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AASV 051316

We’ll begin with a BOX, and the plural is BOXES;

But the plural of OX should be OXEN, not OXES;

Then one fowl is GOOSE, but two are called

Yet the plural of MOOSE should never be
You may find a lone MOUSE, or a whole lot of
But the plural of HOUSE is HOUSES, not HICE

If the plural of MAN is always called MEN,

Why shouldn’t the plural of PAN be called PEN?
The COW in the plural may be COWS or
But the plural of VOW is VOWS, not VINE.

And I speak of a FOOT, and you show me

your FEET,
But I give you a BOOT- would a pair be
called BEET?
If one is TOOTH, and the whole set is TEETH,
Why shouldn’t the plural of BOOTH be called

If the singular is THIS, and the plural is THESE,

Should the plural of KISS be nicknamed KESE?
Then one may be THAT, and three may be
Yet the plural of HAT would never be HOSE;

We speak of a BROTHER, and also of

But though we say MOTHER, we never say
The masculine pronouns are HE, HIS, and HIM.
But imagine the feminine SHE, SHIS, and SHIM!

So our English, I think you will all agree,

Is the trickiest language you ever did see
1. Which of the following sentence/s is /are incorrect?
A. The safety of students while on a school field trip
is something for which teachers are responsible for.
B. The safety of students while on a school field trip
is something for which teachers are responsible.
C. The safety of students while on a school field trip
is something which teachers are responsible for.
D. Sentences B and C
1. Which of the following sentence/s is /are incorrect?
A. The safety of students while on a school field
trip is something for which teachers are
responsible for.
B. The safety of students while on a school field trip
is something for which teachers are responsible.
C. The safety of students while on a school field trip
is something which teachers are responsible for.
D. Sentences B and C
Never double the preposition. Put
prepositions or articles where they are more
“natural”, following spoken usage (Malicsi,
2010. p.232.)
2. Which of the following sentences is incorrect?
A. The infamous attack on the World Trade Center
happened on September 11, 2001.
B. The infamous attack on the World Trade Center
happened on 11 September 2001.
C. The infamous attack on the World Trade Center
happened on the 11th of September, 2001.
D. The infamous attack on the World Trade Center
happened on 11 September, 2011.
2. Which of the following sentences is incorrect?
A. The infamous attack on the World Trade Center
happened on September 11, 2001.
B. The infamous attack on the World Trade Center
happened on 11 September 2001.
C. The infamous attack on the World Trade Center
happened on the 11th of September, 2001.
D. The infamous attack on the World Trade
Center happened on 11 September, 2011.
Dates in text may take three forms. All
three are correct except D. A comma
should not be used after the month.
3. Noun phrases joined by and are plural. This
rule does not apply when and is followed by not.
Which of the following statement is CORRECT?
A. Love and not hate makes the world go round.
B. Love and not hate make the world go round.
C. People and not policy is the focus of his
D. Policy and not people are the focus of his
3. Noun phrases joined by and are plural. This
rule does not apply when and is followed by not.
Which of the following statement is CORRECT?
A. Love and not hate makes the world go
B. Love and not hate make the world go round.
C. People and not policy is the focus of his
D. Policy and not people are the focus of his
The noun phrase that follows the negative
morpheme does not figure in the
arrangement rule; the verb agrees with the
first noun phrase.
4. Which of the following quantifiers modify
plural nouns?
A. many C. every
B. each D. many a
4. Which of the following quantifiers modify
plural nouns?
A. many C. every
B. each D. many a
The quantifiers every, each and many a
modify singular nouns.
5. Which of the following is an example of a
sentence fragment?
A. They fought
B. A family just moved in
C. They and the girl’s uncle
D. Quit it
Sentence fragment – a phrase or clause
written as a sentence but lacking an element,
as a subject or verb, that would enable it to
function as an independent sentence in
normative written English
5. Which of the following is an example of a
sentence fragment?
A. They fought
B. A family just moved in
C. They and the girl’s uncle
D. Quit it
6. Which of the following is the correct definition of
a “phrase”?
A. A sequence of words that can function as a
sentence constituent.
B. A sequence of words that contains only a
subject and no predicate.
C. A sequence of words that contains only a
predicate and no subject.
D. A sequence of words that contains a subject
and predicate.
6. Which of the following is the correct definition of
a “phrase”?
A. A sequence of words that can function as
a sentence constituent.
B. A sequence of words that contains only a
subject and no predicate.
C. A sequence of words that contains only a
predicate and no subject.
D. A sequence of words that contains a subject
and predicate.
7. Which of the following CANNOT function
as intensive verbs?
A. make C. turn
B. seem D. remain
Intensive words - usually followed by a noun
or a noun phrase, an adjective or a
prepositional phrase. Intensive means to
focus on one thing; in this case, the subject.
7. Which of the following CANNOT function
as intensive verbs?
A. make C. turn
B. seem D. remain
8 What is the function of the underlined word in
the following sentence: “Jake dreads wild animals
in the zoo.”?
A. obligatory complement
B. optional modifier
