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Agenda Of The Presentation

1. What Is Globalization
2. Definition
3. Sources Of Globalization
4. Effect Of Globalization
5. Pro Globalization
6. Anti Globalization
Today I can:
- live on a boat on Caribbean Sea
- work in Australia
- be in constant touch with my boss in France
- and with the rest of the team around the world
- keep my money in a bank in Switzerland
- buy my books in the USA
- buy my clothes in England
- buy Chinese phones from Indian market

Definition are categorized to three main frames:

• The positive frame points to the potential gains and

benefits of globalization
• The neutral frame portrays globalization as a natural
evolutionary and largely inevitable development. This
discourse which is associated with the financial
community , avoids making moral judgements
• The negative frame points out the increasing
potential for economic crisis, the threat to the
livelihoods of workers, and the growing income
inequality caused by globalization. This frame also
1. Internationalization of economic activity (Trade &
Finance )
2. Global Liberalization( Domestic and
International )
3. Technological Changes ( IT Revolution in speed
and Cost)
4. Improvements in Transportation (Containerized
Shipping )
1. Internationalization (trade and investment )
2. Liberalization (freeing markets )
3. Universalization (cultural interchanges)
4. Westernization (western cultural dominance)
1. Industrial – emergence of worldwide production markets
and broader access to a range of foreign products for
consumers and companies. Particularly movement of
material and goods between and within national
boundaries. International trade in manufactured goods has
increased more than 100 times since 1955. china’s trade
with Africa rose sevenfold during 2000-07 alone
2. Economic – realization of a global common market, based
on the freedom of exchange of goods and capital.
3. Job market- competition in a global job market. In the past
, the economic fate of workers was tried to the fate of
national economies. With the advent of the information age
and improvements in communication, this is no longer the
• Political- some use “globalization “ to mean the
creation of a world government which regulates
the relationships among governments and
guarantees the rights arising from social and
economic globalization. Politically the US has
enjoyed a position of power among the world
powers, in part because of its strong and wealthy
• Cultural – growth of cross- cultural contacts;
advent of the new categories of consciousness
and identities which embodies cultural diffusion,
the desire to increase one’s standard of living
and enjoy foreign products and ideas, adopt new
technology and practices , and participates in a “
world culture”
• Social- development of the system of non-
• Technical – development of the Global Information
System, global telecommunications infrastructure and
greater trans-border data flow, using such technologies
as the internet , communication satellites, submarine
fibre optic cable and wireless telephones. Increasing in
the number of standard applied globally. E.g.- copyright
laws, patents and world trade agreements
• Legal /ethical – the creation of the international criminal
court and the international justice movements. Crime
importation and raising awareness of global crime-
fighting efforts and cooperation. The emergence of
global administrative law
• Religious- the spread and increased interrelations of
various religious groups, ideas, and practices and their
ideas of the meaning and values of particular spaces
and the anti-islam movements in the west.

 Now there is a worldwide market for the

companies and for the people there is more
access to the products of the different countries.
 There is a steady cash flow into the developing
countries, which gradually decrease the dollar
 There is more influx of information between the
two countries, which do not have anything in
common between them
 Due to the presence of a worldwide market,
there is an increase in the production sector and
 There is cultural intermingling and each other is
trying to know about the other’s culture
preferences and in the process of doing so, we
are actually coming across things that we like
and in the course of time adopt it .
 Since we share financial interests, corporate and
governments are trying to sort out the ecological
problems of each other.
 There are a lot of technological development
that we have undergone over the years. There
are fewer brain drains since Asians are working
in their own country though for a foreign
company but are earning foreign exchange for

 The Europeans are losing jobs and this is posing a

problem for them since the companies are
outsourcing work to the Asians countries since the
cost of the labour is low and the profit are
 Corporate are building up units in the other
countries equally, well equipped as they have done
all their own country , thus transferring the quality to
other countries.
 There are also some experts who think that
globalization has negative effect like communicable
 There is also a threat of corporate ruling the
world because there is a lot of power, which is
invested in them due to globalization
 Workers face pay- cut demands from employers,
which often threaten to export jobs
 U.S. employees can lose their comparative
advantages when companies build advanced
factories in low wage countries, making them as
productive as those at home.

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