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Edema Pulmo

Putri Fadhila Nugraheni - 30101507538

Edema paru akut adalah keadaan
patologi dimana cairan intravaskuler
keluar ke ruang ekstravaskuler, jaringan
interstisial dan alveoli yang terjadi secara
Apa itu edema akut. Edema paru akut dapat terjadi
karena penyakit jantung maupun
pulmo? penyakit di luar jantung (edema paru
kardiogenik dan non kardiogenik)

Jumlah cairan yang difiltrasi melebihi clearance capability sistem limfe

a. Edema paru kardiogenik

peningkatan tekanan left ventricle end diastolic pressure  peningkatan tekanan v.
pumonalis  peningkatan tekanan hidrostatik pembuluh darah kapiler paru  cairan
menembus lapisan epitel paru dan mengisi alveoli
b. Edema paru non kardiogenik
Peningkatan permeabilitas pembuluh darah di paru menyebabkan cairan intravascular
keluar menuju intersisial paru & air space

In a normal chest film with the patient standing erect, the Stage II of CHF is characterized by fluid leakage into the
pulmonary vessels supplying the upper lung fields are smaller and interlobular and peribronchial interstitium as a result of the
fewer in number than those supplying the lung bases. increased pressure in the capillaries.
The pulmonary vascular bed has a significant reserve capacity
When fluid leaks into the peripheral interlobular septa it is
and recruitment may open previously non-perfused vessels and
causes distension of already perfused vessels. seen as Kerley B or septal lines.
This results in redistribution of pulmonary blood flow. Kerley-B lines are seen as peripheral short 1-2 cm horizontal
First there is equalisation of blood flow and subsequently lines near the costophrenic angles.
redistribution of flow from the lower to the upper lobes. These lines run perpendicular to the pleura.

alveolar edema with perihilar

consolidations and air bronchograms
(yellow arrows)
pleural fluid (blue arrow)
prominent azygos vein and increased
width of the vascular pedicle (red
arrow) and an enlarged cardiac
silhouette (arrow heads).

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