C. indirect object
D. optional complement
8 What is the function of the underlined word in
the following sentence: “Jake dreads wild animals
in the zoo.”?
A. obligatory complement
B. optional modifier
C. indirect object
D. optional complement
It may be deleted without affecting the
grammaticality of the sentence.
9. Which of the following statements best qualifies
as a “complex” sentence?
A. Don’t make any comment unless you are fully
aware of the issue.
B. I didn’t start this dispute and I don’t want to
have anything to do with it.
C. You can wallow in your miseries or you can
start over and move on.
D. Jen likes her new house, but she doesn’t like
the front yard.
9. Which of the following statements best qualifies
as a “complex” sentence?
A. Don’t make any comment unless you are fully
aware of the issue.
B. I didn’t start this dispute and I don’t want to
have anything to do with it.
C. You can wallow in your miseries or you can
start over and move on.
D. Jen likes her new house, but she doesn’t
like the front yard.
10. Which of the following types of words
does NOT fit into category of determiners?
A. articles C. prepositions
B. possessives D. demonstratives
10. Which of the following types of words
does NOT fit into category of determiners?
A. articles C. prepositions
B. possessives D. demonstratives
Options A, B and D are special class of
words that limit the nouns that follow them.
Prepositions connect words to other parts of
the sentence and have a close relationship
with the word that follows.
11. The following are basic simple sentence
patterns in English EXCEPT _____________.
A. subject + verb
B. subject + verb + object
C. subject + verb + indirect object + direct object
D. subject + object + verb
11. The following are basic simple sentence
patterns in English EXCEPT _____________.
A. subject + verb
B. subject + verb + object
C. subject + verb + indirect object + direct object
D. subject + object + verb
12. Humble winners don’t GLOAT about the
prize. What does gloat mean?
A. Scoff C. Deride
B. Brag D. Belittle
Scoff - to ridicule
Brag - boast
Deride - to mock, ridicule
Belittle - demean
12. Humble winners don’t GLOAT
about the prize. What does gloat
a. Scoff c. Deride
b. Brag d. Belittle
13. Successful sales persons ___________
and understand the needs of the market.
a. know their products thoroughly
b. thoroughly know their products
c. their products are known thoroughly
d. products are thoroughly known
13. Successful sales persons ___________
and understand the needs of the market.
a. know their products thoroughly
b. thoroughly know their products
c. their products are known thoroughly
d. products are thoroughly known
14. Those mischievous children _________
tricks of their teachers which always got
them into a lot of trouble.
a. used to play c. could play
b. may have played d. could have
Used + to
■ Adjective – accustomed, adjusted
(I can study with the TV on. I am used to it.)
■ Verb – something that happened but
doesn’t happen anymore
main verb + ed (to show past tense)
(I used to play toy cars.)
14. Those mischievous children _________
tricks of their teachers which always got
them into a lot of trouble.
a. used to play c. could play
b. may have played d. could have
15. When we told Sheila that her boyfriend
Ronnie accompanied Kristine to a fancy
restaurant last night, Sheila told us to mind
our own bussiness. What is the error?
A. accompanied C. bussiness
B. restaurant D. No error
15. When we told Sheila that her boyfriend
Ronnie accompanied Kristine to a fancy
restaurant last night, Sheila told us to mind
our own bussiness. What is the error?
A. accompanied C. bussiness
B. restaurant D. No error
16. To please his wife, Robert swept off
the roof, even though he found this
chore pointless and unnecessary.
A. unnecessary C. even though
B. swept off D. No error
16. To please his wife, Robert swept off the
roof, even though he found this chore
pointless and unnecessary.
A. unnecessary C. even though
B. swept off D. No error
17. Lack of appetite and less sleep
gave her a __________ appearance.
a. lazy c. easy-going
b. lanky d. hazard
Lazy – indolent
Lanky – tall and thin
Easy-going – relaxed
Hazard – threat
17. Lack of appetite and less sleep
gave her a __________ appearance.
a. lazy c. easy-going
b. lanky d. hazard
18. Movie directors use music to
___________ action on the screen.
a. complement c. compliment
b. contemplate d. correct
Complement – match, pair
Contemplate – think of
Compliment – praise
Correct – truthful
18. Movie directors use music to
___________ action on the screen.
a. complement c. compliment
b. contemplate d. correct
19. The _______ of global warming
and rising sea levels worsened through
the years.
A. phenomenon
B. phenomenas
C. phenomena
D. phenomenons
– Everyone is familiar with the global warming
phenomenon. However, rising sea levels is
also a phenomenon.
– Since the two are combined, we need to
look for the plural form of phenomenon
which is PHENOMENA.
– There is no such word as phenomenons or
19. The _______ of global warming
and rising sea levels worsened through
the years.
A. phenomenon
B. phenomenas
C. phenomena
D. phenomenons
20. Which of the following sentence is in
present perfect tense?
A. The relief goods have arrived.
B. Reports had been submitted before the
news spread.
C. Heavy rain fall had dropped before the
officials decided to release water from dams.
D. By 2020, architects will have constructed
3-storey houses to ensure safety from floods.
■ The present perfect tense is most often
used for the following:
- For past events with a connection to
the present
- With words of unfinished time

