Test in Oral

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Oral Communication

in Context
Direction: Read each statement carefully, and then shade the
circle that corresponds the best answer.
R 1. The utterance of a sound, a word, or even a phrase
E as a natural unit of speech.
E a. Locutionary Speech Act c. Speech Act
M b. Illocutionary Speech Act d. Perlocutionary
2. Type of speech context that involves more than
R one person.
I a. Interpersonal c. Dyadic Communication
N b. Intrapersonal d. Public Speaking
M 3. This requires 3-15 people to study an issue, discuss a
E problem and come up with a solution or a plan.
M a. Dyadic Communication c. Small Group Communication
B b. Intrapersonal d. Mass Communication
4. It is a kind of speech that is delivered on short notice with
little or no preparation.
N a. Reading from a Manuscript c. Impromptu
G b. Memorized d. Extemporaneous
M 5. Which function of Communication refers to the
E speaker’s purpose - to encourage another person to
M change his/her opinion, attitude or behaviour?
B a. Motivation c. Information
R b. Regulation/Control d. Social Interaction
D 1. Which among the following situations portrays public
E communication?
R a. You are a student journalist articulating you stand
S on current issues through the school’s newspaper.
T b. You participate in a declaration, oratorical, or
A debate contest watched by a number of people.
N c. You provided comfort to a friend who was feeling
D down.
I d. You felt happy while thinking about how your
N teacher appreciated you for submitting your
G project
U Matching Type: Identify the intention of the speakers by matching
N the statements in Column A with those of the entries in Column B.
S 1. How do I get to Quiapo from a. giving a warning
Legarda? b. asking for direction
T c. identifying
A 2. I am telling you one last time!
d. making an
N 3. I’ll see you at seven tonight.
D 4. He was the one who did it. e. making an assurance
I 5. You’re safe with me. f. making excuses
Determine whether the following communication situations
A are:
P A. Intimate C. Consultative E. Frozen
P B. Casual D. Formal
Y 1. “Sir, can you suggest a better topic for my essay?”
2. “Honorable Vice President Leni Robredo,
distinguished guests, everyone, a pleasant
N evening …”
G 3. “Take this medicine three times a day.”
4. “Hey dude! Wazzap?”
5. “Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with thee.”
•Identify the speech styles used in Passages A - E below.
A Read and analyze each passage, examine its language and vocabulary, and
L then identify the speech style. Write your answer on the space provided.
____________A. ____________B. ____________C.____________D. ____________E.
Passage C

Z Passage A
6000 steps a day for healthy knees
(Reader's Digest, December 2014)
Passage B
25 jokes that make you sound like a genius
Obama's Inaugural Address, 20th January
My fellow citizens: I stand here today humbled by the task

(Reader's Digest, October 2014)
before us, grateful for the trust you have bestowed, mindful of the
A study published in Arthritis The smartest joke I ever heard was sacrifices borne by our ancestors. I thank President Bush for his
Care & Research looked at nearly 1800 adults

so clever, I didn't get it. It had to be service to our nation, as well as the generosity and cooperation he
who either had knee osteoarthritis or were at explained to me seven times before I sort
risk for it. For every extra 1000 steps has shown throughout this transition. Forty-four Americans have
of got it. By the eighth explanation, l'd
volunteers took each day, their risk of serious wised up enough to say, "Oh, now I get it" now taken the presidential oath. The words have been spoken during

mobility problems fell by about 17%. Six just to shut them up. Here it is: "Counting rising tides of prosperity and the still waters of peace. Yet, every so
thousand steps about an hour of walking--was in binary is as easy as 01,10,11" I'm still often the oath is taken amidst gathering clouds and raging storms. At
the minimum number that seemed to protect not sure l get it, but I tell it all the time just these moments, America has carried on not simply because of the
against any kind of disability. so I sound smart. (Here's the kind of joke | skill or vision of those in high office, but because we the People have
like: "What did 0 say to 8? Nice belt")
remained faithful to the ideals of our forebears, and true to our
founding documents. So it has been. So it must be with this
generation of Americans
Passage D Passage E
You're My Everything Lupang Hinirang
It makes me happy just being by your side. Bayang magiliw
Perlas ng silanganan
All these feelings I just can't hide.
Alab ng puso sa dibdib mo'y buhay
You'll always be in my heart. Lupang Hinirang, duyan ka ng
Can't bear the pain when we are apart. magiting
Sa manlulupig, di ka pasisil
E 1. In school, your teachers and administrators use communication to
V direct your efforts to positive channels in order to learn new skills,
A gain more knowledge, develop competencies and imbibe good
L values. → Regulation Function
a. True, because the teachers and administrators take control of the life’s
U of the student inside the school.
A b. False, because students ,themselves, will have their own control for
T their lives.
c. True, school has the authority to control students’ live inside and
I outside of the school.
N d. False, the teachers and administrators do not motivate students to
G learn new skills, gain knowledge and develop competencies.
V 2. In an organization people who hold important information
A are those in the higher rank, they commonly communicate
L with their subordinates to instruct people on what to do, when
U and where to do them and on why and how to do
A them. → Informative Function
T a. True, because the purpose of the speaker is to give information.
b. False, because the speaker’s purpose is just merely giving a command,
I thus, Regulation Control.
N c. True, because the speaker expresses himself to his/her subordinates.
G d. False, because the situation can be classified as Motivation Function.
C Creating (15pts)
E Make a concept map about
A the different communicative
strategies and explain.
Concepts and Terminology
 3 points Shows an understanding of the topic’s concepts and principles and uses appropriate terminology
and notations
 2 points Makes some mistakes in terminology or shows a few misunderstandings of concepts
 1 point Makes many mistakes in terminology and shows a lack of understanding of many concepts
 0 points Shows no understanding of the topic’s concepts and principles
Knowledge of the Relationships among Concepts
 3 points identifies all the important concepts and shows an understanding of the relationships among them
 2 points Identifies important concepts but makes some incorrect connections
 1 point makes many incorrect connections
 0 points Fails to use any appropriate concepts or appropriate connections
Ability to Communicate through Concept Maps
 3 points Constructs an appropriate and complete concept map and includes examples; places concepts in
an appropriate hierarchy and places linking words on all connections; produces a concept map that is easy
to interpret
 2 points Places almost all concepts in an appropriate hierarchy and assigns linking words to most
connections; produces a concept map that is easy to interpret
 1 point Places only a few concepts in an appropriate hierarchy or uses only a few linking words; produces a
concept map that is difficult to interpret
 0 points Produces a final product that is not a concept map
N 2. Which among the following situations portrays a
A public communication?
L a. You are a student journalist articulating you stand
Y on current issues through the school’s newspaper.
b. You participate in a declaration, oratorical, or
Z debate contest watched by a number of people.
I c. You provided comfort to a friend who was feeling
N down.
G d. You felt happy while thinking about how your
teacher appreciated you for submitting your
A 3. For most stock investors and traders, August is a ghost month, when

N almost all stock prices drip and losses are faced. Mr. Voldemort, a leading
financial consultant conducts a conference with stock investors and
A traders and introduces a strategy on how to manage stock fluctuations
L effectively.
Y a. Informative Function c. Regulation/Control Function
b. Motivation Function d. Emotional Expression Function
I 4. After the success of the company. The company CEO, in a
N speech, acknowledges the hard work and dedication of all the people
behind the company’s success.
G a. Informative Function c. Regulation/Control Function
b. Motivation Function d. Emotional Expression Function

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