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Under the guidance of;

Prof. P S Tripathi
Shivam Srivastava
MBA(Operations)–4th sem
ISO defines:
“TQM as a management approach of an organization’s
control on quality, based on the participation of all its
members and aiming at long term success. This is
achieved through customer satisfaction and benefits to
all members of the organization and to society.”

TQM is a way to ensure :

“Right things are done right the first time”
ISO also defines……
Quality as “ The totality of feature and
characteristics of a product or service that bear on its
ability to satisfy stated and implied needs.”
TQM becomes a system within itself by choice or

HRD: Human Resource Development
OD: Organizational Development
Organizational Structure
As discussed earlier, TQM involves every person in the
organization, and it’s the responsibility of every person
to improve the quality.

A term know as “Reengineering” is used now a days, like

reengineering organizational structure, but generally
it is mistaken as reorganizing, cutting down staff, or
running an efficiency program….
In case of TQM Reengineering is:
 Not “Reorganizing” but; It looks at what work is to be
done and not how the organization is structured.
Structures are designed only after process are defined.
 Not “Downsizing” but; It focuses on rethinking work
from the ground up, eliminating work that is not
necessary and finding better, more effective way of
doing work that is more essential.
 Not simply “efficiency” but; effective use of efficiency
to create value for the customer.
Customer Centered Environment
 Without customer there is no business, and without
business there is no organization. Consequently, it
should be the primary aim of any group to keep
customers satisfied by providing them with quality
 These ideas are not foreign to most organizations;
what makes TQM unique is its call for restructuring of
management methods to create quality.
Advantages of TQM
 Make an organization more competitive.
 Establish a new culture, which will enable growth and
 Provide a working environment in which everyone can
 Reduce stress, waste, and friction.
 Build teams, partnerships & cooperation.
How different companies has done
 Over the years different companies implemented TQM
in their own way, we will have a look at them..
Honda Experience
 Honda believes that it is imperative to establish a trust
relationship in which employees and customers can
share a common joy through the experience of services
and products which honda provides. They call it the
philosophy of “3 joys”:
1. Joy for people who buy them.
2. Joy for people who sell them, and
3. Joy for people who produce them.
For implementation of TQM in
Honda, they focused on:
 Customer focused viewpoint.
 Enhanced efficiency.
 Cost cutting efforts.
 Delegation of authority.
 Expediting daily operations.
 New product development.

They adopted the PDCA procedure.

Basic principle of Honda is to reduce the gap between
the “Target” and “Status-Quo”. And they do it by
repeating the PDCA cycle.
Hewlett Packard’s way:
HP announced “Stretch Objective” : A ten fold reduction
in failure, they called it 10x program, which made the
entire company examines itself:
 How do we do our jobs?
 What are our processes?
 Who are our customers?
 How can we work better?
 Who are our competitors?
Best Practices for successful
implementation of TQM:
 Effective leadership,
 Customer satisfaction management,
 Building Quality culture,
 Developing high performing processes,
 Improving product quality and reliability,
 Creativity and innovation,
 Building supplier partnerships,
 Continuous improvement through measurement of
 Eliminating root causes of important failure costs.
The five S are:
Seiri : Sort
Seiton : Straighten
Seiso : Scrub
Seiketsu : Standardise
Shitsuke : Self-Discipline
Kaizen means “Continuous improvement”

Kaizen is a philosophy of never being satisfied with the

past, and it consists of the following stages:
1. Establish a plan to change whatever needs to be
2. Carrying out changes on a small scale.
3. Observe the result.
4. Evaluate both the results and the process to
understand the learning.
PDCA Cycle
Plan – Do – Check - Action
Tools used in TQM
 P-FMEA (Process Failure Mode and Effective Analysis)
 Pareto Analysis (80/20 rule : 80% of problems are due to
20% of the causes)
 Force Field Analysis
Current Situation------------------------Ideal situation
Driving forces Restraining forces
 Check Sheets (Systematic way of recording data, in a
simple way)
 Concentration Diagrams (They are visual displays of how
often and where defects or problems occur, on a product, or
a form, or in a process)
 Process Flowcharts
 Quality Circles
 5S
 QMS (Quality Management Systems), e.g. ISO 9000,
 Cost of Quality.
Techniques used in TQM
 Focus Groups
 Benchmarking
 Process Ownership
 Product Ownership
 Customer Need mapping
 Quality Functional Deployment
 Hoshin Planning Techniques (Often called the seven
Management tools.)
 Gap Analysis
 Taguchi Methods
 Shailendra Nigam : Total Quality Management
 K.Aswathappa & K Shridhara Bhat :
Production and Operations management.
 Wikipedia
 Other websites…

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