic Resources
• ISBD (CF) - International Standard Bibliographic Description for
Computer Files
• ISBD (CR) - International Standard Bibliographic Description for
Continuing Resources
• Guidelines for the applications of the ISBDs to the description
of Component Parts
• Protect all publication which include printed and non- printed
• Enable library to acquire cataloging data that is predictable
and reliable
• Transform a bibliography from paper to electronic form
• Increased opportunities for national and international record
sharing, reduce the cost of cataloging
• Increased international cooperative and projects
• Could share responsibility for ongoing maintenance of
standards for serials and joint problem-solving
ISBD - Scope
• “The General International Standard
bibliographic Description - ISBD(G) — lists
all the elements that are required to
describe and identify the most common
types of resources that are likely to
appear in library collections, assigns an
order to the elements of the description,
and specifies a system of punctuation for
the description”.
ISBD - Purpose
– “(a) make records from different sources
interchangeable, so that records produced in one country
can be easily accepted in library catalogues or other
bibliographic lists in any other country;

– (b) assist in the interpretation of records across language

barriers, so that records produced for users of one
language can be interpreted by users of other languages;

– (c) assist in the conversion of bibliographic records to

electronic form”.
ISBD Areas
1. Title and Statement of Responsibility
2. Edition
3. Material or type of publication
4. Publication, Distribution (etc.)
5. Physical Description
6. Series
7. Notes
8. Standard Numbers
ISBD Punctuation
• Title Proper (GMD) = Parallel title : other title
info / First statement of responsibility ; others.
-- Edition information / statement of
responsibility . -- Material. -- Place of
Publication : Publisher Name, Date. -- Material
designation and extent : other physical details
; Dimensions of item + accompanying material
statement. -- (Title of Series / Statement of
responsibility). -- Notes. -- Standard numbers:
terms of availability (qualifications).

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