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Human Resource Management

• HR Legislation
• Trends in Healthcare Workforce
• Strategic Goals of HR Management
HR Legislation
• Equal employment opportunity (EEO)
– Civil Rights Act of 1964
– Pay given to men and women
– Discrimination based on race, religion,
national origin and sex
– Age discrimination (1967)
– Handicapped discrimination (1973), ADA
– Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission (EEOC).
Discrimination Remedies
• Back pay
• Affirmative action
– Use of goals, timetables, or other methods
in recruiting
– To promote the hiring, development, and
retention of "protected groups.”
Trends in Healthcare
• Multiskilled employees
• Teams
• Diverse workforce
• Physician unionization
Strategic Goals of Human
Resource Management (HRM)
• Attract an effective work force
• Develop work force to its potential
• Maintain the work force.

• Internal recruiting
• External Recruiting
• Realistic Job Preview (RJP)
• Legal Considerations in Recruiting
• Job descriptions
• Selection Devices
Training and Development
• On-the-job training (OJT)
• Orientation
• Classroom training
• Programmed and computer-assisted
• Conference and case discussion
Promotion From Within
• Job Posting
• Employee Resource Chart.
Performance Appraisal
• 360-degree Feedback
• Halo error
• Homogeneity
• Behaviorally anchored rating scale
5 If customer has defective
merchandise, will arrange for repairs
4 Shares complete information on
return policies
3 Will remember to say “shop again
with us”
2 Delay customer without explanation
1 Be rude and disrepectful

• Fit company strategy
• Pay-for-performance systems
• To maintain employee morale.
Compensation Equity
• Job Evaluation = Worth of jobs
• Internal equity
• Wage and Salary Structure
• Point system
Pay-Trend Line
Job Evaluation Points
Pay-trend line


5.00 7.50 10.00 12.50 15.00 17.50
Survey Pay Rates
External Pay Equity
• Competitive market pay rates
• Pay surveys
• Consulting firms
• U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
• Trade associations.
• 1/3 to 2/3 of labor costs
• Sensitive to changes in employee life
• Cafeteria-style benefit packages.

• Poor performers can be dismissed

• Use exit interviews
• Transition for departing employees.

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