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Structure of Intestinal Villi

By: Matthew B.D

What is it?
• Small, finger like projections extends into the lumen of small
• 0.5–1.6 mm in length.
• Microvilli – Ruffling of epithelial
membrane further increases
surface area
• Rich blood supply – Dense capillary
network rapidly transports
absorbed products
• Single layer epithelium – Minimises
diffusion distance between lumen and
• Lacteals – Absorbs lipids from the
intestine into the lymphatic system
• Intestinal glands – Exocrine pits release
digestive juices
• Membrane proteins – Facilitates
transport of digested materials into
epithelial cells
Mechanical Digestion
• Small intestine: contract the muscle to roll, mix and chop chyme
• Villi does not contribute.
Chemical digestion
• Contain enzymes that break down protein and carbohydrate
• Called brush border
• (lactase, maltase, peptidase, lipase)
• Essential for absorption of digested nutrients (fatty acids and
• Transport food
• digestive tract -> blood stream
• Microvilli aid in increasing surface area
Celiac Disease
• Consumption of the
protein gluten
• Triggers immune system to attack
your intestinal villi
• Diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss,
bloating and anemia, and can lead
to serious complications.

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