[has/have + past participle]

For past events with a connection to the
■ I have lost my dictionary. (I don't have my
dictionary now; can you help me find it?)
The present perfect tense is used with words
or expressions of unfinished time.
Unfinished time started in the past and
continues into the present.
■ I've played tennis 3 times already this week
and it's only Thursday!
20. Which of the following sentence is in
present perfect tense?
a. The relief goods have arrived.
b. Reports had been submitted before the
news spread.
c. Heavy rain fall had dropped before the
officials decided to release water from dams.
d. By 2020, architects will have constructed 3-
storey houses to ensure safety from floods.
21. The sentence below is wrong because
Half of the applicants passed the exam the
other half of them flunked the test.
a. It is a run-on sentence.
b. It shows faulty parallelism.
c. It is a faulty coordination.
d. It has a dangling modifier.
Run-on sentence – (fused sentence) has
at least two parts, either one of which can
stand by itself (in other words, two
independent clauses), but the two parts
have been smooshed together instead of
being properly connected.
■ The sun is high, put on some sunblock.
Faulty parallelism - a construction in
which two or more parts of a sentence are
equivalent in meaning but not parallel (or
grammatically similar) in form.
■ Annie likes to rap, nap, and eating
Faulty coordination occurs when
structures that do not match in form are
treated as if they did match in form.
■ Buying a new car, because thefts are
frequent, and your age may make your
insurance expensive.
Dangling modifier - is a modifier that has nothing to
modify. Remember, modifiers describe a word or make
its meaning more specific. A dangling modifier is an
error caused by failing to use the word that the
modifier is meant to be describing.
Having read your letter, my cat will stay indoors until
the ducklings fly off.
In this example, the missing word is we. A correct
version would be:
Having read your letter, we will keep our cat indoors
until the ducklings fly off.
(In this example, the modifier Having read your letter is
modifying we as it should.)
21. The sentence below is wrong
Half of the applicants passed the exam
the other half of them flunked the test.
a. It is a run-on sentence.
b. It shows faulty parallelism.
c. It is a faulty coordination.
d. It has a dangling modifier.
22. Either Ryan or his brothers will give
_________ help to complete strangers.
a. his c. theirs
b. their d. himself
1.Either / or - used in a sentence in the
affirmative sense when referring to a choice
between two possibilities
Either the father or the mother has to attend
the meeting. (father and mother are singular; so
the verb has is singular too)
2. However, if one of the elements is plural, then
use a plural verb.
■ Either Sue or the girls are going to prepare
dinner tonight. (the girls is plural; so the
verb are is plural too)
22. Either Ryan or his brothers will give
_________ help to complete strangers.
a. his c. theirs
b. their d. himself
23. The Communist Party of the
Philippines was established
____ 1969.
A. in
B. on
C. at
D. about
As far as the preposition is concerned, a
preposition before a year is IN; the same
rule as in month, or the combination of
year and month.
(in 2012; in June; in May 2010)
The Preposition ON is used before a
complete date as in
Rizal was born
on June 19, 1861.
The preposition AT is used in reference
to the street, the building, the institution
such as LET Review is going on at the
Philippine Normal University.
She lives at Escobar Street.
ABOUT is used when the speaker is
not sure of the exact date:
There was an economic boom in the
Philippines about the end of the 19th
23. The Communist Party of the
