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Preposition is a word used to link nouns, pronouns, or
phrases to other words within a sentence, and normally
placed directly in front of nouns. And sometimes you
will find preposition in front of gerund verbs

Despite is used as a preposition when something

happens even though it might have been prevented by
something else.
Actually in spite of and despite have a similar meaning
and express a contrast beetwen two things, but despite
is a little more formal than in spite of.
 We can use despite with :
1. Noun
• He got the job despite his prison record
• John’s company is doing extremely well despite the
2. –Ing
• They arrived late despite leaving in plenty of time.

Warning : We can’t put a that-clause after despite and we never use of with
Example : They enjoyed the rides despite the long queues.

1. He managed to eat a big lunch despite having eaten an

enormous breakfast.
2. Trains are still running, despite the snow.
3. I can manage to stay cheerful despite everything.
4. Despite her illness, she came to work.
5. That man is very stingy, despite having a lot of money.
6. Despite applying for hundred of jobs, he is still out of work.
7. She was good at physics despite the fact that she found it

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