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1. Pronunce /θ/and /ð/

2. Pronunce /s/ and /z/

Pronunce /θ/and /ð/

🔊 /θ/ sound
• Beginng of the word: thank, think, thinh
In the middle of the word: something, auther, healthy
The end of the word: math, month, teeth

•We both need something for our throat.

/wi bəʊθ niːd ˈsʌmθɪŋ fər ˈaʊər θrəʊt/
I thought Kathy was an athlete.
/aɪ θɔːt ˈkæθi wəz ən ˈæθliːt/
Three thin trees and three tall trees.
/θriː θɪn triː ənd θriː tɔːl triː/
🔊 /ð/ sound

• Beginning of the word: they, that, there

In the middle of the word: brother, without, clothing
The end of the word: smooth, breathe

• I rather like this weather.

/aɪ ˈrɑː ðə(r) laɪk ðɪs ˈweðə(r)/
That mother can’t breath.
/ðæt ˈmʌðə(r) kɑ:nt breθ/
This clothing is cheaper than that clothing.
/ðɪs ˈkləʊðɪŋ iz tʃiːpə(r) ðən ðæt kləʊðɪŋ/
Pronunce /s/ and /z/
• 🔊/s/ sound

• Beginning of the word: city, street, say

In the middle of the word: describe, most, bicycle
The end of the word: develops, books, meets

• Small Stephen still smiles sweetly.

/smɔːl 'sti:vn stɪl smaɪlz 'swi:tli/
Send Sue to the store on Saturday.
/send su: tə ðə stɔːr ɔːn ˈsætərdeɪ/
The Spanish speak Spanish in Spain.
/ðə ˈspænɪʃ spi:k ˈspænɪʃ ɪn speɪn
• 🔊 /z/ sound

• Beginning of the words: Zoo, zip, zebra

In the middle of the word: Season, hauses, music
The end of the word: Noise, always, rose

• My favorite music is Jazz.

/maɪ ˈfeɪvərɪt 'mju:zɪk ɪz dʒæz/
Susan’s cousin leaves on Wednesday.
/’su:znz ˈkʌzn li:vz ɔːn ˈwenzdeɪ/
This is a lazy zebra in the zoo.
/ðɪs iz ə ˈleɪzi ˈzebrə in ðə zuː/

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