Philippines was established
____ 1969.
A. in
B. on
C. at
D. about
24. “Is there a significant difference ____
the pretest and the posttest mean scores?”
A. between C. with
B. among D. over
BETWEEN is used when
comparing/contrasting two things;
AMONG is used when
comparing/contrasting three or more
WITH is used after some verbs, nouns,
and adjectives in order to introduce extra
information. With is also used in most
reciprocal verbs, such as ‘agree’ (with),
‘fight’ (with).
OVER is used after some verbs,
nouns, and adjectives in order to
introduce extra information. Over is
also used in phrasal verbs such as
‘hand over’ and ‘glaze over’.
24. “Is there a significant difference ____
the pretest and the posttest mean scores?”
A. between C. with
B. among D. over
25. I look forward ____________ you after
five years.
A. on seeing you
B. over seeing you
C. at seeing you
D. to seeing you
I look forward to + seeing (gerund)
In this case TO should not be followed
by the present form of the verb as in
the case of INFINITIVE.
GERUND: is a noun formed from a
verb which refers to an action, process,
or state. In English, gerunds end in
‘-ing’, for example
‘see+ing’ = seeing.
INFINITIVE is often used with ‘to’ in
front of a verb as in
‘to do; to see; to take’
25. I look forward ____________ you after
five years.
A. on seeing you
B. over seeing you
C. at seeing you
D. to seeing you
26. It is a clause that can stand alone as a
complete sentence.
A. main clause
B. subordinate clause
C. Santa Clause
D. relative clause
Subordinate Clause – is a clause in a
sentence which adds to or completes the
information given in the main clause. It
cannot usually stand alone as a sentence.
Santa Clause – is obviously not the
correct answer
Relative Clause – is a subordinate
clause which specifies or gives
information about a person or thing.
Relative clauses come after a noun or
pronoun and often begin with a relative
pronoun such as ‘who’, ‘which’, or ‘that’.
26. It is a clause that can stand alone as a
complete sentence.
A. Main Clause
B. Subordinate Clause
C. Santa Clause
D. Relative Clause
27. I shampoo my _____ more often.
A. heir C. hairs
B. hair D. higher
HAIR (collective) Shampoo your hair more
I pulled two white hairs (individual) from my
mother’s head.
27. I shampoo my _____ more often.
A. heir C. hairs
B. hair D. higher
28. The 21st century ______ bags are now
filled with computer stuff.
A. student’s C. students’s
B. students’ D. students
Animate owners:
Singular nouns NOT ending in s-
The boy’s book, Lulu’s
Singular nouns ending in s or z-
Robles’ house/ Luz’ books
Luz’s books (used in other countries)
28. The 21st century ______ bags are now
filled with computer stuff.
A. student’s
B. students’
C. students’s
D. students
29. It describes an action which relates to
another person or thing and therefore needs
a reference to the other person or thing to
be complete.
A. Transitive Verb C. Stative Verb
B. Intransitive Verb D. Action Verb
Transitive: Lita bought flowers
Intransitive: Ditas slept.
Intransitive describes an action that does
not always need a reference to another
person or thing to be complete.
Action Verbs vs. Stative Verbs
Action verbs show action;
stative verbs show feelings, conditions or
He is smelling the roses.
The roses smell good.
29. It describes an action which relates to
another person or thing and therefore needs
a reference to the other person or thing to be
A. Transitive Verb C. Stative Verb
B. Intransitive Verb D. Action Verb
30. Which verb is in the present
progressive form?
A. play C. has played
B. will play D. is playing
Simple Tenses:
play, plays
will play
Present Progressive:
am playing
is playing
are playing
Future Progressive:
will be playing
Emphatic Tenses:
Present emphatic:
do play
does play

