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“Challenges & Prospects Encountered by

the Working Students:

A Basis for Sustainable Educational

1.1 Introduction:

Working while studying gives you a dissimilar perception on the

institute experience. Varying from friends to classes and to jobs, all
working students will comprehend how complicated it can get. It is of
great concern for the students who are pursuing their education and
earning at the same time. The prime advantage of working while
learning is that they groom themselves as they enter into their
professional life. It is not as easy to work and educate yourself at the
same time; you have to compromise many other things just for the sake
of the betterment of your life.
Challenges for working students never end until they them self-give
up on their life’s tasks. Throughout your study lifespan, you come
across all the ways that students finance their education. Some work
multiple jobs on top of going to their institutes full-time. Some have a
part-time job, others do random work from time to time, and there are
those who don’t work and/or have never worked a day in their life. They
are the ones who are living the best phase of their lives.
1.2 Background of the Study:

Life of a working student is so complicated. They barely give time to anything

or anyone. No communication with friends, less show up to family and plays a
complete hide and seek game with books. Their educational life is always on a
complete risk. They seek for unusual excuses from their teachers, resulting in
throwing their names to the end of the list of punctual students. Unfortunately,
having to balance a social life, work, family and educational time is very stressful.
There’s always something going on and you frequently feel as if you’re being
pulled in every possible direction just passing time to see how long you can last
before you’re stretched too thin. This probably isn’t a very healthy lifestyle. It
depends on you that how you manage your workload and education in the
meantime. Taking the stress of every little thing is a big issue. Try to overcome
your problems in a best possible way.
It is true to conclude that hard work really pays off but one should
understand the direction in which they are utilizing their skills. A student can
never appreciate the value of independence until he takes the decision of
pursuing the tough lifestyle. Working while learning can be a good example of a
blessing in disguise.
1.3 Statement of the Problem:

This study is to enlighten us about the Challenges & Prospects may

Encountered by the HRDM Working Students of University of
Caloocan City South Campus. Specifically sought to answer the
following questions.
1. What are the demographic profile of the respondents?
1.1 Age
1.2 Gender
2. What are the reasons why HRDM students at University of
Caloocan South Campus are oblige to work while studying?
3. What are the work-related problems of the respondents?
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of students
engaging in work while in school?
1.4 Hypothesis:

There is no significant difference between the

perceptions of HRDM students of University of
Caloocan City south campus on the challenges and
prospect encountered by the working students.
1.5 Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The researcher focuses on the Challenges and Prospect

Encountered by the HRDM Working Students of University of
Caloocan City. Gaining some opinions and insights about the said
issue, and this will be done by giving a certain respondent a sample
questionnaire, which they will answer the questions asked.
1.6 Significance of the Study

This study is to enlighten us about the challenges and prospects encountered by the
HRDM working students at University of Caloocan City South campus. This information will be
a certain benefit to the following:

• Working Students – Being an employee and student at the same time takes a lot of hard
work. It can be rigorous but also rewarding especially if you helped your parents. It can also
be a good working experience for them for their future. This study will assist them to see the
behaviours that help them achieve their professional skills.

• Employers – The result can be used as their guide to gain understanding of their
employees and friendly working environment to their employees.

• Counselling Practitioners – The result can be used as their guide in developing

counselling programs that are responsive to the needs of the student-employee.

• Parents and Family Members – The result of this study can help them understand more
how the students themselves. And they’d be able to adjust and provide positive support and be

• Future Researchers – This study will add to existing studies and supply to future studies
about working students

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