Chob of Tetrix Robot Final

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Tetrix Robot Final

By Carter, Hayden, Owen, and Brad

Pictures of the robot/ Movie
CAD of Robot
Arm design and description
When designing the arm we went through a crucial step of trial and error.
Owen worked with designing an overly complex arm which evidently failed. That
original arm had a rotation joint at its base, and a double hinge joint, similar to
ones elbow. Not to anyone's surprise it didn’t work, in the end, we removed all of
the extra joints and pretty much placed the arm on a strutted stand. This version is
simplistic but effective, single joint that drops to grab, using a counterbalance of a
large servo and large gears, we are capable of using one of the smaller servos.
One Side per + code + movie or pictures

- Square
- Wall stop
- Line Follower
- Tele-op
- Ultra-sonic Maze avoidance
- Arm and servos working
- Competition
Wall Stop
Line Follower
Each person has their own reflection of the project
Owen- in the end, it was an enjoyable experience. In my case there was plenty of trial and error especially with the arm itself. I will most likely not
make that mistake again. Other than that i really enjoyed building this robot and just working as a team with my friends.

Hayden - I thought that this was a cool experience to be a part of. I got a feel for what being a part of a team is, for robotics at least, and got to
experience coding actual robots, not just lego ones.

Carter - I enjoyed building the robot, problem solving for the arm design, and learning a little bit with building.

Brad - I had fun building the robot and putting together everything. But the arm was the most difficult part because the servos aren’t strong enough to
push the weight of the arm.
What we learned
What was the difficult part of the project working? Getting the arm to work

What was the easy part? Building the frame and coding the driving

What role did you play on the team? Carter built the hand, Brad made the frame
and drive base, Owen made the arm, and Hayden coded the robot.

How did your team perform, and what could be improved on working with your
team? Our team was able to complete the line follow, maze, and wall sensor. But
we had difficulty making the arm.

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