Past emphatic:
did play
(There’s no Future emphatic)
30. Which verb is in the present
progressive form?
A. play C. has played
B. will play D. is playing
31.“I have stood here for an hour” is
an example of
A. Present Perfect Tense
B. Past Perfect Tense
C. Future Perfect Tense
D. Progressive Tense
Present Perfect: I have stood here
for an hour.
Past Perfect: By the time we reached
home, he had already written three
Future Perfect: By the time you come
tomorrow, I will have finished this
31.“I have stood here for an hour” is
an example of
A. Present Perfect Tense
B. Past Perfect Tense
C. Future Perfect Tense
D. Progressive Tense
32. “I turned up the volume so I could hear it
better.” The underlined word is what type of
A. coordinating C. conditional
B. subordinating D. concession
Coordinating Conjunction = link words,
group of words and clauses that are
Ex. I bought a book and a pen.
Subordinating Conjunction = one idea or
clause is used to explain or add
information to a main idea or clause.
Ex. I turned up the volume so I could hear
it better.
Conditional Conjunction = if, unless,
provided that
Ex. You can come with us provided that
you take care of yourself.
Concession = though, although,
even if
Ex. Rosy helped me although she
didn’t need to.
32. “I turned up the volume so I could hear it
better.” The underlined word is what type of
A. coordinating
B. subordinating
C. Conditional
D. Concession
33. ________ the results, she will
join the contest.
A. Based on
B. Based from
C. According to
D. After
Based on (not from)
Based on the results, she will join the
‘According to’ is not logical answer.
‘After’ is awkward to be used.
33. ________ the results, she will join
the contest.
A. Based on
B. Based from
C. According to
D. After
34. Kleptocracy means
A. government of givers
B. government of concerned officials
C. government of thieves
D. government of cunning officials
government of thieves
Kleptes = thief;
cracy = rule
34. Kleptocracy means
A. government of givers
B. government of concerned officials
C. government of thieves
D. government of cunning officials
35. cold : hot :: magnificent :
A. grandiose
B. breathtaking
C. amazing
D. chaotic
magnificent : grandiose
breathtaking = emphasizing that it is
extremely beautiful
amazing = makes you wonder
grandiose = more elaborate than necessary
magnificent = extremely impressive
35. cold : hot :: magnificent :
A. grandiose
B. breathtaking
C. amazing
D. chaotic
36. The teacher’s pride was hurt when he
discovered that half of his class _______
the exam.
A. enjoyed C. reassessed
B. flunked D. interpreted
The phrase pride was hurt gives the drift,
trend or direction of the sentence so
among the choices, so the correct answer
can be easily chosen.
36. The teacher’s pride was hurt when he
discovered that half of his class _______
the exam.
A. enjoyed
B. flunked
C. reassessed
D. interpreted
37. Usually, the questions following the
paragraph or paragraphs in a reading
comprehension ask for the ___________.
A. main point of the passage
B. author’s main purpose
C. main idea
D. All of the above
37. Usually, the questions following the
paragraph or paragraphs in a reading
comprehension ask for the ____.
A. main point of the passage
B. author’s main purpose
C. main idea
D. All of the above
38. Customs are strickly followed by the old
as well as the young. The error is
A. Customs C. the old
B. strickly D. the young
38. Customs are strickly followed by the old
as well as the young. The error is
A. Customs C. the old
B. strickly D. the young

The correct spelling is strictly.

39. People wear simple clothes and
jewelries even at parties.
The error is
A. wear C. jewelries
B. clothes D. parties
39. People wear simple clothes and
jewelries even at parties.
The error is
A. wear C. jewelries
B. clothes D. parties

Jewelry has no plural form.

40. Politics are the main reason for this
neglect. The error is
A. Politics C. main reason
B. are D. neglect
40. Politics are the main reason for this
neglect. The error is
A. Politics C. main reason
B. are D. neglect

Politics is singular.
41. The __________ woman will receive
P100,000.00 as she celebrates her
birthday tomorrow.
A. one hundred years old
B. one-hundred-year old
C. one-hundred year old
D. one-hundred years old
– The woman is one hundred years old. But in
this case, the noun ‘woman’ comes before the
adjective one hundred years old.
– In case the adjective ‘one hundred years old’
comes before the noun ‘woman’, the ‘one-
hundred-year old’ must be hyphenated and the
“s” in years is removed.
– Thus, the correct sentence is:
The one-hundred-year old
woman will receive P100,000.00
as she celebrates her birthday
41. The __________ woman will receive
P100,000.00 as she celebrates her
birthday tomorrow.
A. one hundred years old
B. one-hundred-year old
C. one-hundred year old
D. one-hundred years old
42. My sister and best friend have
written the choir repertoire. The error is
A. My sister
B. and best friend
C. have
D. repertoire
42. My sister and best friend have written the
choir repertoire. The error is
A. My sister
B. and best friend
C. have
D. repertoire
sister and best friend = only one person, so it
must be ‘has’.
43. About four fifths of the cake is left for the
birds to feed on. The error is
A. four fifths
B. of the cake
C. is left
D. no error
43. About four fifths of the cake is left for
the birds to feed on. The error is
A. four fifths
B. of the cake
C. is left
D. no error
In case of fractional part, the verb agrees
on the number of the noun (cake).
44. The reason for their mistakes were
analyzed in class. The error is
A. The reason
B. their mistakes
C. were
D. No error
44. The reason for their mistakes were
analyzed in class. The error is
A. The reason C. were
B. their mistakes D. No error

The subject is ‘reason’ not ‘mistakes’ so

the verb must be ‘was’.
45. Many a young man wants to met my
sister. The error is
A. Many a
B. young man
C. wants
D. to met
45. Many a young man wants to met my
sister. The error is
A. Many a
B. young man
C. wants
D. to met
The phrase ‘many a’ requires singular verb.
The correct infinitive is ‘to meet’ .
46. Do you trust Carl more than ____?
A. I C. myself
B. me D. mine
46. Do you trust Carl more than ____?
A. I C. myself
B. me D. mine
If you remove ‘Carl more than’, it will be
“Do you trust me?”
47. ________ are joining the quiz show.
A. Noel and I
B. Noel and me
C. I and Noel
D. Noel and myself
47. ________ are joining the quiz show.
A. Noel and I
B. Noel and me
C. I and Noel
D. Noel and myself
Mention the other person first before saying
“I” if used as subject.
48. Suddenly he remembered that he
______ to meet Mother at three.
A. had promised C. promised
B. has promised D. promises
48. Suddenly he remembered that he
______ to meet Mother at three.
A. had promised
B. has promised
C. promised
D. promises
Since there are two actions performed by the
subject, the first action must be a perfect
tense. Past Perfect Tense
49. When asked how long he has been a
resident of this town, he answered, “I am
living in this town for ten years.” The error is
A. I am
B. living
C. in this town
D. for ten years
49. When asked how long he has been a
resident of this town, he answered, “I am
living in this town for ten years.” The error is
A. I am C. in this town
B. living D. for ten years
Present perfect tense should have been used
as “I have been” because of the phrase ‘for
ten years’.
50. Did you enjoy in the party? The
error is
A. Did C. enjoy
B. you D. in
50. Did you enjoy in the party? The error is
A. Did
B. you
C. enjoy
D. in
Just say, ‘Did you enjoy the party?’
51. Ferdinand picked ______________
apples yesterday.
A. red, big, fresh, six dozen
B. big, red, fresh, six dozen
C. fresh, six dozen, big, red
D. six-dozen, big, fresh, red
Analysis: The correct succession of
adjectives is:
Ferdinand picked six-dozen, big, fresh,
red apples.
51. Ferdinand picked ______________
apples yesterday.
A. red, big, fresh, six dozen
B. big, red, fresh, six dozen
C. fresh, six dozen, big, red
D. six-dozen, big, fresh, red
52. Identify the error:
Everybody are requested to
1 2 3
take their laptops during the

workshop next week.

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
Although it is true that ‘everybody’ is always
followed by the singular form of the verb, in
this case, the context gives a clue that the
error is ‘Everybody’ because of the word ‘their’
which conforms to ‘are’ which are both plural.
‘Everybody’ must be changed to ‘All’. The
answer is A. 1
53. It was his daughter, not his sons,
who _____ subjected to interrogation.
A. was C. were
B. is D. are
The subject is the daughter (singular). The
two possible answers are A.(was) and
Because of the words ‘It was’, we have the
idea that it happened in the past. The
answer, then, is
A. was.
53. It was his daughter, not his sons,
who _____ subjected to interrogation.
A. was
B. is
C. were
D. are
54. The indirect object in the sentence:
is _____.
A. her C. card
B. Rome D. Vince

Vince sent her a beautiful card from Rome.


Vince = Subject
sent = Verb
her = Indirect Object
card = Object (Direct Object)
54. The indirect object in the sentence:
is _____.
A. her C. card
B. Rome D. Vince
55. ‘She don’t know’ is an example of ____
error since so many learners forget to make
the auxiliary verb agree with the subject.
A. a global error
B. a local error
C. a mistake
D. an intralingual error
A. a global error = It is not a global error because
generally, professionals do not commit it.

B. a local error = It is really a local error since

listeners just imitate the speakers and commit the
same mistake.
C. a mistake = It is really a mistake but it is not
individual as the same error is committed in a
D. an intralingual error = No, it has nothing to do
with races as Chinese pronounce ‘r’ with ‘l’ and the
Japanese pronounce ‘l’ with ‘r’.
56. The teacher, together with his students,
______ to visit Intramuros tomorrow.

A. decides
B. decide
C. decided
D. deciding
THE TEACHER is the subject of the
When there is a phrase beginning with
TOGETHER WITH, the verb agrees on the
number of the subject AND not on the nearer
person/s nor both.
56. The teacher, together with his students,
______ to visit Intramuros tomorrow.

A. decides
B. decide
C. decided
D. deciding
57. The President and Secretary ____ to
call a meeting the other day.
A. plan
B. plans
C. planning
D. are planning
Which is the subject of the sentence?
What is the number of the subject, SINGULAR or
What is missing if the intention is to use two
THE President and THE Secretary PLAN to call
a meeting the other day.
The President and Secretary plans to call a
meeting the other day.
57. The President and Secretary ____ to
call a meeting the other day.
A. plan
B. plans
C. planning
D. are planning
58. One of the ______ of the Philippines
during the Martial Law Era was the desire
of the then President to perpetuate in
A. problem
B. problems
C. problematic
D. many problem
When the phrase ‘one of the…’ is used, it
needs a plural noun because the purpose
of the writer or speaker is to focus on only
ONE out of the many.
‘One of the…’ phrase needs a singular
58. One of the ______ of the Philippines
during the Martial Law Era was the desire
of the then President to perpetuate in
A. problem
B. problems
C. problematic
D. many problem
59. Either the 3 dogs, 5 cats, or
that cow ___ going to be returned
to the farm.

A. are C. has
B. is D. will
regardless of the number of animals
enumerated here, the verb always agrees
with the number of the last subject of the
series in case it is a part of the “Either…or”

Either the 3 dogs, 5 cats, or that cow IS

going to be returned to the farm.
60. Which is the correct complimentary
A. Truly Yours,
B. Truly Your,
C. Truly your,
D. Truly yours,
In the items that follow, choose the option
that corrects an error in the underlined
portion(s). If no error exists, choose “No
change is necessary.”
61. Patrick tried to make Babushka’s potatoe
pancakes, but we found them inedible; everyone
wished he had made simple French fries instead.
A. potato C. frys
B. inedible D. No change is necessary.
61. Patrick tried to make Babushka’s potatoe
pancakes, but we found them inedible; everyone
wished he had made simple French fries instead.
A. potato C. frys
B. inedible D. No change is necessary.
62. Although Raymond will eat a grasshopper, he
refuses all green vegetables; such as peas,
spinach, and even cucumbers.
A. Although, Raymond
B. grasshopper he
C. vegetables, such
D. No change is necessary.
• Use the semicolon [ ; ] to connect two main
Do not use the semicolon to introduce a list.
The comma with a transition like such as or
including, or the colon [ : ] does that job.
62. Although Raymond will eat a grasshopper, he
refuses all green vegetables; such as peas,
spinach, and even cucumbers.
A. Although, Raymond
B. grasshopper he
C. vegetables, such
D. No change is necessary.

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